Center for Student Activities
& Leadership Development
2006-2007 EDITION
49 Oakland Center
Rochester, MI 48309-4401
(248) 370-2400
General Statement of Policy
Student Organization Regulations & Judicial Procedures
Center for Student Activities & Leadership Development “WHO’s WHO”
Services for Student Organizations Offered Through the CSA
Awards & Recognition
Copying Services
Financial Assistance & Organization Accounts
Gender & Sexuality Center
Leadership, Community Service & Diversity
Mail Services
Storage Units
Service Window
Student Resource Center
S.A.F.E. On Campus (Students, Administrators & Faculty for Equality)
Webpage Calendar
Advertising and Publicity
Posting on Campus
A-Frames & Wooden Signs
Distribution of Materials on Campus
E-Mail Distribution
Electronic Message Boards
Spirit Rocks & Campus Artwork
Tables in the Oakland Center
Table Tents
Display Cases
Alcohol and Other Drugs
Alcoholic Beverages
CSA Service Window
Major Event & Dance Policy
Food Service
Games of Chance/Poker
Oakland University Logo Guidelines
Oakland Center Policies
Off Campus Events
Outdoor Events
Purchasing Policies & Procedures
Lead-Time for Requisitions
Requisition Requirements
Group Transportation Requisitions
Group Outings
On-Campus Catering
Sam’s Club Purchases
Office Supplies
Registration & Recognition
Responsibilities of Recognition
Room Requests & Reservations
Student Organization Finances
Traveling as a Student Organization
Domestic and International Travel: Student Organizations and Student Government
Waiver of Responsibility
Webpage Creation & Maintenance
Student Organizations Checklist
Forms Cheat-Sheet
Important Numbers
Academic Calendar 2006 & 2007
Oakland University (OU) students and organizations are expected to practice civility and uphold the highest
standards of personal integrity. These campus community values are reflected through campus standards and
regulations. The purpose of the Center for Student Activities (CSA) Policies and Procedures for student and
Greek organizations and the Oakland University Conduct Code and Judicial System is to assist in creating an
educationally supportive environment. In addition, these policies strive to protect the well being of the campus
community while providing opportunities for students to become involved and connected to OU’s campus
through academics and campus activities.
Both the CSA Policies and Procedures and the Oakland University Conduct Code apply to all undergraduate
students, graduate students and student organizations at Oakland University, including those organizations that are
direct-funded. It is the responsibility of all student organization officers to familiarize themselves with the
Oakland University and CSA policies, procedures and conduct code, and to share this information with their
membership. These policies, procedures and codes are set forth in writing to give individuals and student
organizations general notice of the conduct expected of them.
Individuals or organizations whose actions or behaviors violate the Oakland University Conduct Code or CSA
Policies and Procedures will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. These sanctions help to promote the individual’s
personal development, protect the university community, and/or to maintain order and stability on campus. The
Code of Student Conduct and examples of individual sanctions can be found in the Oakland University Student
Handbook 2006-2007 under the Code of Academic & Student Conduct and Judicial System on-line at
Examples of potential organizational sanctions include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Written reprimand: Expresses university dissatisfaction with conduct, clarifies expected behavior, and
provides a reminder of policies.
2. Organizational probation: Notifies the organization that any further violation of policies within the
probationary period will result in more severe disciplinary sanctions. Probationary period will be for
a specific period of time.
3. Organizational suspension: Organization loses ability to reserve space in the Oakland Center and
elsewhere on campus, utilize any space already on reserve, utilize university funds/accounts, and
other privileges afforded to recognized student and Greek organizations at Oakland University
beginning at the time of suspension. Suspension will be for a specific period of time.
4. Organizational Expulsion: Permanently prohibits the organization from existing at the university.
The judicial system used by the CSA Office is intended to be a part of the total learning process in the academic
community. It is based on the premise that all individuals and organizations will be held accountable for their
behavior. The intention of this judicial process is to facilitate positive, responsible and constructive behavior
The policies and code are not written with the specificity of a criminal statute and are not designed to define
misconduct in exhaustive terms. The university reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to
protect the mission of the university, or the safety of its members, even if such action is not explicitly addressed
by the policies and codes presented.
All policies and procedures in this handbook are subject to change. Organizations will be notified prior to any
changes taking effect.
General student organization regulations are included in the Student Organization Handbook available in the
Center for Student Activities (CSA), 49 Oakland Center, and on the CSA website at
Organization officers are provided a copy of this handbook at the time of student organization
registration/training. Student organization violations will be addressed through the CSA. All university
ordinance violations will be addressed by the Dean of Students Office and adhere to the student judicial system.
Student Organization Judicial Procedures:
Complaint: A complaint of misconduct includes specific allegations or charges. Any faculty, staff or student who
is aware of possible student organization misconduct is requested to report the alleged violation to the Center for
Student Activities and Leadership Development (CSA).
Interview: Upon receipt of a complaint or report of alleged student organization misconduct, the accused
organization shall meet the Director of CSA or his/her designee for an interview to determine if a university
hearing is required. The accused organization may have an adviser who must be a member of the Oakland
University community present at the interview and shall be informed of the alleged violation(s) and the student
organizations rights.
Notice: Upon determination of the need for a disciplinary hearing, the accused organization will receive written
notification. Written notice includes a statement of alleged misconduct with sufficient particulars to enable the
accused organization to prepare their defense, the date, time and place of any hearing, and the witnesses who are
scheduled to appear at the hearing. Normally, notice is provided at least 72 hours in advance of any hearing.
Imminent Danger/Summary Suspension: Sometimes, a situation occurs when the nature of the allegations brings
into reasonable question the prudence of permitting a student organization to continue status prior to a formal
hearing. In any such instance, the Dean of Students may temporarily suspend a student organization prior to
formal adjudication of the case. Judicial procedures will be implemented to address the conduct in question.
All non-academic Student Organization violations will be referred to the Student Organization Conduct
Committee or Student Organization Administrative Hearing.
Jean Ann Miller, The Director of the Center for Student Activities & Leadership Development
Paul Franklin, Coordinator of Campus Programs
Cressie Smith, Coordinator
Jean Mick, Coordinator
Dessie Welker, Office Assistant
Vacant, Accounting Clerk
The Center for Student Activities offers opportunities throughout the year to recognize outstanding
student organizations, student leaders, and student organization advisors. The culmination of recognition
is the Student and Greek Organization’s Recognition Night that takes place at the end of the winter
semester. This event recognizes the contributions and accomplishments of student and Greek
organizations, organization leaders, and advisors over the academic year. In addition, CSA is also
responsible for distribution of the Sidney Fink Memorial Awards, Commuter Involvement Awards, and
the Volunteer Service Awards.
The CSA staff is available to work with student organizations on a variety of issues. They are available to
advise your organization on program development and implementation, fundraising, interpretation of
policies and procedures, conflict resolution, group dynamics, training, budgeting/accounting, purchasing
from approved vendors, performer/speaker selections, and other needs as they arise. Schedule an
appointment with one of the staff members to assist you with your group’s needs.
The Director of the Center for Student Activities reviews, negotiates, and approves all performance
contracts for student and Greek organizations. Please refer to the “Policies and Procedures” section for
more detailed information regarding contracts and performance procedures.
Organizations may use university copying services for organization-related copying or printing. Printing
Services is the only on-campus copying service. In order to have copies made at Printing Services, a
duplication requisition form must be completed. If the cost of the printing order is over $100, the
duplication requisition form must be signed by a member of the CSA Office staff. Duplication requisition
forms and a book with samples of paper selections and a price list are available in the CSA Office. All
copying and printing must be completed by Printing Services unless prior approval is given through the
University Print Shop. Student and Greek organizations cannot use Kinko’s or other printing
services off-campus!
The CSA Office will send domestic faxes for personal use at a cost of $1.00 per page, excluding the cover
page. Payment must be made at the time of the request. Incoming faxes for personal use are not allowed.
The CSA Office will send domestic faxes on behalf of student organizations for organization-related
business at no charge and will receive faxes on behalf of student organizations for organization-related
business. Faxes will be placed in the organization mailboxes if a clearly addressed, legible cover sheet is
attached. Fax #: 248-370-4337
Financial records of organizations are kept on file in the CSA Office. Monthly updates are placed in each
organization’s CSA mailbox. Authorized organization members (presidents and treasurers) may access
funds available in these accounts to purchase goods and services for organization-related business. All
purchasing transactions must begin by meeting with the CSA Accounting Clerk, in advance to fill out
appropriate paperwork. On a limited basis, organization members may be reimbursed for organizationrelated expenditures with prior approval. It is the responsibility of the officers to keep their accounts in
good standing. Please refer to the “Policies and Procedures” section for more detailed information
regarding organization accounts and financial policies.
Student organizations can pick up the majority of forms they will need for services on OU’s campus at the
CSA Office, 49 Oakland Center, or on the CSA website at These include forms to
rent audiovisual equipment (ITC), maintenance work request forms, room reservation forms to reserve
rooms outside the Oakland Center, banner request forms, registration and change of officer forms,
copying/printing request forms, travel authorization and waiver forms, petty cash request forms, webpage
request forms, performance contracts, reimbursement requests, outdoor events forms, etc.
The Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC) offers various resources and support on women’s and men’s,
lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) issues in an effort to combat sexism,
gender bias, heterosexism and homophobia on campus. The center works with other campus
organizations and offices to strengthen and sustain an inclusive campus community that promotes gender
equality and awareness and welcomes people of all sexual orientations and gender identities by providing
support, educational resources and advocacy. The GSC is located adjacent to the Center for Student
Activities and Leadership Development, 49 OC.
