One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 9A3C0014楊錦鳳 9A3C0024王虹雯


One Flew

Over the Cuckoo's Nest

9A3C0014 楊錦鳳

9A3C0024 王虹雯

9A3C0037 張惠禎


Alluding to the iron-fisted policies of the socialist countries.

The most famous of the late 1970s Art Film

Academy Award winners.

The film was the second to win all five major Academy Awards.


Jack Nicholson as Randle

Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched

Will Sampson as Chief



Vocab. & Phrases

 Lobotomy 腦額葉切除術

EX: He received a lobotomy, rendering him silent and motionless.


 Electroshock therapy 電休克療法

EX: You can avoid electroshock therapy by admitting you are wrong.


Movie Trailers


• "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is very well written and described in intense detail.

• In metaphor the social institution of American.

Full of strong anti-establishment and promote personal freedom mean.

Bonus Question(s)

Q1. At the last, why did Chief dispatch Randle?

A: Chief believes Randle's spirit has been destroyed and that he is freeing him from imprisonment.

Q2. What is Nurse Ratched's attitude towards the psychotic? Have you felt her out?

A: Nurse Ratched desires order, and she wants complete power, so she manipulates her patients and the staff to fulfill her desires.

Thank you for your attention.
