English III—Unit 5: Realism/Naturalism Holt Elements of Literature BLM 1 Ongoing Independent Reading Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: Reading Instruction for the Advanced Classroom, 3-6; Reading Log Copymaster, 12; Metacognitive Strategies, 16-19 Daily Language Activities: Critical Reading Section, 24 transparencies Workshop Resources—Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Presenting a Literary Response, 44-49 See Blackboard, “Reading: SSR” for BLMs of reading logs and other SSR documents Skills Index, 1 2 Ongoing Vocabulary Study Daily Language Activities: Vocabulary Section, 50 transparencies; Analogy Section, 25 transparencies Vocabulary Development: Act. #8: “A Pair of Silk Stockings,” 29 Act. #11: “A Mystery of Heroism,” 24; “To Build a Fire,” 28 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “Handbook of Literary Concepts, ” 229-240; “Handbook of Rhetorical Concepts,” 241-243; “Word Banks,” 248 Powernotes: Handbook to Literary Terms Holt MindPoint® Quiz Show CD for vocabulary practice in game format Checklist of Common Errors, 1 LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Reading Skills and Strategies, 1516 Reading Process, 546-547 Reading Log, 991 Quick Reference Handbook: Reading, 988-998 Connect to Reading: 41 Reading Process, 3643 Reading Actively, 4952 Strategy Handbook, 713 Reading Tools, 738757 See LCC, English III, page 95 for a list of recommended novels for this grade level http://www.angelfire.com/ok/fresh english/bookreportideas.html “91 Ways to Respond Literature” Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading. (Stenhouse, 2004). An incredible resource for reading strategies Pilgreen, Janice L. The SSR Handbook: How to Organize and Manage a Sustained Silent Reading Program. (Boyton/Cook, 2000). Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading. (Stenhouse, 2004). Steineke, Nancy. Reading and Writing Together: Collaborative Literacy in Action. (Heinemann, 2002) Improving vocabulary: 657 Word Families: 676 Word Roots: 762 http://www.readwritethink.org/les sons/lesson_view.asp?id=20 “Using a Word Journal to Create a Personal Dictionary” http://www.readwritethink.org/les son_images/lesson20/powerpoint. pdf link to handout on Powerpoint from above lesson. Transparencies: Your Reading Process, 1-4 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Strategies for Helping Struggling Readers; Developing Critical Thinking about Literature Vocabulary Strategies, 559, 560, 575, 600, 601, 607, 646, 688, 689, 728, 729, 774, 775, 827, 828, 869, 887, 907, 918, 1037-1038 Word Choice, 729, 775, 828, 907, 1000-1003 Related Word Forms, 688, 728, 827, 1000, 1004-1007 Analogous Statements, 601, 607, 775, 918, 1037-1038 Quick Reference Handbook: Vocabulary, 999-1009 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Effective 1 Supplementary Materials English III—Unit 5: Realism/Naturalism LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: “Vocabulary Cards,” 26; “Vocabulary Self-Awareness,” 27; “Word Grid,” 28 Vocabulary Instruction Six Traits: Word Choice, 11-13, 104-105 Word Sharp: Context Clues: Synonym, Antonym, Contrast, Comparison, Example, Restatement; Word Structure: Prefixes, Latin Roots, Greek and Anglo-Saxon Roots, Suffixes Vocabulary Workshop: Making New Words Your Own (word attack strategies),1ff.; Connecting New Words and Patterns (analogies), 123ff.; Reading New Words in Context (context clues), 141ff.; Vocabulary Words, 233234 3 Ongoing Writing Prompts Powernotes: “Quickwrites,” Collections 4 (some slides might be useful depending on which texts you choose in this unit) Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: QtA (Questioning the Author), 12 Holt Assessment—Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Portfolio Assessment, 121-161 Writing Strategies & Applications, Writer’s notebook, 1076 Informal Writing to Learn: Reading Log, 991; Graphic Organizers, 1068-1069; Outlines, 1071; Prewriting Techniques, 1073-1076. Connect to Reading: 41 http://www.readwritethink.org/les sons/lesson_view.asp?id=902 “Draft letters,” for students to think critically about major writing assignments. Students write letters of reflection to share with a peer before completing the final draft. Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners: Think as a Writer, 2; prompts in Ch. 21-29 Writing Notes DVD Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing Worktext, prompts in Ch. 21-29 4 Ongoing Grammar Study Daily Language Activities: Proofreading Warmups Section, 27 transparencies; Sentence Combining Section, 15 transparencies Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: Checklist of Common Errors, 1 Grammar, 47-139; Usage, 140313; Mechanics, 314-477 Commas, 338-363 Diction, 575, 618-619, 842-843, 930-933 2 http://www.readwritethink.org/les sons/lesson_view.asp?id=1091 “Analyzing Grammar Pet Peeves” http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ resource/677/01/ Purdue OWL English III—Unit 5: Realism/Naturalism “Handbook of Grammatical Concepts, ” 244-247 Powernotes: Collection 4, Proofreading Warmups Holt Virtual File Cabinet: grammar pages for Practice, Remediation, Assessment, Review, and Enrichment TE: Taking the SAT and the ACT, LA19-LA32; Test Smarts, 1395 LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Quotation Marks, 379-387 Parallel Structure, 486-487, 1099 Passive/Active Voice, 240-244 Sentence Clarity, 480-497 Sentence Combining, 498-508, 706-708 Style, 510-514, 574-575, 661-663, 618-619, 807-809, 842-843, 886887, 931-933 (Online Writing Lab) http://content1.docstoc.com/flash/ Using%20Quotations.swf Flashbased overview of quotations http://www.readwritethink.org/les sons/lesson_view.asp?id=248 “Manipulating Sentences to Reinforce Grammar” http://www.docstyles.com/mlaqui ck.htm quick reference to MLA style http://www.collegeboard.org Students can sign up to have a daily SAT question delivered to their e-mailboxes. Other invaluable resources for college are available here. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/ grammar/ student guide to grammar and writing http://www.testprepreview.com/ free practice tests for ACT, SAT, etc. http://www.actstudent.org/samplet est/index.html for ACT preparation Grammar Notes DVD, Lesson 11 (passive/active voice), Lesson 30 (strong verbs) Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Teaching Grammar in Context Transparencies: Proofreading Warmups, Sentence Combining Six Traits: Sentence Fluency, 14, 106-112; Conventions, 17,113118 Thinking as a Writer: Interactive Grammar Worktext: Sections 1, 2, 3 Grammar, Usage, Mechanics: Language Skills Practice, Ch. 114, 16 Developmental Language Skills: Ch. 1-14, 16 Preparing for the SAT and ACT 5 Reconstruction and the Rise of Realism and Naturalism Holt Reader: 152-161 Holt Adapted Reader: 106-111 Assessment Rubric for Research Presentation, 27 Historical research, 776ff. Evaluating Web Sites, 813-816 Speaking and Listening, 1010ff. Writing and Researching in a Digital Age DVD, 15 lessons Transparencies, 25-27 WritingNotes DVD, Lesson 18 3 Documentation, 71 Reading a Website, 513-527 Doing Research, 691712 Drawing Conclusions, 47, 221 Reading on the Internet, 510-537 http://www.wsu.edu/~campbell/a mlit/aufram.html search.ebscohost.com www.ncteamericancollection.org/ amer_realism.htm http://faculty.pittstate.edu/~knicho ls/realist.html English III—Unit 5: Realism/Naturalism 6 Poetry of Emily Dickinson TE: Meet the Writer: Emily Dickinson, p. 388; “The Soul Selects her own Society,” 391; “If you were coming in the Fall,” 392; Primary Source: Edited Poem, 394; “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant,” 396; “Apparently with no surprise,” 398; “Success is counted sweetest,” 399 Holt Reader: 125-257; “The Soul selects her own Society,” “If you were coming in the Fall,” “Because I could not stop for Death,” I heard a Fly buzz—when I died,” 143-151 Hold Adapted Reader: 88-89, 100-105 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: Alternate Lesson Plans, 112 “Because I Could not stop for Death,” “Much Madness is divinest Sense,” and “I sing…because I am afraid,” 112115; Test Practice, 116-120 Holt Reading Solutions: Alternative Lesson Plans, 117; Vocabulary and Comprehension (copying master), 119 PowerNotes: Collection 4, “The Soul selects her own Society” Audio CD Library, disc 8 Holt Assessment: Literature, Reading, and Vocabulary, “The Soul selects her own Society”; “If you were coming in the Fall,” 138; “Tell all the Truth but tell it slant”; “Apparently with no surprise”; “Success is counted sweetest,” 141 Fine Art Transparencies: Transparency 7; Teaching Notes, Worksheets, and Answer Key, 20 Analyzing Emily