SNIPER Bulletin - May 2014

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May 2014
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ISSN: 2202-753X
SNIPER No.: 2014/00706
Author: Turner, Ashley
Author: Searle, Nicola
Title: 3D printing and IP: what does the future hold?
Source: IPR Helpdesk Bulletin. No. 13 April-June 2014, pp. 8-9.
Summary: Three dimensional printing -- additive manufacturing -- labelled the 'third industrial
revolution' -- 3D printing and intellectual property -- patent research -- further research to be
undertaken to analyse the current use of the technology by industry -- UK IPO keen to better
understand the future interaction of IP and 3D printing.
Subject: Three-dimensional printing
Subject: Intellectual property rights--manufacturing and processing industry
SNIPER No.: 2014/00719
Author: Haigh, David
Title: 2014 brand finance: the world's brand leaders
Source: World Trademark Review. No. 48, April-May 2014, pp. 18-26.
Summary: Brand Finance has been tracking the value of intangible assets on all major world stock
markets since 2001 -- after a turbulent few years, the value of intangible assets is surging upward - United States, Germany, Japan and the United States continue to show growth -- strong
performances in China and Korea -- trends are reflected in the observed performance of brands in
this year's Brand Finance Global 500 study -- world's most valuable brands -- individual winners
and losers -- world's most powerful brands -- some high-value sectors in 2013 -- auto brands -- oil
and gas brands -- high-end fashion brands.
Subject: Value of intellectual property--statistics
Subject: Branding--statistics
SNIPER No.: 2014/00721
Author: Meiring, Wayne
Title: ARIPO: good news at last?
Source: World Trademark Review. No. 48, April-May 2014, p. 31.
Summary: Significant investment in the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation
(ARIPO) Office -- to assist with the automation of the ARIPO Office -- automation of the national
intellectual property (IP) offices of ARIPO's member states -- goal is to ensure ARIPO can offer
electronic services to its users -- electronic linkage between the ARIPO office and the IP offices of
member states -- whether ARIPO represents a viable option for companies seeking to protect their
trade marks in Africa -- applications are filed centrally at the ARIPO Office -- applicant must
designate the particular countries in which it wants protection -- priority -- cost -- problems -- multiclass filing -- African Intellectual Property Organisation (OAPI).
Subject: Intellectual property offices--Africa
Subject: Trade mark registration--Africa
SNIPER No.: 2014/00720
Author: Brunet-Stoclet, Delphine
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Author: André-Nivet, Marie
Title: Art and advertising: are they compatible?
Source: World Trademark Review. No. 48, April-May 2014, pp. 28-30.
Summary: Latest trend in the advertising world is to draw inspiration from or reproduce works of
art in order to promote companies' products and services -- advertisers have also integrated their
products into original works of art -- created new product showcases by using the style of an
instantly recognisable artist -- conditions under which works are used for advertising purposes -authorisation from copyright holders -- exception of parodies or caricatures -- parodies that touch
on a religious issue, advertisers risk being held liable and must therefore exercise caution -advertisement based on Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper -- case shows how difficult it is to
balance the various interests at stake.
Subject: Marketing
Subject: Moral rights
SNIPER No.: 2014/00710
Author: IP Australia
Title: Australian intellectual property report 2014
Source: Australian Intellectual Property Report. 2014.
Summary: IP applications in Australia -- patents -- design -- plant breeder's rights -- trade marks -Australians filing overseas -- state of play in Australia -- IP is everywhere: except in the data -impacts of 'Raising the Bar' -- research program.
Subject: IP Australia
Subject: Intellectual property--statistics--Australia
Subject: Patents--statistics--Australia
Subject: Trade marks--statistics--Australia
Subject: Copyright--statistics--Australia
Subject: Industrial designs--statistics--Australia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00604
Author: Pettigrew, Alan, G.
Added author: Australia. Office of the Chief Scientist
Title: Australia's position in the world of science, technology & innovation
Source: Occasional Paper Series (Australia. Office of the Chief Scientist). No. 2, 2012.
