SES4U Wein and Stefan Practise.doc

Wien’s law Practice and Stefan-Boltzmann Law
Wien’s Law Equation ->
1. A star has a surface temperature of 10000 K. At what wavelength will this star emit most of its
2. What is the temperature of a star which has maximum energy emitted at the wavelength of 550 nm?
3. If a star has a surface temperature of 6174 K, determine the wavelength at which it emits its
maximum amount of energy.
4. What is the wavelength at which the human body radiates maximum energy if the average internal
body temperature of a human is 37 degrees celsius(hint K = C + 273.15)?
Stefan-Boltzmann Law Equation ->
1) The star Zeta Persei (ζ Parsei) is 980ly away from our solar system. It has a temperature of 23
000K and has a luminosity of 105 000 Watts.
a. Classify this star based on its temperature.
b. Determine the radius of this star.
c. If the radius of the Sun is 695 500km, what is the radius of Zeta Persei?
2) The star Tau Scorpii (τ Scorpii) is 430ly away from our solar system. It has a luminosity of 18
000 Watts and has a temperature of 30 700K.
a. Classify this star based on its temperature.
b. Determine the radius of this star.
c. If the radius of the Sun is 695 500km, what is the radius of Tau Scorpii?
3) Beta Centauri (β Centauri) is the tenth brightest star in the night sky. It is 106pc away from our
solar system. It has a temperature of 25 500K and a luminosity of 120 000 W.
a. Classify this star based on its temperature.
b. Determine the radius of this star.
c. If the radius of the Sun is 695 500km, what is the radius of Beta Centauri?