Dickinson’s Poems, 28 Organization, 523, 788 Delivery, 688-671, 850-854 Paraphrasing, 724-725; 990 Oral interpretation of a poem, 625-629 Reading Poetry: 387443 Summarizing, 642-644 Delivery, 668-671, 850-854, 1010-1019 7 Edgar Lee Masters: Spoon River Anthology TE: 851-854 8 Kate Chopin and Local Color TE: “A Pair of Silk Stockings,” 569; Meet the LPSS—updated Summer 2009 DR-TA for Chopin’s Work, 29 Texts of other poems available at: http://www.bartleby.com/84/index 1.html Close Reading for Setting: 325 4 http://www.poets.org/poet.php/pr mPID/155 biography http://www.emilydickinson.org Dickinson Electronic Archives http://guweb2.gonzaga.edu/faculty /campbell/enl311/chopin.htm English III—Unit 5: Realism/Naturalism LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Writer: Kate Chopin, 568; A Closer Look: Elegant Discomfort, 575; Connection: “Now and Then, America,” 576 Holt Reader: 188-197 Holt Adapted Reader: 138-144; Graphic Organizer--Motivation Holt Reading Solutions: 377; Vocabulary Practice, 142-143 Audio CD Library: “A Pair of Silk Stockings,” disc 12 Vocabulary Development, 29 Holt Assessment: Literature, Reading, and Vocabulary, “A Pair of Silk Stockings,” 190 Reading a Short Story: 267 Time Line: 755 Focus on Theme: 345 9 Analysis of Local Color in “The Outcasts of Poker Flat” Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: Test Practice, “Waiting for the Ship: A Fort Point Idyl,” 135-139 Opinioinnaire: “The Outcasts of Poker Flats”, 30; Charting Local Color for Bret Harte’s Story, 3; Assessing the Composition for “Poker Flats”, 32 Descriptive details, 550, 557 Close Reading for Setting: 325 Reading a Short Story: 267 Time Line: 755 Focus on Theme: 345 10 Mark Twain and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “The Lowest Animal,” 132-134; Word Banks—Tone, 270; Style, 271; Mood, 271; Character, 272 Holt Assessment—Writing, Listening, and Speaking: “Writing: Literary Essay,” scale and rubric 45-47 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: Writing Workshop—Analyzing Literature Holt Reading Solutions: Understanding Characters, 266-271 Recognizing Theme, 272-277 Charting Local Color in Huck Finn, 33; Huck Finn Character Development Rubric, 34 Support for literary analysis, 726727 Quotations: citing sources of, 735; incorporating, 745-747, 799; notetaking and, 786 Evaluating Web Sites, 813-816 Focus on… Plot, 313-322 Setting, 323-331 Characters, 332-344 Theme, 345-350 Dialogue, 351-358 C/C, 359 Reading Fiction, 264 Writing and Researching in a Digital Age DVD, 15 lessons Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing WorkText, Ch. 26 Transparencies, 25-27 WritingNotes DVD, Lesson 18 5 www.pbs.org/katechopin/ The Joy That Kills. 56 mins. Films for the Humanities and Sciences, 1984. http://www.edsitement.neh.gov/vi ew_lesson_plan.asp?id=522 great unit on teaching The Awakening; includes lessons on realism, local color & regionalism, unfamiliar words and French phrases, etc. with references to passages to demonstrate http://edsitement.neh.gov/view_le sson_plan.asp?id=327 (Mark Twain and American Humor) http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/railton/ index2.html Fatout, Paul, ed. Mark Twain Speaks for Himself (Purdue University Press, 1997).Mark Twain Gives an Interview. 14 mins. Coronet Film & Video, 1961. http://www.readwritethink.org/les sons/lesson_view.asp?id=787 This English III—Unit 5: Realism/Naturalism Understanding Figurative Language, 278-283 LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners, Ch. 26 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Using Literature Circles; Developing Critical Thinking about Literature Organization of News Stories: 188 11 Realism and Naturalism in the Stories of Stephen Crane or Jack London Holt Reader: “A Mystery of Heroism,” 173-187 Holt Adapted Reader: “To Build a Fire,” 130-137 6 lesson, “Literary Scrapbooks Online: An Electronic ReaderResponse Project,” focuses on creating a powerpoint scrapbook for The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, but it could be modified to use with any novel. Crane’s poems are available online at: http://www.americanpoems.com/p oets/stephencrane/ Jack London: A Life of Adventure: 24 mins. Guidance Associates. “To Build a Fire” is available online from: http://www.pagebypagebooks.co m/Jack_London/To_Build_a_Fire/