English III—Unit 1: Colonial Period Elements of Literature 1 Ongoing Independent Reading Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: Reading Instruction for the Advanced Classroom, 3-6; Reading Log Copymaster, 12; Metacognitive Strategies, 16-19 Daily Language Activities: Critical Reading Section, 24 transparencies Workshop Resources—Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Presenting a Literary Response, 44-49 TE: Presenting a Literary Response, 692-693 Black Line Masters See Blackboard, “Reading: SSR” for BLMs of reading logs and other SSR documents LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reading Skills and Strategies, 1516 Reading Process, 546-547 Reading Log, 991 Quick Reference Handbook: Reading, 988-998 Transparencies: Your Reading Process, 1-4 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Strategies for Helping Struggling Readers; Developing Critical Thinking about Literature Reader’s Handbook Reading Process, 36-43 Reading Actively, 4952 Strategy Handbook, 713 Reading Tools, 738- Supplementary Materials See LCC, English III, page 95 for a list of recommended novels for this grade level http://www.angelfire.com/ok/freshenglish/bo okreportideas.html “91 Ways to Respond Literature” http://www.adlit.org/strategy_library/ reading strategies from Adolescent Literacy Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading. (Stenhouse, 2004). Pilgreen, Janice L. The SSR Handbook: How to Organize and Manage a Sustained Silent Reading Program. (Boyton/Cook, 2000). 2 OngoingVocabulary Study Daily Language Activities: Vocabulary Section, 50 transparencies; Analogy Section, 25 transparencies Vocabulary Development: Act. #8: from A Narrative of the Captivity, 1 Powernotes: Handbook to Literary Terms Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “Handbook of Literary Concepts, ” 229-240; “Handbook of Rhetorical Concepts,” 241-243; Word Banks,” 248 Checklist of Common Errors, 1 Vocabulary Strategies, 559, 560, 575, 600, 601, 607, 646, 688, 689, 728, 729, 774, 775, 827, 828, 869, 887, 907, 918, 1037-1038 Word Choice, 729, 775, 828, 907, 1000-1003 Related Word Forms, 688, 728, 827, 1000, 1004-1007 Analogous Statements, 601, 607, 775, 918, 1037-1038 Quick Reference Handbook: Vocabulary, 999-1009 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Effective Vocabulary Instruction 1 Improving Vocabulary, 659 Word Families, 676 Word Roots, 762 Steineke, Nancy. Reading and Writing Together: Collaborative Literacy in Action. (Heinemann, 2002) http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesso n_view.asp?id=20 “Using a Word Journal to Create a Personal Dictionary” http://www.readwritethink.org/lesson_image s/lesson20/powerpoint.pdf link to handout on Powerpoint from above lesson http://www.m-w.com/info/new_words.htm Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary to identify new words Allen, Janet. Inside Words. (Stenhouse, 2007). Practical strategies for teaching vocabulary. English III—Unit 1: Colonial Period Elements of Literature Black Line Masters LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Supplementary Materials Six Traits: Word Choice, 11-13, 104-105 Word Sharp: Context Clues: Synonym, Antonym, Contrast, Comparison, Example, Restatement; Word Structure: Prefixes, Latin Roots, Greek and Anglo-Saxon Roots, Suffixes Vocabulary Workshop: Making New Words Your Own (word attack strategies),1ff.; Connecting New Words and Patterns (analogies), 123ff.; Reading New Words in Context (context clues), 141ff.; Vocabulary Words, 233234 3 Ongoing Writing Prompts Powernotes: Collection 1, Quickwrites, slides 5, 7-10 Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: QtA (Questioning the Author), 12 Holt Assessment—Writing, Listening, and Speaking: Portfolio Assessment, 121-161 Elements of Grammar and Style Guide, 2-3 Writing Strategies & Applications, Writer’s notebook, 1076 Informal Writing to Learn: Reading Log, 991; Graphic Organizers, 1068-1069; Outlines, 1071; Prewriting Techniques, 1073-1076. Connect to Reading, 41 http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesso n_view.asp?id=902 “Draft letters,” for students to think critically about major writing assignments. Students write letters of reflection to share with a peer before completing the final draft. http://chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/brilstar/pla ns/giggey_rubricjournal.pdf class journal rubric www.ksde.