Life with a robot dog

Life with a robot dog, BBC NEWS, 11 September, 2001
Reading test
1- Read the text HERE (press “Ctrl” and click on the link below to open a new window)
2- Find 6 pieces of information on the physical appearance of the robot dog
Roughly the size of a large puppy
Aibo is sleek
Aibo has a great flexibility
His movements recognisably canine
He has a camera into him.
Aibo is polished
3- Pick out one sentence revealing the writer’s opinion about the robot dog’s physical
This robot seamlessly became a him, not an it. He made me want to play with him.
4- Pick out 3 words or expressions referring to the movements that the robot dog can
1. His flexibility seems to surpass gymnasts.
2. Watching him stretch, prance around a room.
3. Chase a ball is entrancing.
5- The robot’s skills: find 3 skills by quoting from the text
1. Flexibility.
2. Chase a ball.
3. His movements are recognisably canine.
6- Quote from the text to complete the sentences
a) Contrary to real dogs, with this robot dog, it is not necessary to that you have to clean up
after him, walk or take care of him, I didn't want to deal with a mewing puppy.
b) Unlike a real dog, this robot can’t make connections grew between them, and the author
grew increasingly frustrated with his inability to develop a mutual relationship with Aibo.
7- Circle “true” or “false” and justify by quoting from the text
The writer’s final opinion is that...
a) The robot is satisfatory
Justify: The author think that when he tried to develop a relationship with him, he felt let
down. He stopped referring to him solely as a its , and started referring to him as the robot.
This deflation felt even more acute because he had so successfully generated emotional
cues and responses with the author.
b) Because he’s a good pet
Justify : The robot had seemingly promised him a canine relationship, and then failed to
8- What do the following words mean ? circle the correct answer
a) Features: characteristics / examples/ ideas.
b) Behaviour: food / attitude / love
c) Stroke: hit / hurt / caressed
d) Increasingly: more and more / less and less / really
e) Solely : necessarily / only / really
9- Pick out 4 words or expressions which express ability – capacity.
Rephrase each sentence using a synonym expression to express ability.
1. His flexibility seems surpass gymnasts
2. Respond to a specific name.
3. He becomes a puppy, complete with crying and demanding behaviour.
4. Aibo inspired a strong emotional response in some people.