GRIFFIN HOOD Height: 6’2” Weight: 175 Hair: Lt. Brown Open Range Management Tel#225-216-2424 eFax#952-216-2421 Eyes: Green Suit: 42L Shoe: 12 Film Journey to Promethea I Ran Against Us LumberJacque You’re Too Boys of Summerville Mr. Extion The Last Days Hide and Creep Soldier #3 Lead Lead Supporting Supporting Lead Supporting Feature Dir: Dan Garcia Sequential Pictures BearHood Productions Snakebit Productions Lycan Entertainment Coming Soon Productions, Inc Cahaba Moon Producitons Crewless Productions Drew(lead) Fox Television Bruce Niles Tom Visitor Baxter University of Montevallo University of Montevallo Coming Soon Productions, Inc Comedy Club Stardome Television Singledom (Pilot) Commercial List available upon Request Theatre The Normal Heart For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls The Devil’s Disdain Nightmare H.S. Reunion Training / Education Graduated with a B.A. in Theatre, University of Montevallo, May 2006 Acting for Camera Tommy Canary Actor’s Outlet Film Actors Lab Jeff Ricketts Sidewalk Film Institute Special Skills Juggle Football Improvisation Cyclist Southern Dialect Tennis Ping Pong Burp on request Baseball Swim Hand gun trained Blow spit bubbles