The CSA offers a variety of training and educational opportunities in the area of leadership development,
including the annual CSA Student Leadership Retreat. CSA staff members are also available for
individual and group leadership training to meet the needs of student leaders and their organizations.
The CSA coordinates several community service opportunities each semester, including the Volunteer
Once-A-Month program. Student organizations as well as individual students are encouraged to take part
in these programs. Participation in the Volunteer Incentive Program is also an excellent way to keep upto-date on the latest volunteer opportunities.
There are many ways to becoming involved in diversity-related programming through the CSA office,
including participation in several theme weeks/months (i.e. African American Celebration, Cultural
Awareness Week, Hispanic Celebration, Women’s History Month, Alcohol Awareness Week) and annual
events (i.e. International Night).
Look on the CSA website and in your student organization’s mailbox for more updates and opportunities
regarding leadership, community service and diversity!
Each student organization has a mailbox in the Student Resource Center (located across from the CSA
Office) for both on and off campus mail. It is the responsibility of the officers to check their mailboxes
on a regular basis. The CSA reserves the right to discard any items left in mailboxes over an acceptable
length of time. NOTE: No personal packages may be sent or received through the CSA mail services.
Student organizations wishing to mail items using their flex account must pick up a mail services request
form and barcode sticker in the CSA Office. The items can then be placed in the outgoing mailbox in the
CSA Office, in the mail services drop box on the main level of the Oakland Center, or be taken directly to
mail services. All mailings must be completed by Mail Services unless prior approval is given through
the University Mailroom.
A notary is available in the CSA Office, 49 OC, x2400. There is no charge for this service. USA
documentation only.
Storage units are available in the Student Resource Center for registered student and Greek organizations.
Availability and assignment of space will be determined on a yearly basis. If your organization receives
storage unit privileges, the president is required to sign a storage unit agreement form at the beginning of
each academic year, which highlights the rules and regulations for storage units. Additionally, keys for
the storage units can be signed out only by the organization’s executive board members (unless otherwise
noted in the organization’s storage unit agreement). Please be advised that there is a charge for lost keys.
Organizations may request to have banners printed for a nominal fee and hung in the Oakland Center.
Organizations can also take advantage of publicity coordinated through the CSA or Oakland Center such
as the electronic message board, bulletin boards, table tents, and online university calendar. The CSA
staff is available to assist you with your publicity needs. Please refer to the “Policies and Procedures”
section for more detailed information regarding appropriate procedures and policies regarding publicity.
The CSA Service Window is located on the lower level of the Oakland Center adjacent to the CSA
Office. Some of the services available are ticket sales and sign-ups for events open to all university
students. (Prior arrangements must be made with the Coordinator of Campus Programs to utilize this
service.) In addition, it is required that student organizations utilize the Service Window to make deposits
into their university accounts. Please refer to the “Policies and Procedures” section for more detailed
information regarding Service Window policies.
Oakland University Student Congress (OUSC) and CSA have developed a resource area specifically for
student & Greek organizations. The Student Resource Center (SRC) is equipped with a six-station
computer lab for word processing and Internet use; various office supplies; group workstations and
meeting tables; and community service, leadership, and diversity resources. This center is to assist
student organizations with their daily administrative and publicity needs. Should the privileges of free
printing and computer usage become abused, restricted use or pay-for-print options may be implemented.
Contact OUSC or CSA if you have specific needs and/or suggestions to make the resource area more
helpful to your organization.
S.A.F.E. (Students, Administrators & Faculty for Equality) On Campus consists of a dedicated team of
students, administrators and faculty members who are committed to providing a safe haven, a listening
ear, and support for anyone dealing with issues related to sexual orientation or gender identity. The
team also educates themselves and the university community on current issues facing the lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) population.
To become a recognized "Ally" in the S.A.F.E. On Campus program, individuals take part in a two-hour
information session and sign a S.A.F.E. On Campus agreement. Allies are given a S.A.F.E. On Campus
placard and button to display in their office or living space to help the OU community identify the Allies,
thereby recognizing that they are a person who is knowledgeable about LGBTQ resources and issues
and willing to assist them in a variety of ways.
S.A.F.E. On Campus is not created to be a counseling program, but rather an avenue through which Allies
can actively show their support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) people
at Oakland University.
Student organizations may submit items for the university calendar and the CSA calendar by “adding an
event” to the Oakland University web calendar found online at Events
should be open to the entire university community, held on campus and not open to the public.
There are numerous venues that may be used when advertising for your student organization. Some of the most
common forms of advertising are flyers, posters, banners, table tents, tables in the Oakland Center, chalking, and
the electronic message board in the Oakland Center. Listed below are the policies regarding advertising and
publicity. Disciplinary action and/or service fees may result if individuals and/or groups are found responsible for
violating these policies.
Posting is defined as the hanging of information, advertising, etc. on any campus bulletin board, window,
door, wall or other university property. Oakland University reserves the right to refuse permission to any
individual or group for posting that a) would seriously impede normal university activity, b) does not
follow Oakland University policies and procedures, c) would make posting particular material
inappropriate, d) contains contents which are in violation of university policies and ordinances, state and
federal laws and/or e) does not support the role and mission of the university.
Bulletin boards are primarily available for the university community. The “CSA Posting Areas” are
reserved for campus activities sponsored by Oakland University departments, offices, and registered
student and Greek organizations. “Non-CSA Posting Areas” are available for advertising by off campus
individuals or groups with permission from the CSA Office, 49 OC. Any activity which is not an
approved university function or consistent with the role and mission of Oakland University, must include
a disclaimer that states, “the function is not a university sponsored event.” By its review and acceptance
of printed materials for posting on campus, Oakland University does not endorse or warrant the activities,
products and services advertised on these printed materials.
Posting Regulations:
 Flyers, posters, banners and other printed materials cannot be affixed to entrance doors, walls,
windows, benches, trash bins, vending machines, restroom mirrors, plants, trees, poles, glass
and painted surfaces in and around any OU building, including the Oakland Center and
residence halls.
 Only thumbtacks, not staples or tape, should be used to post printed materials.
 Printed materials will be removed on a monthly basis.
 Printed materials not sponsored by a university department or student organization should be
date-stamped at the CSA Office prior to posting or they will be removed from the posting
 Personal postings should not be posted on CSA Posting Areas.
 Only one copy of printed material should be posted on each bulletin board.
 Post within the frame of the bulletin board. Do not post on top of other printed material. Do
not remove other printed material already posted unless outdated.
 There is no posting of adhesive-backed materials (i.e. stickers) on any surfaces, including
trees, poles and trash bins.
 There is no posting on vehicles in any university parking lot.
 Posting of printed material in and around the residence halls must be approved through the
Housing Office, 448 Hamlin Hall, x3570. Student and Greek organizations wishing to have
the Housing Office post one flyer per floor in each residence hall may submit 50 copies of the
flyer to the Program Coordinator in University Housing.
 Student and Greek organization mailboxes located in the CSA Office may be used for
distributing on or off campus activities, products and services with approval.
 Mailboxes in the residence halls and university apartments are not available for distributing
on or off campus activities sponsored by student and Greek organizations.
Banners may be ordered through the CSA Office for $15.00 per banner. They should be requested
approximately two weeks in advance of publicity date in order to assure completion, especially during
peak times of the year. All banners must be related to university events – no personal banners will be
printed or displayed for student and Greek organizations. Banners may be ordered for hanging in the
Oakland Center (at no cost) or for pick up by the organization. If hung in the Oakland Center, banners
will be displayed for at least one week. Personal banners can be ordered but not on a priority basis, and
must be paid for in full by check or cash upon receipt.
To display a banner in and around the residence halls, please contact the Housing Office, 448 Hamlin
Hall, x3570. To display a banner in the Campus Recreation Center, please contact Campus Recreation,
The use of standard chalk (not paint or chalk paint) is permitted on areas of the sidewalk that are subject
to weather. Chalking under the overhangs, on the side of buildings, columns, benches, and other campus
structures is not permitted. Chalking should be limited to the areas of campus that have the highest
student traffic such as around the Oakland Center and the sidewalks to the residence halls. In addition,
please keep the chalking appropriate, tasteful and respectful of other organizations, individuals and the
OU community. Buckets of chalk can be checked out of the Student Resource Center.
Student Organizations who do not cooperate with the chalking policy may be subject to disciplinary
action and/or service fees.
You are permitted to display A-frames on the grounds around the Oakland Center. These signs should
not obstruct any walkways. They should be appropriate, tasteful, and respectful.
Distribution of materials and/or solicitation of any kind by an individual or group is not permitted
anywhere on OU’s campus without approval. This includes distribution of materials or solicitation in the
Pioneer Food Court, Vandenberg Dining Center, parking lots, and door-to-door distribution of materials
or solicitation anywhere on OU’s campus. All postings and distribution of printed materials and other
items must be approved through the CSA Office, 49 OC, x2400. Non-university-related individuals,
groups and businesses can contact the OC Reservations Office, 118 OC, x3230, to reserve a table in the
Oakland Center to promote their products and services. There is a fee to reserve a table for nonuniversity-related individuals, groups and businesses. For other requests, contact the Director of the CSA
Office or the Dean of Students.
Per OU policy you must only use your OU email address for all forms submitted to the CSA Office.