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=uo PeZcLNN30%3D&tabid=2089&mid=4762 another journal rubric Reading for Tests, 596-637 http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesso n_view.asp?id=1091 “Analyzing Grammar Pet Peeves” Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners: Think as a Writer, 2; prompts in Ch. 21-29 Writing Notes DVD Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing Worktext, prompts in Ch. 21-29 4 Ongoing Grammar Study Daily Language Activities: Proofreading Warmups Section, 27 transparencies; Checklist of Common Errors, 1 Grammar, 47-139; Usage, 140313; Mechanics, 314-477 Commas, 338-363 2 English III—Unit 1: Colonial Period Elements of Literature Sentence Combining Section, 15 transparencies Resources for Teaching Advanced Students: “Handbook of Grammatical Concepts, ” 244-247 Powernotes: Collection 1 , Proofreading Warmups Holt Virtual File Cabinet: grammar pages for Practice, Remediation, Assessment, Review, and Enrichment TE: Taking the SAT and the ACT, LA19-LA32; Test Smarts, 1395 Black Line Masters LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Diction, 575, 618-619, 842-843, 930-933 Quotation Marks, 379-387 Parallel Structure, 486-487, 1099 Passive/Active Voice, 240-244 Sentence Clarity, 480-497 Sentence Combining, 498-508, 706-708 Style, 510-514, 574-575, 661-663, 618-619, 807-809, 842-843, 886887, 931-933 http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/6 77/01/ Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) http://content1.docstoc.com/flash/Using%20 Quotations.swf Flash-based overview of quotations http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesso n_view.asp?id=248 “Manipulating Sentences to Reinforce Grammar” http://www.docstyles.com/mlaquick.htm quick reference to MLA style http://www.collegeboard.org Students can sign up to have a daily SAT question delivered to their e-mailboxes. Other invaluable resources for college are available here. http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/ student guide to grammar and writing http://www.testprepreview.com/ free practice tests for ACT, SAT, MCAT, LSAT, etc. http://www.actstudent.org/sampletest/index. html for ACT preparation http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesso n_view.asp?id=1124 And I Quote: A Punctuation Proofreading Minilesson http://library.uta.edu/tutorials/Plagiarism/as.s wf an online tutorial on avoiding plagiarism by acknowledging sources Grammar Notes DVD, Lesson 11 (passive/active voice), Lesson 30 (strong verbs) Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Teaching Grammar in Context Transparencies: Proofreading Warmups, Sentence Combining Six Traits: Sentence Fluency, 14, 106-112; Conventions, 17,113118 Thinking as a Writer: Interactive Grammar Worktext: Sections 1, 2, 3 Grammar,Usage, Mechanics: Language Skills Practice, Ch. 114, 16 Developmental Language Skills: Ch. 1-14, 16 Preparing for the SAT and ACT 5 Analyzing the American Identity TE: “Encounters and Foundations to 1800,” 1-19 (info. on Colonial Period ends on page 14) Visual literacy, 1054 Visuals: elements of design, 1055 Graphics, 962-964 3 Supplementary Materials Photograph, 563564 Visual images of Americans in various activities, environments, or occupations: Photomosaics, by Robert Silvers http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/ English III—Unit 1: Colonial Period Elements of Literature Black Line Masters LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Holt Reader: “Encounters and Foundations to 1800,” 2-9 (info. on Colonial Period ends on page 7 Holt Adapted Reader: “Encounters and Foundations to 1800,” 2-7 (info. on Colonial Period ends on page 5) 6 Searching Print Texts and the Web worksheets/photo_analysis_worksheet.pdf worksheet for photo analysis http://www.pomona.edu/Academics/coursere lated/classprojects/Visual-lit/intro/intro.html in depth discussion of visual rhetoric, how to “read” images Researching a Native American Tribe, 2 Historical research, 776ff. Evaluating Web Sites, 813-816 Writing and Researching in a Digital Age DVD, 15 