Read the Movie

Teen Issues
What's Your Problem? (Non-Fiction)
A Brother's Journey by Richard B. Pelzer (abuse)
A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer (abuse)
Always Running: La Vida Loca: Gang Days in LA by Luis
Rodriguez (gangs)
Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul (Series) by Jack
Canfield (inspirational)
GLBTQ*: The Survival Guide for Queer & Questioning
Teens by Kelly Huegel (sexuality)
Help Yourself for Teens by Dave Pelzer (self-help)
Jay's Journal: Anonymous. (drugs, occult, suicide)
Life in Prison by Stanley "Tookie" Williams (gangs)
Makes Me Wanna Holler by Nathan McCall (gangs)
Monster: The Autobiography of an L. A. Gang Member
by Sanyika Shakur aka Monster Kody Scott (gangs)
Pedro and Me: Friendship, Loss, and What I Learned by
Judd Winick (AIDS)
Pregnant! What Can I Do? A Guide for Teenagers by
Tania Heller, M.D. (pregnancy)
Private and Personal: Questions and Answers for Girls
Only by Carol Weston (physical problems, relationships)
SuicideWise: Taking Steps Against Teen Suicide by Nicole
B. Sperekas (suicide)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens: the ultimate
teenage success guide by Sean Covey (friendship,
peer pressure)
The Date Rape Prevention Book: the essential guide for
girls and women by Scott Lindquist (date rape)
The Teenage Guy's Survival Guide: the real deal on girls,
growing up, and other guy stuff by Jeremy Daldry
(sexuality, depression, dating)
The Whole Truth about Contraception: A Guide to Safe
and Effective Choices by Beverly Winikoff, MD
Two Badges: The Lives of Mona Ruiz by Mona Ruiz
Understanding Guys: A Guide for Teenage Girls by
Michael Gurian (relationships)
Understanding Recovery from Eating Disorders by Toni L.
Rocha (eating disorders)
Who Moved My Cheese? For Teens: An a-mazing way to
change -- and win! by Spencer Johnson (motivational)
(To make a bookmark, fold paper in half lengthwise)
Artwork by Julianne Wolf
Fall 2006