The OU e-mail system should not be used as a means of advertising, soliciting, or spam for any student or
Greek organization and the OU community.
Student Organizations may submit event information for display on the electronic message boards located
in the Oakland Center and the marquee on the corner of Walton and Adams. To submit information for
the board in the Oakland Center, contact the OC Reservations Office, 118 OC, x3230. To submit
information for the marquee, contact University Communications & Marketing, 119 NFH, x3184.
General student activities are typically not advertised through the marquee and advertising is not open to
the general public.
There are three spirit rocks available for use by student and Greek organizations. They are located on the
north and east end of the Oakland Center. Messages should be appropriate, tasteful and respectful of
other organizations, individuals and the OU community. Paint must be kept off of surrounding areas. To
be fair, allow 24 hours before the spirit rocks are re-painted. Do not paint the rocks around Bear Lake or
the parking lots.
Tampering with any campus artwork, including the statues in front of Kresge Library, is prohibited.
There are tables available in the Oakland Center for student and Greek organizations to use for sales,
publicity and promotions. These tables must be reserved through the OC Reservations Office, 118 OC,
x3230. Any sales must be approved by the Oakland Center. Food sales are NOT permitted! To allow
for the uninterrupted flow of traffic in the hallways, all transactions must be completed from behind the
table(s) assigned to the organization. In addition, representatives are prohibited from active solicitation,
which disrupts normal university activity (from Oakland University Administrative Policies and
Procedures; Subject #110). Except at the information table, there is to be no solicitation or distribution of
materials in the Oakland Center, such as the Pioneer Food Court, without prior approval by the Director
of the Oakland Center or the Dean of Students.
Table tents must be approved and scheduled for display by the CSA Office. For specific information on
acceptable formats, pick up an information sheet at the CSA Office. Up to three different table tents may
be displayed per week on the Pioneer Food Court tables, expansion area, and other lounge areas in the
Oakland Center. Flyers, handouts, and other printed materials may not be left on any tables in the
Oakland Center.
For approval to display table tents in Vandenberg Dining Center, contact the Housing Office, 448 Hamlin
Hall, x3570, for approval.
Display cases in the lower level of the Oakland Center are available for student and Greek organizations
use. A display case form must be completed if a student organization would like to place items in one of
the display cases. The use of the display cases are on a first come first serve basis and available for
student organization use for a month at a time.
To discuss options not listed above regarding publicity, advertising and promotion, contact the CSA
Office, 49 Oakland Center, x2400. If at anytime you are not sure of the correct procedure or policy,
please ask!
No alcohol or illegal drugs are permitted at student and Greek organization events or activities. For individuals
traveling on behalf of student and Greek organizations, no alcohol may be consumed or possessed in any vehicle;
all approved drivers and trip supervisors must abstain from use of alcohol over the entire duration of the trip. Trip
supervisors may prohibit the participation of individuals showing signs of intoxication or other inappropriate
behavior from any or all activities over the duration of the trip. Student and Greek organizations are not allowed
to sponsor bar-nights to fundraise.
In addition, all events must follow the university’s Alcohol Policy as outlined below:
Unlawful Use of Alcoholic Beverages: The following provisions govern the general
possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the campus:
1. A person who is less than 21 years of age shall not possess or consume any alcoholic
beverage on the campus.
2. A person shall not provide any alcoholic beverage to a person less than 21 years of
age on the campus.
3. No person shall consume or possess any alcoholic beverage on the campus except in
permitted areas as established by this section. The lawful possession and lawful and
moderate use of alcoholic beverages shall be permitted:
a. in private areas of the university housing facilities including rooms, suites and
b. in private houses on campus; and
c. during scheduled and official university activities on campus as approved by
the President of Oakland University.
4. It shall be a misdemeanor for a person to be intoxicated on the campus and acting in a
manner that endangers directly the safety of another person or of property or causes a
disturbance that interferes with the normal and uninterrupted use of the campus.
Date auctions are not allowed at Oakland University. The auctioning off of people can offend or hurt individuals
and/or groups. Date auctions can appear to be both racial and gender insensitive, not to mention a possible health
and safety violation. Date auctions do not adhere to the mission of Oakland University and are not permitted or
recognized. If your student or Greek organization would like to hold an auction, we encourage silent and live
auctioning of items, such as tickets to a sporting event, dinner/theater tickets, etc.
It is recommended that all students and performers read the contract closely as each party will be held
responsible for the conditions of the contract.
All contracts must be processed and negotiated through the Center for Student Activities. Individuals and/or
student organizations may not sign any contracts for services or goods with an individual or a company on
behalf of Oakland University.
Contracts must be signed by the Director of the Center for Student Activities and the performer PRIOR to the
event. If the performer requests a check the day of the performance, all contracts must be submitted and signed at
least two weeks prior to the event. There is still no guarantee that the check will be prepared prior to the event.
If this occurs, the performer will be mailed payment unless otherwise requested.
Contracts can only be used for performers (including DJs and bands) and speakers/presenters. The Oakland
University performance/presentation agreement must be used unless previously approved by the Director of the
Center for Student Activities. Any contract not originated by Oakland University must be reviewed and approved
by the Director of the Center for Student Activities. If you would like assistance selecting, contacting or
negotiating with a performer or presenter, the staff of the CSA Office has several resources available.
Any organization wishing to enter into a contractual agreement must:
Pick up a contract and contract information sheet from the CSA Office. The contract will need
the performer’s signature, social security number (or tax ID number), and complete address and
telephone number in order to be processed. Original paperwork must be submitted, copies will
not be accepted. Please fill out all required information accurately. Incomplete or inaccurate
contracts may not be processed, thus delaying payment of the performer or presenter.
Complete and return the contract and contract information sheet to the CSA Office. These forms
need to be completed and returned at least two weeks prior to the desired payment date. (All
contract conditions are at the discretion of the staff of the CSA Office and are subject to his/her
The contracts will be signed by the Director of the Center for Student Activities and then
processed by the university. Unless specific arrangements are made, the payment will be mailed
directly to the performer.
Contracts may not be processed if the organization does not have sufficient funds in their
university account. It is the organization’s responsibility to verify that sufficient funds are
available for payment.
The CSA Service Window exists to provide a central location for Oakland University student and Greek
organizations and departments to sell tickets and coordinate sign-ups for events. Student organizations wishing to
utilize the Service Window must follow these policies and procedures:
All events promoted through the CSA Service Window must target students as the primary audience.
All organizations utilizing the CSA Service Window must have an Oakland University account number.
All monies collected will be deposited directly into the account number provided.
The CSA Service Window accepts cash, checks and SpiritCash for event ticket sales and registration.
Make checks payable to Oakland University.
The CSA Service Window provides its service at no cost to OU registered organizations.
The CSA Service Window agreement form must be completed by the student organization and submitted
to the Coordinator of Campus Programs for approval at least one week prior to the start of the ticket sales
and/or sign-ups.
Unless arranged separately, students are only allowed one guest per event.
All ticket sales are final. The CSA Service Window is not responsible for lost, missing or stolen tickets.
Refunds for ticket sales and event sign-ups will be given only if authorized by the sponsoring
The interior of the CSA Service Window is open only to authorized CSA staff members and student
workers. At no time should organization members enter the area to check the computer. The CSA Office
will provide periodic reports of the progress of sales and sign-ups.
Any money fundraised on campus must be deposited on campus through the CSA Service Window.
All checks must include a student organization account number on the back, as well as be deposited
within 30 days of the date on the check.
Major Event & Dance Policy
Student organizations wishing to sponsor a major event are required to adhere to the following major event policy
to maintain a safe and secure environment for the OU campus community.
A major event is defined as a program, event or activity sponsored by student organizations involving 100 or
more student participants held on OU’s campus. Major events include, but not limited to, balls, step shows,
talents shows, fashion shows, comedy shows, lectures and entertainment performances, pig roasts, etc. Meetings
are not considered major events.
A student organization must have a minimum of 10 active members to sponsor a major event. Student
organizations may co-sponsor a major event, but must also have a combined minimum of 10 active student
organization members. If a major event is co-sponsored with an OU office or department, the student
organization must follow the major events policy.
Any student organization wishing to host a major event is required to attend a major event orientation session
hosted by the Center for Student Activities. The orientation session will be held at the beginning of each semester
to review the major events policy.
Three weeks prior to the date of the major event, the sponsoring organization must meet with the Coordinator of
Student Organizations or Greek Life or the Director of the Center for Student Activities and Leadership
Development to review the major events policy.
One week prior to the major events date, all required documentation must be submitted to the CSA Office or the
major event will be cancelled. There will be no exceptions.
Prior to the major event, the sponsoring organization must have sufficient funds in their on-campus student
organization account to cover all major event related expenses.
The sponsoring organization is responsible for one half the cost of the OUPD officers and one half of the cost of
the CSA student employees if required to be present at the major event. The number of OUPD officers will be
determined by OUPD and the CSA Office. Arrangements will be handled through the CSA Office.
Ten members of the sponsoring student organization(s) are required to be present for the duration of the major
events. They must arrive thirty minutes prior to the start of the major event and attend a pre-major events meeting
with university officials to review the major events policy, emergency guidelines, and receive assignments.
The sponsoring organization(s) cannot host another OU approved program, activity or event, in the Oakland
Center or elsewhere on OU’s campus the same evening they are sponsoring a major event.
Major events must conclude no later than the requirements of the venue. Major events are not permitted during
the final examination period.
