ENGLISH 11 AMERICAN LITERATURE PALO VERDE HIGH SCHOOL MRS. LYNN FELIX / Ms. Senait Tesfai The summer assignment is due by the end of the second week of school. If you turn in the summer assignment on the first day you will receive 100 extra credit points towards your grade. If you do not turn in the summer assignment it will drastically affect your first semester grade. Students who are newly enrolled into the district will have two weeks from the beginning of school to get the assignment turned in to receive credit. *PLAGIARISM IS UNACCEPTABLE. IF YOU ARE CAUGHT PLAGERIZING, YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY WILL BE PUNISHED ACCORDING TO THE DISTRICT POLICY. REQUIRED BOOK: The Sun Also Rises, By Ernest Hemingway. Check out a copy of the book from the library. New or used copies can be purchased on line for your own personal use. (ISBN 0743297334). Please make sure you have the novel The Sun Also Rises in your possession on the first day of class. 1. Prepare a three column dialectical journal over The Sun Also Rises. For the 3-column journal, your quotations should be divided into the following categories: Setting (10 quotes) Characterization (10 quotes) Conflict (10 quotes) Theme (10 quotes) Please note that you should have a total of 40 entries in your dialectical journal. Each entry should contain analysis (not summary) of the quoted passage. The depth of analysis will be evaluated as part of the student’s grade. The example below has been included to illustrate both format and depth of commentary. All work should be typed in Times New Roman,12 Font single spaced. The research portion of the assignment (#2) should be double spaced. Dialectical Journal (Example entry) Quote “Turning me around by one arm he moved a broad flat hand along the front vista” (12). “…and taking hold of my elbow literally forced me from the car” (28). Literary Element Characterization Conflict Commentary Tom forcefully moves Nick to showoff his wealth, showing his carelessness to anyone’s feelings but his own. The word force has a violent connotation. Tom does not ask Nick if he wants to accompany him. He gives Nick no choice. 2. Research Ernest Hemingway’s background. Write a short essay (350 – 500 words) explaining how Hemingway’s life influenced his work, especially The Sun Also Rises. Cite sources and provide a works cited page. The following resources will help students create the citation(s) and works cited page: Son of Citation Machine (MLA 7th Edition): http://citationmachine.net/index2.php?reqstyleid=0&stylebox=1 Purdue OWL’s MLA guide https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/05/ **IMPORTANT** Because this project is lengthy and involves a significant time investment for all, students should not wait till the last minute to complete the assignment. The assignment should be completed throughout the summer months. If the student has any questions about this assignment, please contact Mrs. Lynn Felix at Lfelix@pvusd.us or Ms. Senait Tesfai at stesfai@pvusd.us .