G-Dog and the Homeboys Group Presentations on Your Turn to Lead!

Group Presentations on G-Dog and the Homeboys
Your Turn to Lead!
For this project, your group will explore an issue related to street gangs that is discussed in
Fremon’s book, and help the class think critically about it: What is true, and what is myth or
stereotype? What makes the issue complex or difficult to address? Was the issue bigger in LA in
the 1990’s? Is the issue still present in U.S. cities today?
On your group’s assigned day, you will lead the class for 25-30 minutes. Part of this should be
your presentation, and part of it should be you leading discussion around your issue.
Each member of the group contributes and speaks.
You bring out key quotes from the book to read closely with the class.
You share your research with us, citing your sources, and explaining well.
You use visuals and/or audio (e.g. song/film clip/PP) to stimulate our thinking
You create an MLA-style Works Cited List for all of the sources you used.
You prepare questions for the class, engage us, get our attention and keep it!
Presentation/Discussion Topics
Group 1: gangs and abusive or unstable families
Group 2: gangs and drugs
Group 3: gangs and jail/ prisons
Group 4: gangs and schools
Group 5: police interaction with gangs
Group 6: community interventions/resources for inner-city youth
**Note on Grading** On the class of, or following, your presentation, each of you should turn
in a short write-up on what you specifically contributed. If it looks like the group members
each contributed equally, I will assign one grade for all. If it looks like some did more than
others, I’ll assign separate grades.