Oakland University officials reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone when deemed necessary to ensure the
safety and security of the campus. Major events are not open to the general public.
Current Students
Major events are open to all currently registered OU students. OU students must present a valid OU identification
card to be admitted to a major event.
Guest Policy
OU registered students are eligible to host one guest. The OU student host must accompany their guest through
the guest sign-in process with the understanding that they will be held responsible for any acts of their guest that
violate the Oakland University Student Conduct Code. OU students cannot sign-in a guest they do not know.
Guests must be a minimum age of 18* and present valid photo identification during the major events sign-in
process. Acceptable identification includes a valid driver’s license or state identification card.
* If a guest under the age of 18 is permitted to attend a major event, the guest must be accompanied by the OU
student host or a legal guardian.
OU alumni are required to have an OU student host to be admitted to a major event.
A pre-approved, pre-sign-up guest list can be submitted one week prior to the major event. The number of presigned guests will be capped at 15% of the approved number in attendance or size of the venue.
Anyone leaving the major event at any time will not be readmitted.
Major events with 100-300 participants, the student organization’s registered campus adviser is required to be
present throughout the major event. Any substitution of the campus adviser must be approved by the Center for
Student Activities Office. Major events with more than 300 participants, the number of OU faculty and staff
representatives will be determined by the CSA Office.
Based on the expected number of major event attendees, the number of OUPD officers will be determined by
OUPD and the CSA Office. Scheduling of police officers will be arranged by the Center for Student Activities
Major events do not serve a fundraising purpose. OU students will not be charged an admission fee to major
events sponsored by student organizations. However, non-OU guests can be charged an admission fee. A student
organization would need the approval of the CSA office to sponsor a fundraiser. All monies collected from an
admission fee and an approved fundraiser must be deposited into the student organization’s on-campus account.
Possession and/or consumption of alcohol or illegal substances are prohibited and will result in immediate
expulsion from a major event. Violators of this policy will be subject to the campus judicial process and/or
criminal prosecution.
University officials have the authority to shut down a major event, for a just cause, such as the sponsoring
organization’s failure to comply with the major events policy or a violation of campus ordinances.
In the event a major event is shut down, the CSA Office may require the sponsoring organization to pay back all
funding allocated for the major event by SAFB, as well as labor charges to the CSA Office, Oakland Center, and
OUPD. Additionally, the sponsoring organization may not be eligible to host another major event for a specified
period of time.
The sponsoring organization will be held financially accountable for any damages or excessive cleaning to the
facility resulting from disorderly behavior of OU students and/or their guests attending the major event.
No advertising of any kind is permitted off campus or via the internet with public viewing.
Publicity for a major event must include the following information: OU guest policy, under 18 entry restriction,
valid picture identification requirement (driver’s license or state ID card), no glass/plastic bottles, alcohol, drugs,
and weapons are permitted, and no re-admittance to the major event. A copy of the publicity for the sponsoring
organization’s major event is due one week prior to the major event date.
Violations of the major events policy will be adjudicated by the Center for Student Activities.
Exceptions to the Major Events Policy will be addressed on a case by case basis through the CSA Office,
Dean of Students Office, and OUPD.
Major Events Policy, 2006-2007
Student organizations wishing to sponsor a dance are required to adhere to the following dance policy to maintain
a safe and secure environment for the OU campus community.
A dance is defined as a social gathering with music and dancing for entertainment purposes.
A maximum of 10 dances are allowed per semester.
A student organization must have a minimum of 10 active members to sponsor a dance. Student organizations
may co-sponsor a dance, but must also have a combined minimum of 10 active student organization members.
Student organizations are limited to one dance sponsorship per semester.
Any student organization wishing to host a dance is required to attend a dance orientation session hosted by the
Center for Student Activities. The orientation session will be held at the beginning of each semester to review the
dance policy and schedule dance dates.
Three weeks prior to the date of the dance, the sponsoring organization must meet with the Coordinator of Student
Organizations or Greek Life to review the dance policy.
One week prior to the dance date, all required documentation must be submitted to the CSA Office or the dance
will be cancelled. There will be no exceptions.
Prior to the dance, the sponsoring organization must have sufficient funds in their on-campus student
organization account to cover all dance related expenses.
The sponsoring organization is responsible for one half the cost of up to three OUPD officers and one half of the
cost of up to three CSA student employees required to be present at the dance.
Ten members of the sponsoring student organization(s) are required to be present for the duration of the dance.
They must arrive thirty minutes prior to the start of the dance and attend a pre-dance meeting with university
officials to review the dance policy, emergency guidelines, and receive assignments.
The sponsoring organization(s) cannot host another OU approved program, activity or event, in the Oakland
Center or elsewhere on OU’s campus the same evening they are sponsoring a dance.
Dances are restricted to the Gold Rooms of the Oakland Center, unless otherwise approved by the Center for
Student Activities and the Dean of Students Office. Once maximum capacity has been reached, no additional OU
students or guests are permitted to enter the dance.
Dances are permitted on Friday and Saturday evenings and must conclude no later than 1:00 a.m. Dances are not
permitted during the final examination period.
Oakland University officials reserve the right to refuse admission to anyone when deemed necessary to ensure the
safety and security of the campus. Dances are not open to the general public.
Current Students
Dances are open to all currently registered OU students. OU students must present a valid OU identification card
to be admitted to a dance.
Guest Policy
OU registered students are eligible to host one guest. The OU student host must accompany their guest through
the guest sign-in process with the understanding that they will be held responsible for any acts of their guest that
violate the Oakland University Student Conduct Code. OU students cannot sign-in a guest they do not know.
Guests must be a minimum age of 18 and present valid photo identification during the dance sign-in process.
Acceptable identification includes a valid driver’s license or state identification card. A guest’s identification will
be collected at the entry door, kept in a secure manner, and returned when the guest leaves the dance.
OU alumni are required to have an OU student host to be admitted to a dance.
A pre-approved, pre-sign-up guest list may be submitted one week prior to the dance.
Anyone leaving the dance at any time will not be readmitted. No one will be permitted to enter the dance after
midnight, under any circumstances.
Two OU faculty or staff representatives are required to be present throughout the dance. One must be a
representative of the Center for Student Activities Office and the other must be the student organization’s
registered campus adviser. Any substitution of the campus adviser must be approved by the Center for Student
Based on the expected number of dance attendees, the number of OUPD officers will be determined by OUPD
and the CSA Office. Scheduling of police officers will be arranged by the Center for Student Activities Office.
Dances do not serve a fundraising purpose. OU students will not be charged an admission fee to dances
sponsored by student organizations. However, non-OU guests can be charged an admission fee. All monies
collected from an admission fee must be deposited into the student organization’s on-campus account.
Possession and/or consumption of alcohol or illegal substances are prohibited and will result in immediate
expulsion from a dance. Violators of this policy will be subject to the campus judicial process and/or criminal
University officials have the authority to shut down a dance, for a just cause, such as the sponsoring
organization’s failure to comply with the dance policy or a violation of campus ordinances.
In the event a dance is shut down, the CSA Office may require the sponsoring organization to pay back all
funding allocated by SAFB for the dance, as well as labor charges to the CSA Office, Oakland Center and OUPD.
Additionally, the sponsoring organization may not be eligible to host another dance or social event for a specified
period of time.
The sponsoring organization will be held financially accountable for any damages or excessive cleaning to the
facility resulting from disorderly behavior of OU students and/or their guests attending the dance.
No advertising of any kind is permitted off campus or via the internet with public viewing.
Publicity for a dance must include the following information: OU guest policy, under 18 entry restriction, valid
picture identification requirement (driver’s license or state ID card), no glass/plastic bottles, alcohol, drugs, and
weapons are permitted, no admittance after midnight, and no readmittance to the dance. A copy of the publicity
for the sponsoring organization’s dance is due one week prior to the dance date.
Violations of the dance policy will be adjudicated by the Center for Student Activities.
Dance Policy, 2006-2007
Dances & major events cannot be scheduled during final exam week.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act addresses questions concerning confidential student educational
records and “directory information.” Directory information is specified in the Schedule of Classes. The CSA
Office will comply with the wishes of any student who does not want directory information released, if the
student has requested confidentiality through the Office of the Registrar. Directory information (name, phone,
and address) will be released until the student requests in writing that it be withheld. Please notify the CSA
Office if you are on the FERPA list. Email addresses are not considered directory information and will not be
released to anyone unless a student gives permission to the CSA Office to do so through a signed permission slip.
Student and Greek organizations wishing to show films that will be advertised to the university community and
shown in a public location (i.e. Oakland Center, residence hall lounges) must purchase the rights for a public
showing through the CSA Office by contacting the Coordinator of Campus Programs. The cost for films varies,
depending on the availability and type of film.
There can be no food brought into the Oakland Center or Vandenberg Hall for the purpose of events or
meetings. All food service in the Oakland Center and Vandenberg Hall must be ordered through Chartwells.
Food orders may be placed through the Chartwells Catering Office, 121 OC, x3400. This includes food for events
and general organizational meetings.
NOTE: If your organization brings food into the Oakland Center or Vandenberg Hall from outside vendors
without the approval of Chartwells, no reimbursements will be made. In addition, your organization may face
consequences from Chartwells, the Oakland Center, and/or the Center for Student Activities including, but not
limited to, a loss of building privileges, funding privileges, account use, and recognition.
