HW 4: The Road to Independence

The Road to Revolution
The story here is how American colonists went from loyal, patriotic British citizens (which was true of
the vast majority of colonists as late as 1763) to rebels. As you read about the events driving them
and Britain apart, focus on identifying the issues as you learn the story: WHY are the two sides
headed for war?
Read the Outline carefully; from Johnson and Zinn get only the answers to the questions below.
Outline: pages 50-61
Johnson: Part 2 “George Washington and the War against France” through “The Galvanizing
Zinn: Chapter 4: Tyranny is Tyranny (until the war begins)
Homework Questions
1. What is the central problem between British and Americans, according to Outline? What does
Johnson think is the problem? (see Part 2 “Poor Quality…”) What does Zinn think the problem
is? (See the first part of Ch 4, Tyranny is Tyranny)
2. What connects the Stamp Act, the Townshend Acts, and the Boston Tea Party?
3. What role is played by Common Sense according to Outline? What do Johnson and Zinn think
about Paine and Common Sense? (search “Common Sense” online or use the index for print
Lecture Notes
1. The Background for Revolution
a. British Government
Limited Monarchy
Colonial governments
Navigation Acts
b. Great Awakening
c. Enlightenment/John Locke
d. The Seven Years War
2. Grenville’s Administration
a. Grenville’s Line
b. Anti-smuggling
c. Stamp Act
d. Stamp Act Crisis (3 parts)
e. Sons of Liberty
3. Townshend’s Administration
a. Townshend Acts
b. Boston Massacre
4. North’s Administration
a. Calm
b. Tea Act and Tea Party
c. Intolerable Acts
5. Starting the War
a. Continental Congress
b. Lexington: Shot Heard Round the
c. Common Sense
d. Declaration of Independence