ENG 11H: American Literature Catcher in the Rye Exam (40 pts.) TEST #1 PART I. Character Matching: Match the description with the appropriate character. Some answers will be used more than once, some not at all. 1. She “keeps all her kings in the back row” and is the only person outside Holden’s family he feels close to. a. Holden Caulfield b. Ackley 2. Injures his hand smashing out windows in a garage. c. Mr. Spencer 3. Obnoxious neighbor who, unlike Holden, is oblivious to being an outsider. 4. Shallow and superficial, this character is the first to be cursed as a “moron.” d. Stradlater e. Jane Gallagher ab. Sally Hayes 5. Described as a “genius” that is “neat” and “a good type of skinny,” forces Holden to confront his pessimistic view of life by telling him, “you don’t ac. Allie like anything.” ad. D.B. 6. This person is the first to question Holden’s lack of direction, reminding him that “life is a game that one plays according to the rules.” ae. Phoebe 7. Refuses to meet up with Holden to catch up on some “beauty sleep.” bc. James Castle 8. His death from leukemia sparks Holden’s breakdown. bd. Faith Cavendish 9. He lives out the frustration Holden wishes he could – and pays with his life. be. Carl Luce cd. Mr. Antolini 10. He “used to be a regular writer” before he “prostituted” himself as a screenwriter. 11. “About the best teacher” Holden ever had, this character’s compassion for his students confuses Holden. ce. Sunny de. Ed Banky abc. Maurice 12. Works as an elevator operator/pimp 13. Although this character gives Holden “a royal pain,” she is the first to gain Holden’s confidence about being tired of the life he is living. 14. Considered the “bright one”, Holden’s touchstone who keeps him grounded. 15. He breaks Holden’s armor of cynicism with his sympathy and insightful advice – Holden must pervert these deeds to serve his negative fantasy DO NOT WRITE ON TEST 1 ENG 11H: American Literature Catcher in the Rye Exam (40 pts.) TEST #1 Part II. Object Matching: Match the object or name to its significance in the novel. Some answers will be used more than once, some not at all. 16. A physical representation of Holden’s unique nature – worn in a selfconscious, flamboyant manner. a. The red hunting cap b. The ducks in Central Park 17. A physical way Holden can connect to characters he feels are pure, innocent and “un-phony”. c. The Museum of Natural History 18. An indication that life is not black and white but filled with color. d. Allie’s baseball glove 19. An instrument of innocence, it shows Holden's overall idea to catch children as they fall off the rye. e. The two nuns 20. Another symbol of Holden’s desire that simple elements of childhood should remain static,, “recorded” in history as it is and always will be; its shattering shows the flaws in this thought. ab. James Castle 21. It represents a fake spirit of Christmas and a manufactured type of religiousness that panders to the masses. ad. Radio City Music Hall ac. “Little Shirley’s Beans” ae. Pencey Prep 22. Represents ambiguity – even though the world may appear black and white. bc. The blue coat 23. Represents Holden’s love for Allie and Allie’s own unique character. bd. The carousel 24. Represents resurrection, the natural course of the world in surviving harsh environments. be. Phobe’s notebook cd. The gold ring 25. Represents the circle of life with its ups and downs. ce. Ed Bankey’s car 26. Represents the world Holden wishes he could live in where nothing ever changes, everything is simple and understandable. de. Sunny 27. Shows that children must risk to achieve their hopes and dreams and that adults must let them. 28. Stands for dying nobly for an unworthy cause and how close Holden could be to the same fate. 29. The least phony expression of thought in the novel – pure in its lack of pretense and honesty (unembarrassed and unadorned) 30. With her youth, represents a foil to Jane in her loss of innocence, a child who fell off the cliff. DO NOT WRITE ON TEST 2 ENG 11H: American Literature Catcher in the Rye Exam (40 pts.) TEST #1 PART II. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that best answers the question. 31. Where does the title of the novel Catcher in the Rye come from? a. b. c. d. A game Holden and Allie would play. A reference to Greek Mythology. A poem by Robert Burns. The title of Holden’s favorite song. 32. All are true of Holden’s paradoxical nature EXCEPT? a. b. c. d. e. He looks old but acts young. He hates phonies but constantly lies He has a romantic view of sex but hires a prostitute He puts people down, but secretly craves attention He flunks out of school but really respects education and teachers 33. As the novel opens, Holden speaks to a. b. c. d. e. The reader D.B. A psychiatrist His dead brother Allie Himself 34. In what month does the novel take place? a. b. c. d. e. January. December. November. May. June. 35. Given Holden’s reaction to Phobe on the carousel, the rain that follows likely a. b. c. d. e. Serves as a metaphor for Holden’s grim realization. Serves as a sort of baptism, a new view of life. Serves to make the scene even more chilling. Forces a questioning about Holden’s sanity. Explains why Holden is sick at the beginning and end of the novel. 36. Which of the following characters symbolizes childhood innocence for Holden? (Bubble all that apply.) a. Robert Ackley b. James Castle c. D.B. Caulfield d. Allie Caulfield e. Mrs. Morrow DO NOT WRITE ON TEST 3 ENG 11H: American Literature Catcher in the Rye Exam (40 pts.) TEST #1 37. Which character best symbolizes the compromising of dreams with reality? a. b. c. d. e. Robert Ackley D.B. Caulfield Allie Caulfield Mrs. Morrow Mr. Antolini 38. Holden tells his sister that he wants to be a “catcher in the rye.” Why? a. b. c. d. e. He wants to become a farmer. He wants to become a genius and be recognized for his gifts. He wants to catch any child that falls over the cliff, saving them from growing up. He wants to save the ducks from freezing in the winter. He wants to finally make love to a woman romantically. 39. Which of the following statements about Jane Gallagher is not true? a. b. c. d. She represents innocent gender relations for Holden. She represents Holden’s contempt for phoniness. Her relationship with her stepfather represents Holden’s distrust of adult authority. She represents Holden’s inability to conceive of women as anything but entirely pure or entirely corrupt. 40. Mr. Antolini and Phoebe both a. b. c. d. e. Expose the flaws in Holden’s fantastical thinking. Tell Holden that he hates everything Tell Holden that he is growing up faster than most boys his age. Tell Holden that he will die nobly for an unworthy cause. Indicate to Holden that running away is sometimes the best choice in times of trouble. DO NOT WRITE ON TEST 4