If you are holding your event outside of the OC or Vandenberg Hall, you may use alternate food service
Bingo, millionaire or casino parties, charity games, poker, and raffles are considered forms of gambling in the
State of Michigan, and as such, are illegal for all organizations and individuals except as authorized by law. State
law provides that Michigan colleges and universities may conduct certain games of chance under specific
circumstances. Games must:
be held for the direct institutional benefit of the university or its activities,
be in compliance with State law and the Bureau of State Lottery, and
follow University Procedures.
Any organization, including direct-funded organizations, wishing to sponsor a game of chance on OU’s campus
must fill out an application for game of chance approval available through the CSA Office, 49 OC. The request is
reviewed by the Director of the Center for Student Activities, in consultation with the Vice Presidents for Student
Affairs and University Relations. If approved by the Vice Presidents, State-licensing requests must be prepared
and submitted through the Division of University Relations. Most games of chance require a State licensing or
registration fee.
Games of skill do not require State licensing or registration. Raffles are considered games of chance, not games
of skill. Raffles for $100 or less when all tickets are sold at a single gathering and the drawing is conducted at the
same gathering does not require a State license or registration. All raffles, regardless of prize amount, must have
university approval.
Questions about seeking approval for a game of chance can be directed to the Director of Center for Student
Activities at the CSA Office, 49 OC, x2400.
Of special concern to student organizations is the university Hazing Policy. Hazing is defined as any action taken
or situation related to organizational membership that produces mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment or
ridicule, or any activity that threatens or endangers the life or safety of an individual. All forms of hazing are
strictly prohibited at Oakland University.
1. Such activities and situations may include, but are not limited to, the following:
disfiguration to include branding or self-mutilation;
paddling in any form;
creation of excessive fatigue;
physical and psychological shocks;
activities such as quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, etc., that are conducted in an
illegal, demeaning or dangerous manner;
public wearing of apparel that is conspicuous and not normally in good taste;
engaging in public stunts and buffoonery;
morally degrading or humiliating games and activities;
any activities that interfere with class attendance, class preparation or scholastic activities, or
activities that are disruptive to any university department or office or classroom;
verbal abuse that leads to public embarrassment or humiliation;
implication that an act of hazing could be preinitiatory;
any other activities that are not consistent with fraternal law, ritual or policy, or the policies and
regulations of Oakland University.
2. If members of an outside, non-Oakland University chapter or organization initiate a hazing incident on
Oakland University's campus or against an Oakland University student or pledge, the Oakland University
organization or chapter will be held responsible.
3. Any student organization or Greek organization accused of hazing shall be referred to the CSA and charged
under the terms and conditions of the Judicial Procedures as stated in this handbook. Individual members of
such organizations shall be referred to the Dean of Students and charged under the terms of the Oakland
University Code of Conduct and judicial system.
Every institution has an identity, an image it presents to the world. Like other institution’s identities, Oakland
University’s is largely shaped by its graphic images — stationery, forms, brochures, billboards and even T-shirts.
Sometimes, a graphic image is an individual’s only encounter with Oakland. So it is easy to understand the
importance of developing and maintaining a consistent graphic image that is as distinctive as Oakland itself.
Doing so may increase community awareness of what Oakland is all about, and can reflect the collective strengths
and achievements of the university community.
Consistency is the key to a successful graphic identity program. Therefore, OU departments and external entities
must follow these guidelines for using the OU logo. Questions about logo usage should be directed to OU’s Art
Director, Debra Lashbrook by calling (248) 370-4347 or by e-mail at
If you have any questions about using OU’s logo please call or e-mail Debra Lashbrook, OU’s Art Director,
University Communications and Marketing, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48309-4401 at (248) 3704347 or Final layout must be approved by Debra Lashbrook. To obtain final
approval, fax the layout to (248) 370-3182.
1. Elements
The logo cannot be altered. All elements of the logo must be used as a unit:
White background, box, words, sail.
The logo is a signature element.
Do not use as artwork, as part of a graphic, or in conjunction with another logo.
Do not create your own logo using part or all of the official logo.
Do not screen the logo to a lighter value.
Using just the sail — or using the sail as artwork/design element is not permitted.
Using the logo as a background or backdrop is not permitted.
2. Size
On printed pieces, use the logo no larger than 1" high x 13/16" wide (at 100%) and no smaller than 3/4” high
(at 75%). If adjusting the size be sure proportions stay the same. Do not skew logo or alter in any way.
3. Color
Can be black only, gold only (PMS 872) or black and gold (PMS 872) with white field. Background must be
white unless printed in one color on colored paper.
The white background must be present on logos used for Web sites and Power Point presentations.
Do not convert the two-color logo into a grey scale image. Use the one-color black version.
Do not convert the PMS 872 - gold into a process (cmyk) version. Use the one-color black version if you are
printing a four-color job.
4. Other
Allow space around logo
Use only one logo on a printed piece (or on Web page)
Use at top left, top centered or bottom centered (never on the right)
The logo is used as a signature. It is our preference that you type out the words "Oakland University" if you
are using it as a title, etc.
Do not use the logo to replace the words “Oakland University” in text or headlines.
Do not use the words “Oakland University” with the logo, such as in a return address.
OU's logo type is ITC Garamond Book or ITC Garamond Light typeface (substitute Times if Garamond is not
When using the logo with an address, the bottom of type must line up with bottom of logo (or when you place
a name of a college it should line up – Contact OU’s Art Director with questions).
5. Golden Grizzlies Logo
Do not substitute the Golden Grizzlies logo for the Oakland University logo. The Grizzlies logo can only be
used for approved events, and additional approvals may be required when using the Grizzlies logo. Contact
Denise McGee, Athletics Department with questions.
6. Other Logos
The OU logo is the official graphic representation of the university. Auxiliary units, such as Meadow Brook
Hall, Golf Courses and Athletics have additional logos that have been developed with University
Communications and Marketing. The direct connection with Oakland University must be present: by
incorporating the Oakland University logo or type treatment, e.g., “Oakland University’s Meadow Brook
To most effectively promote a clear and consistent university brand/image, campus departments, programs,
etc., are restricted from having their own logos. Requests for more information contact Art Director Debra
Lashbrook, Communications and Marketing at (248) 370-4347 or
The logo and seal may not be used together.
Questions concerning the use of the seal should be referred to University Communications & Marketing.
All arrangements for decorations, exhibits and displays must be made prior to the final event deadline. No taping,
gluing, stapling, tacking, nailing, or adhering to any walls, windows, doors, drapes, furniture, lights, ceilings or
floors will be allowed. Groups that cause damage to the facility and or furnishings will be charged to repair the
damages. Glitter, confetti, sand and straw are not permitted; if used, a monetary fine will be assessed. Doorways,
corridors, staircases and fire exits cannot be blocked or obstructed.
All open flames (such as candles) are prohibited in non-sprinkled areas of the building. In sprinkled areas table
decorative candles enclosed in glass may be used. Violation of this policy will result in the immediate suspension
of building use by the group or individuals.
Table centerpieces and decorations must be non-flammable or constructed of fire resistant materials.
User Groups Definitions:
Recognized University Groups (Group A) include all university departments, and recognized student groups
associated directly with Oakland University and engaged in official Oakland University business with
university participants.
Recognized University Groups (Group B) which charge admission or registration fees, collect donations,
generate funds in any manner or include participants from off-campus. This includes all regional and
national conferences affiliated with university departments and/or student groups. It excludes major campuswide events that are open to the entire university community (e.g., lectures sponsored by Student Program
Board, dances sponsored by recognized student groups, WOCOU, etc.).
Use of Oakland Center facilities is free of charge for student group on most occasions. Under some
circumstances, events sponsored by a student group may fall into a “Group B” designation as defined above. In
this case, groups are charged a discounted facility fee. When this occurs, the student group will receive a contract
from the Oakland Center Administration & Reservations Office outlining the costs and conditions of the
reservation. Student groups are responsible for contacting the Oakland Center with accurate and pertinent
information for all events.
All reservations must be made by phoning or visiting the Administration and Reservations Office, 118 Oakland
Center, during regular business hours and must be made by a student member of the sponsoring group. Said
member will be held responsible for the reservation. In an effort to meet the needs of our diverse customers,
room assignments are at the sole discretion of the Oakland Center Administration and Reservations Office. All
reservations are subject to change by the Administration and Reservations Office; every effort will be made to
contact the group in advance should changes occur.
Prior to the start of the Fall and Winter semesters there is a one-day priority booking window for
recognized student groups. Student groups are notified in writing by the Administration and Reservations
Office of the exact time and date. At such time, recognized student groups are given priority booking
status and may reserve meeting rooms for the upcoming semester on a first-come, first-served basis. The
priority status is for one day only, after which recognized student groups may continue to reserve space as
it is available throughout the semester.
Reservations should be made at least 24 hours in advance of an event. Rooms in the Oakland Center may not be
used without a reservation. Tentative reservations may be held until one week prior to the event. At this time, any
unconfirmed reservations will be released. Should another organization wish to make a confirmed reservation for
a tentatively held space, the group holding the space shall confirm the reservation with details or release the space.
Noise Policy:
Amplified and non-amplified sound in the Oakland Center must remain at a reasonable level, so as not to interfere
with other building users and events. Users must notify the Administration and Reservations Office of the intent
to use amplification in the Oakland Center at the time of reservation. Amplified sound includes any type of
electronic amplification equipment (boom boxes, radios/stereos, speakers/amplifiers, musical instruments).
Volume will be limited at the discretion of the manager on duty.
