APUSH Chapter 7 Reading Guide The Road to Revolution, 1763-1775 The Deep Roots of Revolution Republicanism Radical Whigs What were the circumstances that helped bolster these attitudes? Mercantilism and Colonial Grievances Explain mercantilism The Navigation Acts Currency Issues Nullification Veto The Merits and Menace of Mercantilism Explain the pros and the cons of the mercantilistic system for the colonists The Stamp Tax Uproar Why did Britain need money? Who was George Grenville and what did he do to arouse the resentment of the colonists prior to the Stamp Act? ID the Stamp Act. Chapter 7 Reading Guide Page 2 Why did Grenville not think his actions unreasonable? Why did the colonists hate his actions? Explain the colonial distinction between legislation and taxation and Grenville’s notion of virtual taxation. Forced Repeal of the Stamp Act ID the Stamp Act Congress of 1765 What other actions did the colonists take that ultimately led Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act o Explain the Declaratory Act The Townshend Tea Tax and the Boston “Massacre” ID the Townshend Acts ID the Boston Massacre Chapter 7 Reading Guide Page 3 The Seditious Committee of Correspondence Why did Lord North persuade Parliament to repeal the Townshend Acts and which tax was kept alive to retain the principle of parliamentary taxation? ID Sam Adams Explain the committees of correspondence. Tea Brewing in Boston Explain how the British East India Company acquired a monopoly on tea in the colonies. What was the colonists reaction? Explain. ID the Boston Tea Party Parliament Passes the "Intolerable Acts" ID the Intolerable Acts ID the Quebec Act Chapter 7 Reading Guide Page 4 Bloodshed ID the First Continental Congress Explain the Battle of Lexington and Concord Imperial Strength and Weaknesses STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES American Plusses and Minuses ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES A Thin Line of Heroes Explain the shortages ID Valley Forge Explain the issues of unreliable militias. Explain the African-American experience in the Revolutionary War. Explain the issue of American profiteers.