Half term information sheet for my class

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Half term information sheet for my class
Date: June 2015
Books my teacher will read or
use with me are:
Class: St Jude
Teacher: Mr P Whitehead
Other adults who work in
my class are:
Mrs Moore
Mrs Potter
St Joseph’s Catholic School
Formal Texts
This half term’s topics are:
Significant People
Artists’ impressions of the world.
In my topic in Science I will be
learning about:
Animals including humans
Explore the structure of the heart
and lungs. The double
circulation through the lungs and
the rest of the body is explained
and children learn more about
blood! How does exercise affect
pulse rate? Why is exercise
good for us and what can harm
the heart and lungs?
In Mathematics I will
concentrate on:
We will be looking atHistory of Maths
Make general statements about
patterns and relationships.
Approximate first when
calculating. Recognise and
extend number sequences such
as the sequence of square or
triangular numbers. Use the
decimal point when using a
calculator. Describe a
relationship in words, and then
express it in a formula using
letters as symbols. Draw lines to
nearest centimetre and
In English I will be looking atFormal Writing
Use leaflets and websites of castles
and tourist sites to provide examples of
many different text types. Study
features of formal language, and
transform 'officialese' into accessible
English. Children then create a virtual
guided tour using appropriate language
Debate Poem
We will read a Gulf 'debate' poem about
a fierce dispute between coffee and
tea. Identify features of poems that tell
a story. Children read and compare
other poems about drinks. They create
and perform a playscript for the dispute
and then write a poem about a drink.
In Religious education we are
thinking about:
Our topic is called ‘Called to
Know and reflect on our calling
to be disciples of Jesus
Know that the disciples were
ordinary people
Know that the Apostles were
people with strengths and
weaknesses just like we are.
Know how the Apostles changed
when they received the Holy
Spirit and reflect on how we can
be changed.
You can help by
Special days for my class are:
Encouraging your children to
use the digital learning
platforms that they are
familiar with
P.E. – Tuesday and Friday
Spelling Test- New spellings given
Monday for test on Friday
Education City
Computing – continuing with Coding- design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including
controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. Use logical
reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs.
Other special days or events this half term are:
Thursday 11th June 9:30 – KS2 Sports Day
Saturday 20th June – Summer Fair
Friday 10th July – Reports sent home