There is no amplification allowed in the lower level meeting rooms. Failure to cooperate with requests from
University staff members to decrease sound level or failure to comply with this policy may result in loss of ability
to reserve/utilize Oakland Center space.
Food Service:
…All food and beverage served in the Oakland Center must be provided by the university food service
provider (Chartwell’s Catering). A guarantee number guests must be provided at least 72 hours prior to
your event (excluding weekends and day of the event).
Rush Fees – Any event that is booked less than 3 working days prior (excluding the day of the event), will
incur a rush fee of $5.00; 2 working days prior (excluding the day of the event), will incur a rush fee of
$10.00; 1 working day (excluding the day of the event), will incur a rush fee of $15.00. Any event
booked the day of the event will incur a $25.00 rush fee.
Cancellation – In the event that any portion or all of the food service is cancelled, unrecoverable and
direct costs associated with the function will be charged to the sponsoring group.
For complete listing of policies, refer to Chartwells Catering Guide.
Information Tables:
Information tables may be reserved by a recognized university group or department at no cost for the purpose of
providing information, publicity, surveys, and recruiting membership for recognized university groups. These
organizations may not sponsor off-campus entities. Representatives, sales persons, or agents of any cause or
organization utilizing information tables are prohibited from solicitation. To allow for the uninterrupted flow of
traffic in the hallways, all transactions must be completed from behind the tables assigned to the group or
Event signs/posters may be displayed at designated entrance locations and at event locations. Poster holders may
be reserved by contacting the Administration and Reservations Office. Posting on entrance doors, glass windows,
walls and in restrooms is prohibited.
Distribution of materials and solicitation of information, goods, services and solicitation of survey respondents in
Pioneer Court is strictly prohibited.
Oakland Center Staff:
 For basic meetings and events, table reservations, or electronic sign requests, contact Mary Isaacs or
Kim Carlsen in the Reservations Office (118 OC) at 248-370-3230.
For conferences and major events or reservations/policy concerns, contact Vanessa Ryan, Assistant
Director of Administrative Services at 248-370-3245.
For Bumpers Game Room, office maintenance, or facility concerns contact Rich Zizek, Assistant
Director of Operations, at 248-370-3245.
For other Oakland Center concerns, contact Richard Fekel, Oakland Center Director, at 248-370-3245.
Off campus events are not recognized by Oakland University or the Center for Student Activities. Student
organizations may not sponsor or use funds from university accounts to support off-campus events. Proposals for
off-campus events may be considered on a case-by-case basis in the event that adequate space is not available on
campus. Off-campus events at which alcoholic beverages will be present will not be approved. If alcohol
beverages are later discovered to have been present, the approval is thereby revoked and the organization and its
members will face financial and disciplinary consequences accordingly.
To attend events off campus (such as Whirlyball, Lasertag, etc.), it is necessary to have gained authorization to
travel from appropriate university officials (see Travel Policy for more detail). In addition, the vendor’s proof of
liability insurance must be submitted on an annual basis to the Coordinator of Student Organizations or Greek
Life before approval will be considered.
Any organization, including direct-funded organizations, wishing to sponsor an event on the grounds of Oakland
University must fill out an outdoor events request form. Prior to the date of the outdoor event, the organizers may
need to set up an appointment with the Coordinator of Student Organizations or Greek Life, however this will be
handled case by case. At this meeting, the policies and procedures to hold an outdoor event will be discussed in
detail. Other departments and offices on OU’s campus may need to be consulted for authorization. The request
must be in compliance with Oakland University Administrative Policies and Procedures, Subject #170 Use of
Oakland University Facilities. A written copy of the policy agreement will be provided to the organizers of the
outdoor event, their on-campus advisor, Director of Campus Facilities and Operations, Lieutenant of the Oakland
University Police Department, Dean of Students, Director of the Center for Student Activities, Director of the
Oakland Center, and other relevant OU departments and offices.
Before a purchase can take place, the student organization shall obtain a quote from the company with
the details of the purchase. The quote is to be faxed to the CSA Accounting Clerk, at 248-370-4337. A
list of recommended vendors for supplies or services can be obtained through the CSA Office
Accounting Clerk.
The lead time for requisitions from submission to Purchasing through the completion of the purchase order is
normally 10 business days. This lead time estimate only refers to purchase requests that do not have special
requirements and the total cost is under $2,500.
Requisitions for food must include a certificate of insurance to be attached to the quote from the
restaurant. Without a certificate of insurance, we are unable to process a requisition.
Requisitions for off campus events (bowling, laser tag, etc.) will need the company’s certificate of
liability insurance attached to the quote.
After-the-fact requisitions (requisitions for purchases already made) must include a memo from the student
organization to Dr. Mary Beth Snyder, VP for Student Affairs, stating why proper procedure was not followed.
This is to be turned into the CSA Accounting Clerk with the invoice/payment request.
The lead time for securing group transportation such as buses, vans, etc. is 3 to 4 weeks. A Payment Request
Form (located in the CSA Office) needs to be completed. Please attach a copy of your planned travel itinerary
and signed travel authorization. This includes number of people attending, times and dates that transportation is
needed and destination.
When preparing requisitions for group outings there are several things you need to keep in mind:
If you have to submit a deposit by a certain date you need to get the quote and certificate of insurance into the
CSA Accounting Clerk in plenty of time to allow the purchase order to be completed 3 to 4 weeks prior to
departure. For outings, such as canoeing, horseback riding, etc. insurance certificates for the facility where the
event is taking place must be submitted with the quote. Please be advised that Oakland University does not
provide vendors with a deposit for service/equipment.
When planning a function that requires on-campus catering services, an insurance certificate must be on file in the
Purchasing Department BEFORE the event takes place. If your function is taking place in the Oakland Center or
Vandenberg, you cannot hire an outside catering company, you must utilize Chartwells, the university’s
contracted food service provider.
If a pre-payment is required the same steps apply as outlined in the “Group Outings” section.
The Sam’s Club Card will enable authorized departments/employees to take advantage of a program designed to
provide savings not only in dollars but also in time and effort. This program is designed to make university
purchases easier, as well as, more convenient while also reducing the use of departmental petty cash and the use
of personal funds. To obtain status as an in-store card authorized user you must fill out and sign the Authorized
In-Store User Agreement Form, and return it to the CSA Office. These forms can be obtained from the CSA
Accounting Clerk.
The in-store card may only be used at the Joslyn Road, Auburn Hills Sam’s Club location. Upon entering the
store, the requestor must go to the Customer Service Desk, state they are from Oakland University, and request
use of the in-store card by showing their Oakland University ID or valid driver’s license. The Customer Service
Desk employee/Store Manager will obtain the in-store card and verify your ID matches against the authorized
users list and hold your ID until the in-store card is returned. Personal items may not be charged to the in-store
Under no circumstances should a cardholder use the Sam’s Club Card for any personal, family or household
purpose. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to be aware of the restrictions and requirements and abide by them.
The Sam’s Club Card is the property of Oakland University and unauthorized use of the card is prohibited. Use
of the card outside of the spirit of this agreement will be considered unethical conduct and contrary to the
University’s best interests. Such conduct will be pursued aggressively through formal disciplinary measures.
The cardholder is encouraged to use the Sam’s Club Card for purchases of general supplies. University policy
dictates that the Sam’s Club Card cannot be used for the following types of expenditures:
Food to be consumed by any group utilizing facilities within the Oakland Center
Alcoholic beverages or tobacco products (Policy No. 400)
Flower arrangements/plants for deaths, births or illness (Policy No. 425)
Equipment over $2,500.00 (Policy No. 1000)
Any office supplies that would fall within the Staples Preferred Vendor Contract
If a cardholder is denied at the point of sale for any reason, he/she should contact the CSA Accounting Clerk, 49
OC, x4335. Every effort will be made to remedy the situation and determine why the transaction was denied.
Please note: Items purchased should be tax exempt.
Staples is the university Preferred Vendor* for office supply purchases. When ordering office supplies it
would be to your advantage to check pricing with the Staples Catalog available in the CSA Office. Prices
may be lower once the order is placed due to discounts given to the university community and all
purchases are tax-exempt. Order forms are available in the CSA Office for student and Greek
organizations to complete. Once completed, the order forms must be given to Dessie Welker or the CSA
Accounting Clerk, who will then make the order on behalf of the organization using the organization’s
preferred account number (Flex or SAFB). Orders are typically delivered within 3-5 business days and
will be available for pick-up in the CSA Office. If Staples does not carry what you need or you can find a
vendor offering a better price, contact the Accounting Clerk in the CSA Office to assist you in placing
orders through other vendors utilizing the university’s tax-exempt status.
*Please refrain from making off-campus office supply orders with the intent of being reimbursed.
All student organizations must register with the Center for Student Activities each Fall Semester (or
winter semester for the “early bird” incentive) by filling out a registration form. This form provides the
CSA Office with officer and advisor contact information, and informs the student organizations of their
rights, responsibilities, privileges and obligations.
Each organization is responsible for making sure that the records in the CSA are kept updated. This
includes informing the CSA about any changes in contact information, officers, advisors, or organization
essentials (such as statement of purpose or constitution) by completing a change of officer form. It is
highly recommended that departing officers verify that their names have been changed in the CSA
records after they have left office. Until the records are updated, the previous officer may still be held
responsible for actions of the organization. The Center for Student Activities must have a current
constitution or complete statement of organization on file providing a description of the organization, its
goals and purpose, officer duties, and examples of programs sponsored or to be sponsored by the
FROM THE CENTER FOR STUDENT ACTIVITIES. The registration form requires the
identification of four officers for this reason. If one member is holding more than one office, please
attach the contact information for one additional member for recognition purposes.