lessons Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing WorkText, Ch. 26 Transparencies, 25-27 WritingNotes DVD, Lesson 18 Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners, Ch. 26 7 Myths Across Centuries and Cultures TE: 20-25 Audio CD Library: disk 1, tracks 2-5 Supplementary Materials Graphic Organizers, 1068-1069 4 Reading a Website, 513-527 Doing Research, 691-712 Drawing Conclusions, 47, 221 Reading on the Internet, 510-537 http://www.indianaffairs.com/tribes.htm links to Louisiana tribes http://www.nativeamericans.com/Tribes.htm index of Native American tribes NOTE: some tribal websites may be blocked by LPSS http://nmaaryder.si.edu/collections/exhibits/catlin/highli ghts.html virtual exhibition of 18th c. artist George Caitlin’s Native American portraits and other works http://www.english.ilstu.edu/351/hypertext9 7/Jus/Seattle/title.htm Chief Seattle’s oration, from Great Documents in American History, New York: Praeger Publisher, 1973 http://www.owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/reso urce/557/01/ MLA format http://www.citationmaching.com develops bibliographic entries http://www.ipl.org/div/teen/aplus/ a site for high school and college students on how to research http://www.ebscohost.com database for print and web resources www.ebscohost.com Myth, 375 http://www.angelfire.com/ca/Indian/stories.h tml “The Chief’s Daughters” and other Native Americn myths www.indians.org.welker.legend.htm English III—Unit 1: Colonial Period Elements of Literature Black Line Masters LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Reader’s Handbook Supplementary Materials creation, migration, and origin stories www.cs.williams.edu/%7Elindsey/myths/my ths.html common elements in creation myths 8 Analyzing Historical Accounts and Journals of Early Explorers TE: “from La Relación,” 116-118; Philosophical Assumptions and Beliefs, 1329G Holt Reading Solutions: Identifying Text Structures, 236-241 Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: DR-TA (Directed Reading-Thinking Activity), 2 Analyzing an Explorer’s Historical Account, 3 9 Historical Accounts and Journals of the Colonial Period TE: “from Of Plymouth Plantation,” 119-127; “from A Narrative of the Captivity,”36-43 Holt Reading Solutions: Distinguishing Fact from Opinion, 260-265 Audio CD Library: disc 1, track 9 Vocabulary Development, p. 1 Holt Assessment: Literature, Reading, and Vocabulary, “from A Narrative of the Captivity,” 27 Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: RAFT, 14 RAFT Writing Assessment, 4 10 Colonial Poet Anne Bradstreet TE: 27-30 Holt Reading Solutions, 37; Understanding Figurative Language, 284; Comparing and Contrasting, 290 Connecting Music Lyrics and Poetry, 5 Reading historical articles, 762773 Elements of Non-fiction, 246263 http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/source/colu mbus1.html extracts from the journals of Christopher Columbus http://content.wisconsinhistory.org/cdm4/do cument.php?CISOROOT=/aj&CISOPTR=4 213 Columbus’ Journal of the First Voyage http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/mexican_v oices/voices_display.cfm?id=22 excerpts from Cabeza de Vaca’s journals Reading historical articles, 762773 Chronological Order, 653; clue words for, 989 Time lines, 967, 1069 Bias, 252 Group Skills, 384-386 http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/dept/history/ lavender/rownarr.html entire text Mary Rowlandson’s Captivity Narrative http://www.bio.umass.edu/biology/conn.rive r/mary.html a retelling of the account, with quotes from the original text and photos of places mentioned in the text http://college.hmco.com/english/heath/syllab uild/iguide/rowlands.html good notes on teaching Rowlandson’s narrative http://www.americanjourneys.org/texts.asp a online library of eyewitness accounts of North American explorers http://www.fightthebias.com/Resources/histo rical_documents.htm links to historical documents from Colonial times through the 20th century Answering Questions about Tone, 828 Voice in poetry, 624 Reading Poetry, 387-443 Focus on Language Focus on http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/webtexts/Bradst reet/bradbio.htm biography of Bradstreet Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Teaching