LOLA “Song of the Open Road” and “The Road Not Taken”

LOLA “Song of the Open Road” and “The Road Not Taken”
Pages 289 & 290
Read the two poems in LOLA. Remember that the road in each poem is a
metaphor for life. Begin your 3 paragraph essay by introducing the poems and poets
and identifying the running metaphor they use to convey their message. Choose the
poem that best represents you and give a specific example to support your choice.
Conclude by relating your philosophy of life with the poem you chose.
LOLA “Song of the Open Road” and “The Road Not Taken”
Pages 289 & 290
Read the two poems in LOLA. Remember that the road in each poem is a
metaphor for life. Begin your 3 paragraph essay by introducing the poems and poets
and identifying the running metaphor they use to convey their message. Choose the
poem that best represents you and give a specific example to support your choice.
Conclude by relating your philosophy of life with the poem you chose.
LOLA “Song of the Open Road” and “The Road Not Taken”
Pages 289 & 290
Read the two poems in LOLA. Remember that the road in each poem is a
metaphor for life. Begin your 3 paragraph essay by introducing the poems and poets
and identifying the running metaphor they use to convey their message. Choose the
poem that best represents you and give a specific example to support your choice.
Conclude by relating your philosophy of life with the poem you chose.
LOLA “Song of the Open Road” and “The Road Not Taken”
Pages 289 & 290
Read the two poems in LOLA. Remember that the road in each poem is a
metaphor for life. Begin your 3 paragraph essay by introducing the poems and poets
and identifying the running metaphor they use to convey their message. Choose the
poem that best represents you and give a specific example to support your choice.
Conclude by relating your philosophy of life with the poem you chose.