SPECIAL NOTE: OU faculty and staff members may only advise up to three organizations
In order to be recognized by the university, the organization must meet the following requirements:
 A minimum of four currently registered Oakland University students are required to start and
maintain an organization.
 Only currently registered Oakland University students may hold offices or other leadership
positions in the organization.
 Officers may only serve in a major leadership position (ie. President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary) of one organization per category.
 More than 60% of the organization’s membership must consist of currently registered Oakland
University students.
 A current Oakland University faculty or administrative professional staff member must serve as
an advisor to the organization (except for bonafide campus ministers).
 A returning student organization must submit a registration form every fall semester (or winter
semester for the “early bird” incentive). A new student organization may fill out a registration
form at any time. All recognition is subject to approval by the CSA.
 Student Organization’s cannot share the same mission statement or purpose as another student
organization. All recognition is subject to approval by the CSA Office.
 The president and treasurer of the organization must attend a mandatory Student Organization
Officer Training Workshop. (All officers are strongly encouraged to attend this workshop.)
In accordance with university policies and procedures, the privileges of recognition/registration include:
 Eligibility to apply for funding through Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB) in accordance
with SAFB guidelines
 Eligibility to use the university’s name following the organization’s name (for example: The Tree
Club at Oakland University is acceptable; Oakland University Tree Club is not acceptable)
 Eligibility to reserve university facilities
 Eligibility to have direct access to university personnel and programming resources
 Eligibility to be considered for campus awards and recognition
 Eligibility to participate in campus leadership development programs
 Eligibility to apply for office space on campus
Other benefits consistent with those afforded to similar student groups
Recognized organizations will be held accountable for fulfilling their educational responsibilities and for
maintaining appropriate standards of behavior. This includes, but is not limited to:
 Ensuring non-discrimination in membership and programming
 Maintaining minimum levels of membership (four currently registered OU students)
 Maintaining accurate and up-to-date records with the university
 Keeping detailed records of all fundraising, allocations, other deposits and expenditures for all
organization accounts; as well as maintaining the fiscal solvency of the organization.
 Awareness of the financial status of the organization in conjunction with the financial
responsibility agreement signed by the officers of the organization
 Maintaining accountability for the actions of the membership of the organization
 Abiding by university policies and procedures, as well as local, state, and federal laws
 Refraining from all activities associated with hazing and improper use of alcohol and illegal drugs
 Refraining from advising or misleading third parties into believing that members are agents of the
 Notifying the CSA Office of officer changes throughout the year
 Ensuring that all officers remain in good disciplinary and academic standing (a cumulative GPA of
2.0 or higher)
 Other responsibilities consistent with those expected of similar student groups
For an organization to be compatible with and in support of the educational mission of Oakland
University, it must remain in compliance with this relationship statement. Non-compliance with the
provisions of this statement will jeopardize the privilege of recognition. Oakland University retains the
right to deny recognition and to suspend or rescind the recognition of a student organization if it
duplicates the mission and activity of another organization or for any violation of the relationship
statement or any other Oakland University policies and procedures.
Oakland University, as an equal opportunity and affirmative action institution, is committed to
compliance with federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination, including Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of
1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. It is the policy of Oakland University that there shall be
no discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, color, religion, national origin or
ancestry, age, marital status, handicap, veteran status or other prohibited factors in employment,
admissions, educational programs or activities.
Membership in an Oakland University organization must be open to any Oakland University student
regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital
status, handicap, veteran status or other prohibited factors in educational programs or activities. An
exception to this policy includes social fraternities and sororities that are permitted by federal and state
law to discriminate on the basis of gender. Oakland University is a public, state-supported institution of
higher education and adheres to the principles of separation of church and state.
All recognized student organizations are eligible to reserve available rooms in the Oakland Center and around
campus. Most rooms are available free of charge, though certain locations on campus may have a rental fee (i.e.,
as Varner Recital Hall and Meadow Brook Hall). To reserve a room in the Oakland Center contact the OC
Reservations Office, 118 OC, x3230; for classroom reservations outside the Oakland Center, contact the CSA
Office, 49 OC, x2400; for rooms in the Campus Recreation Center, contact the Coordinator of Facility
Operations, x4732.
By signing the student organization registration form, all officers agree to the Financial Responsibility
Oakland University and each student organization agree that those members who hold the position of
President and/or Treasurer, who are of majority age, will be the only members of the organization
approved to sign for the organization’s account number(s). These officers hereby agree to be accountable
for and comply with CSA and university policies and procedures related to the use of a university
account(s). Failure to settle any overdraft account(s) will result in a suspension of the privileges of
registration and recognition afforded to student organizations.
NOTE: If a student organization account shows a deficit, registration and recognition are at the
discretion of The Center for Student Activities & Leadership Development. In addition, the organization
cannot conduct any financial business and/or university activities involving a cost (i.e., printing services,
food service, rental of facilities or equipment, etc.)
Each student organization is assigned two accounts through the university. One is the Student Activities Funding
Board (SAFB) account for funds received through the distribution of the student activity fee. The second is a flex
account for all other funds received by the student organization through dues, donations or fundraising.
Cash and checks received by any student organization must be deposited into their university flex account within
24 hours of receipt. Deposits are made through the CSA Service Window. All checks must include the
organization account number on the endorsement section. All deposits of donated funds by outside companies
must be done through Gift Accounting in John Dodge House, x2865. If you are planning to solicit donations, you
should contact Gift Accounting in advance.
All monies raised by student and Greek organizations on the campus of Oakland University must be deposited
into their on-campus student organization accounts. No university monies can be deposited into bank accounts
outside of the university.
Officers of student organizations may not order, sign agreements, or enter into an obligation for goods or
services with an individual or a company on behalf of Oakland University. An Oakland University
purchasing agent must make all agreements and set terms with all vendors.
Petty cash is available to registered student and Greek organizations through the CSA Office. A Petty Cash
Request Form must be completed at least 48 business hours in advance of the desired pickup date. Original
receipts and change must be returned to the CSA Accounting Clerk, no later than 48 hours after the pick up date.
Failure to do so may restrict future requests for petty cash. Funds are limited and are distributed on a first come,
first serve basis.
Petty cash cannot be used for the following:
 Purchase of flowers
 Copies or purchases at Kinkos or other off-campus printing services
 Parking
 Gas for traveling
 Meals while traveling
 Deposits
Receipts must be detailed outlining what was purchased, the purchase price and the method of payment. Yellow
credit card receipts cannot be accepted. There is a $100 limit on petty cash requests.
CSA and Oakland University take no responsibility or assume any liabilities for off campus accounts.
The following is the Travel Policy for Student Organizations and Student Government as prescribed by the
Oakland University Administrative Policies and Procedures:
Representatives of recognized student organizations and student government groups, in order to fulfill the
purpose of the organization, may engage in off-campus travel. At all times they must recognize their
responsibilities for compliance with Oakland University policies, ordinances, and state and local laws.
Depending on the nature of the travel, the university may set conditions or require an advisor or other
university official to travel with the group. No student organization or student government travel will be
authorized or supported with university monies without prior approval by the appropriate university
official. Unapproved travel will not be eligible for reimbursement from a university account.
Requests for permission to travel must be submitted to the Center for Student Activities (CSA) a
minimum of ten working days in advance of the travel date. The CSA representative will review all
requests for travel in consultation with the Purchasing and Risk Management Office and the Dean of
Students Office (in the event of foreign travel Subject #767). The CSA representative has approval
authority for in-state travel. In cases where travel will be outside the State of Michigan or outside the
continental United States, approval must be obtained from the Vice President for Student Affairs or
his/her designee. The review of the request for travel will take into consideration the educational nature of
the trip and the mission of the university. Generally, out-of-state travel by student organizations and
student government that has primarily an educational, cultural, or recreational purpose, is related to club
sports or official university competition, or is related to student government business will be approved
under this policy. Intercollegiate athletic travel is approved by the Athletic Director.
All students are required to sign the waiver of responsibility for participation in activity. Forms may be
obtained from the CSA office.
In addition to the Oakland University Travel Policy for Student Organizations, student and Greek organizations
are subject to the following guidelines and policies regarding travel:
For all in-state travel, travel must be approved by the Coordinator of Student Organizations & Greek
For out-of-state travel in the United States, travel must also be approved by the Dean of Students.
For out-of-country travel (including Canada and Mexico), travel must also be approved by the Dean
of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs.
All paperwork must be submitted at least ten working days prior to travel. For out-of-country travel, please allow
two weeks. Documents verifying the travel itinerary, purpose of the trip, and method of travel must be included
with the travel authorization form.
After approval is received from the appropriate university officials, the organization is required to collect signed
waiver of responsibility forms from each person participating in the trip. These waivers must be submitted to the
Coordinator of Student Organizations or Greek Life PRIOR to travel.
All transportation rentals (vehicles, vans, buses, etc.) in which university funds are being used must be approved
through the CSA Office and the Purchasing Department, 13 PSS, x3170. The rental of 15 passenger vans from
any vendor is not allowed. All student organizations are subject to state of Michigan DMV background checks
and/or approved driving course requirements through the Oakland University Risk Management Department.