Narrative and Expository Texts 5 http://college.hmco.com/english/heath/syllab uild/iguide/bradsre.html-- brief notes on English III—Unit 1: Colonial Period Elements of Literature Black Line Masters LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Language Resources for Teaching Advanced Students, 57-59 PowerNotes: Collection 1 The Holt Reader: “Here Follow Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House, July 10, 1666,” 8 Holt Reading Solutions: 306; Vocabulary and Comprehension (copying master), 39 Audio CD Library, disc 1, track 6 Holt Assessment: Literature, etc.: “Here Follow Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House, July 10, 1666,” 22 11 Connecting Events Across Decades with Arthur Miller’s The Crucible TE: “American Drama,” 1198; “Arthur Miller (1915–2005),” 1212; “Why I Wrote The Crucible,” 1213; The Crucible, 1215-1276 Resources for Teaching Advanced Students, 193-198 Holt Reading Solutions: Mixed Ability Grouping, xxii; Understanding Character, 272-277 Brozo in CLSD for the LCC: Opinionnaire, 7; Split-page Notetaking, 20 The Crucible, Act One Test Powernotes: Collection 6, “American Drama” and “Crucible” Audio CD Disc 6: Act One only Workshop Resources, Writing, etc.: writing workshop on literary analysis of the novel can be adapted for drama, 5967 Reader’s Handbook Meaning Focus on Sound and Structure Symbol, 442 Supplementary Materials form, historical perspective, etc. www.anne-bradstreet.com please note: www.lyrics.com, mentioned in the LCC, will be blocked by LPSS and must be accessed elsewhere Introductory Opinionnaire for The Crucible, 6 Analyzing a Dynamic Character, 7 Support for literary analysis, 726727 Quotations: citing sources of, 735; incorporating, 745-747, 799; notetaking and, 786 Evaluating Web Sites, 813-816 Writing and Researching in a Digital Age DVD, 15 lessons Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing WorkText, Ch. 26 Transparencies, 25-27 WritingNotes DVD, Lesson 18 Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners, Ch. 26 Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Using Literature Circles; Developing Critical Thinking about Literature 6 Author’s Purpose, 251 Reading Drama, 445-509 Group Skills, 384-386 Focus on Characters, 332344 Character and Theme Change in Character http://etext.virginia.edu/salem/witchcraft/ Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcription Project http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ft rials/salem/salem.htm entire site on the Salem Witch Trials http://www.ibiblio.org/miller/crucibleteachn otes.html Teacher’s guide for teaching the play http://www.webenglishteacher.com/crucible. html Web English Teacher Crucible page with links to information about the Salem Witch Trials, McCarthy, etc. English III—Unit 1: Colonial Period LPSS—updated Summer 2009 Elements of Literature Black Line Masters Elements of Language 12 Using the Writing Process: A Personal Narrative of a Defining Moment TE: 1060-1061 Workshop Resources: Writing, etc.: Autobiographical Narrative, 74-76 Holt Assessment: Writing, etc.: Autobiographical Narrative Scale (more general than BLM rubric) Powernotes: Collection 6, “MiniWorkshop”—Autobiographical Narrative Topic Evaluation for a Personal Narrative, 8 Assessing the Personal Narrative, 9 Autobiographical Narrative, 549585 Descriptive details, 550, 557 Structure of a composition, 527540 Compositions, 1061-1064 Writing Notes DVD, NarrationDescription, Lesson 14 Think as a Writer: Interactive Writing WorkText, Ch. 21 Teaching Strategies for English Language Learners, Ch. 21 Transparencies, 10-12; Daily Writing Transparencies 8-14 (voice) Holt Professional Learning for Language Arts: Teaching Students to Revise, Not Recopy Six Traits for Writing, 8-10 7 Reader’s Handbook Reading a Personal Essay, 155-167 Supplementary Materials http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesso n_view.asp?id=419 “The Year I Was Born: An Autobiographical Research Project” http://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/132320728102 943450/lib/132320728102943450/Dillard%2 0-%20The%20Chase%20TEXT.doc text of Dillard’s “The Chase” http://www.newyorker.com/archive/1950/09/ 02/1950_09_02_042_TNY_CARDS_00022 5435 Capote’s “A Ride Through Spain”