For individuals traveling on behalf of student and Greek organizations, no alcohol may be consumed or possessed
in any vehicle; all approved drivers and trip supervisors must abstain from use of alcohol over the entire duration
of the trip. Trip supervisors may prohibit the participation of individuals showing signs of intoxication or other
inappropriate behavior from any or all activities over the duration of the trip.
Depending upon the nature of the trip, an administrative professional staff member or faculty member may be
required to accompany the organization. The Coordinator of Student Organizations or Greek Life, the Dean
of Students, and/or the Vice President for Student Affairs may add stipulations as conditions of approval
for travel.
All student organizations registered through the CSA Office are eligible to create a webpage on the Oakland
University Mainframe. To do so, the organization must fill out the webpage request form and submit it to the
Center for Student Activities and Leadership Development. This form requires that the members of the
organization choose an original filename for their webpage and identify at least two students with Oakland
University email addresses to be responsible for maintaining their site.
All sites must remain in good taste and information contained within must be appropriate, tasteful and respectful
of other organizations, individuals and the OU community and in line with the mission of Oakland University. In
addition, any site that is not updated over a period of fifteen months will be removed from the Oakland University
No candles
No glitter
No room set-up changes in Lake Michigan Room, Lake Superior Room A & B, Lake Huron
No food for meetings and events in the OC or Vandenberg Hall brought in from the outside;
Chartwells has exclusive rights in the OC and Vandenberg Hall
No distribution and solicitation in the Oakland Center, Residence Halls, or around campus
Dances (See Jean Mick for Student Organizations & Cressie Smith for Greek Organizations)
Social events with attendance more than 100 (See Jean Mick for Student Organizations &
Cressie Smith for Greek Organizations)
Use of Pioneer Food Court (See Jean Ann Miller)
Outdoor events (See Jean Mick)
Bonfire requests (See Jean Mick)
Student organizations registration and concerns (See Jean Mick)
Greek organizations registration and concerns (See Cressie Smith)
Room reservations in the Oakland Center (See OC Reservations Office, 118 OC)
Table reservations in the Oakland Center (See OC Reservations Office, 118 OC)
Room reservations outside the Oakland Center (See Dessie Welker)
Room reservations in the Campus Recreation Center (See Demond Pryor)
Status of student organization accounts and financial concerns (See Accounting Clerk)
Reimbursements for receipts and mileage (See Accounting Clerk)
Petty cash requests (See Accounting Clerk)
Printing Services (See Printing Services, 16 PSS)
Mailing Services (See CSA Office, 49 OC & Mail Services, 12 PSS)
Community Service opportunities (See Cressie Smith)
Volunteer Incentive Program (See Cressie Smith)
Leadership opportunities (See Jean Mick)
LCD, TV/VCR, sound equipment in OC (See OC Reservations Office, 118 OC)
CSA LCD, TV & VCR, sound equipment (See Paul Franklin)
Film rentals (See Jean Ann Miller or Paul Franklin)
CSA Service Window to sell student tickets, sign-ups (See Paul Franklin)
Posting of materials in the OC and around campus (See CSA Office, 49 OC)
Banner requests (See CSA Office, 49 OC)
Table tent requests (See CSA Office, 49 OC)
Ordering food service in OC (See Chartwells, 121 OC)
Ordering food service not in OC (See Accounting Clerk)
Performance and presentation contracts (See Jean Ann Miller)
Travel authorization and waivers (See Cressie Smith)
Arrangements for off-campus transportation methods (See Cressie Smith)
SAFB requests (See Oakland University Student Congress Office, 62 OC)
Use of Oakland University logo (See Communications & Marketing, 433 VAR)
Use of Golden Grizzly logo (See Communications & Marketing, 433 VAR)
Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC)/S.A.F.E. On Campus (See Jean Ann Miller)
Student Resource Center (See Jean Mick or Cressie Smith)
Commuter Programs and Events (See Jean Mick)
Games of Chance, Raffles, Poker (See Jean Ann Miller)
*NOTE: Completed forms should be submitted to the person in ( ).
**NOTE: All forms which require an exchange of money for services must be signed by the president
and/or treasurer of the student or Greek organization.
APPLICATION FOR GAME OF CHANCE APPROVAL: Used to request permission for
raffles and other games of chance from the State of Michigan. (Jean Ann Miller)
BANNER REQUEST FORM: Used to request a banner as publicity for a student organization
meeting or event. Form should be received at least 2 weeks prior to the event. (Dessie Welker)
CHANGE OF OFFICER FORM: To be completed when one or more changes in persons or
contact information have occurred with the officers (president, vice president, secretary,
treasurer) and/or advisor of the organization. (See Jean Mick for Student Organizations &
Cressie Smith for Greek Organizations)
PRESENTATION AGREEMENT to provide additional information when executing a contract
for services. (Jean Ann Miller)
CSA SERVICE WINDOW AGREEMENT FORM: Serves as a contract between the CSA
Office and a student organization when the organization needs to sell tickets or do a sign-up for
an event through the CSA Service Window. (Paul Franklin)
DUPLICATING REQUISITION: Used to request copying services from Printing Services.
For services over $100, the form must be signed by a CSA staff member. (Printing Services)
EQUIPMENT CHECK OUT FORM: Used to request audio-visual and misc. equipment from
the CSA Office. (Paul Franklin)
ITC EQUIPMENT/VIDEO REQUEST: Used to request audio-visual and sound equipment
from the ITC department. Must be signed by a CSA staff member. (ITC)
OUTDOOR EVENTS REQUEST: Used to request event space outside any university
buildings (i.e. upper fields, SFH fishbowl, bake sales, bonfire pit, etc.) (Jean Mick)
presenter, or DJ and Oakland University on behalf of a student organization. Should be
accompanied by a CONTRACT INFORMATION SHEET. Must be signed by Director of the
Center for Student Activities. (Jean Ann Miller)
PAYMENT REQUEST FORM: Used to request an order from a vendor (Accounting Clerk)
PETTY CASH REQUEST: Used when requesting cash-in-advance from a student
organization account for small item purchases. Form should be received at least 48 hours prior
to the need for funds. (Accounting Clerk & Jean Ann Miller)
RECEIPTS: Used for reimbursements from SAFB and flex accounts to individuals for
purposes. No single transaction/receipt for goods may total more than $100 from a vendor
within the same business day. (Accounting Clerk)
rooms outside the Oakland Center for student organization events. (Dessie Welker)
to travel as a student organization. For conference travel, also submit a copy of the agenda or
schedule of events with this form. Allow 10 days for travel in the U.S. and 14 days for
international travel. Prior to travel, each participating student must complete a WAIVER OF
VIP REGISTRATION FORM: Used to register for the Volunteer Incentive Program. (Cressie
VOLUNTEER VERIFICATION FORM: Used to submit volunteer hours for the Volunteer
Incentive Program. (Cressie Smith)
activities sponsored by student organizations, each participant must complete and submit this
FORM, must precede or accompany these forms. (Cressie Smith)
WEBPAGE REQUEST FORM: Used to request a webpage space on the Oakland University
Mainframe. (Cressie Smith)
Campus Recreation Center
Greg Jordan, Director
Andre Love, Coordinator of Intramurals & Club Sports
Mila Padgett, Assistant Director of Programs
Desmond Pryor, Coordinator of Facility Operations
Center for Student Activities (CSA) Office
Jean Ann Miller, Director
Jean Mick, Coordinator
Paul Franklin, Coordinator of Campus Programs
Vacant, Accounting Clerk
Cressie Smith, Coordinator
Dessie Welker, Office Assistant
49 OC
107 OC
Communications & Marketing
433 VAR
Dean of Students, Glenn McIntosh
144 OC
ITC (Classroom Support and Instructional Technical Services)
207 VAR
Oakland Post
61 OC
Oakland University Student Congress (OUSC), Madalyn Miller
62 OC
OC Reservations Office, Mary Isaacs
118 OC
OUTV, Scott Burke
111 VAR
248-370-3331 non emergency
911 emergency
Purchasing Department, Judy Burton
13 PSS
Student Activities Funding Board (SAFB), Lindsay McCullough
62 OC
Student Program Board (SPB), Tamara Kukuk
64 OC
University Housing
448 Hamlin
University Services
Mail Services
Printing Services
Shipping and Receiving
12 PSS
16 PSS
11 PSS
Vice President of Student Affairs, Mary Beth Snyder
144 OC
WXOU, Adam Panchenko
69 OC
New Student Convocation 3:00 -5:00 p.m.
Tuesday, August 29
Classes begin at 7:30 a.m.
Wednesday, August 30
Labor Day Holiday (NO CLASSES)
Monday, September 4
Thanksgiving Recess begins at 10 p.m.
Wednesday, November 22
Classes resume at 7:30 a.m.
Monday, November 27
Classes end at 10:00 p.m.
Tuesday, December 5
Study Period
Wednesday, December 6
Final Exams begin at 7:30 a.m.
Thursday, December 7
Final Exams end at 10:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 13
Fall Commencement
Saturday, December 16
Classes begin at 7:30 a.m.
Thursday, January 4
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Monday, January 15
Winter Recess begins at 10:00 p.m.
Saturday, February 24
Classes resume at 7:30 a.m.
Monday, March 5
Classes end at 10:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 18
Study Period
Thursday, April 19
Final Exams begin at 7:30 a.m.
Friday, April 20
Final Exams end at 10:00 p.m.
Thursday, April 26
Spring Commencement
Saturday, May 5