Summary: Australia's science research and innovation systems -- performance against other
developed nations -- key results for Australia and other developed nations from the OOECD
Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2011 -- R&D expenditure and workforce -Scandinavian countries have the greatest percentage of researchers in its workforce -- research
outcomes -- Australia compares favourably with the United Kingdom, Canada, United States,
Germany and France in counts of research publications in top journals -- levels of foreign
investment in Australia's business R&D very low in comparison with the United Kingdom -possible implications for Australia's R&D policy.
Subject: Research and development--Australia
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--statistics--Australia
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SNIPER No.: 2014/00657
Author: Dietrich, Joachim
Title: Authorisation as accessorial liability: the overlooked role of knowledge
Source: Australian Intellectual Property Journal. Vol. 24 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 146-166.
Summary: Concept of authorisation of an infringement of intellectual property rights -- not
uniformly interpreted or applied in Australia and the United Kingdom -- proposes a new approach
to resolving difficulties in interpreting and applying authorisation liability -- based on understanding
it as a form of accessorial liability -- emphasises the importance of knowledge and intention -analyses relevant case law -- proposed four categories of authorisation liability -- need for greater
certainty and coherency in this area of copyright law
Subject: Intellectual property infringement--liability--Australia
Subject: Copyright infringement--liability--Australia
SNIPER No.: 2013/02767
Author: Bicknell, Paul
Title: BSkyB v Microsoft: actual evidence of confusion
Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 35 No. 12, 2013, pp. 764-768.
Summary: Sky's marks -- Microsoft s use of SkyDrive for its cloud storage -- registered trade mark
infringement -- counterclaims for invalidity against Sky's SKY marks -- likelihood of confusion -reputation and loss of distinctiveness -- passing off -- Microsoft's invalidity case.
Subject: Trade mark infringement--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Trade mark validity
Subject: Passing-off
Subject: Confusing similarity
SNIPER No.: 2014/00659
Author: Geiger, Christophe
Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht
Title: Challenges for the enforcement of copyright in the online world: time for a new approach
Source: Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law Research Paper. No.
14-01, 7 March 2014.
General Note: Also published in forthcoming publication: P. Torremans (ed.), "Research
Handbook on the Cross-Border Enforcement of Intellectual Property", Cheltenham, UK /
Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar (2014).
Summary: Electronic copyright infringement and enforcement strategies -- internet infringement -Europe -- enhancement of legislative regimes and increased penalties -- public backlash to
increased enforcement regimes -- anti-file sharing measures -- graduated or three-strikes response
-- French HADOPI legislation-- European and international harmonisation of penalties -strengthening of criminal measures -- Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) -- potential
alternatives -- decriminalisation of some activities -- legalisation of non-commercial file sharing -lessons to be learned from past enforcement failures -- need for copyright to adapt to changing
Subject: Electronic copyright--Europe
Subject: Internet--Europe
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Subject: Copyright infringement--Europe
Subject: Copyright enforcement--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00662
Author: Drexl, Josef
Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht
Title: Collective management of copyrights and the EU principle of free movement of services after
the OSA judgment: in favour of a more balanced approach
Source: Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law Research Paper. No.
14-06, 3 March 2014.
General Note: Also published in: Kai Purnhagen and Peter Rott (eds), Varieties of European
Economic Law and Regulation (Springer 2014).
Summary: Cross-border collective copyright management -- European Directive on Collective
Rights Management -- free movement of services and national sector-specific copyright regulation
-- Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním o.s. (OSA) judgment -- services provided
by copyright management organisations (CMOs) -- economics of collective rights management -potential for CMOs to offer cross-border services -- application of free movement principle to
services and effects on competition -- practical application of cross-border licensing and exercise
of other rights -- impact of the Services Directive on cross-border copyright licensing services -impacts on rights owners -- impacts on users -- cases where collective rights management is
mandatory -- scope of the copyright exception in the Services Directive.
Subject: European Parliament. Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market
Subject: European Parliament. Directive 2014/26/EU of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 26 February 2014 on collective management of copyright and related rights and multiterritorial licensing of rights in musical works for online use in the internal market
Subject: Copyright licensing societies--law and legislation--Europe
Subject: Copyright licensing--case law--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00660
Author: Drexl, Josef
Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht
Title: The competition dimension of the European Regulation of Public Sector Information and the
concept of an undertaking
Source: Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law Research Paper. No.
14-03, 31 January 2014.
General Note: Also published in forthcoming publication: Vicente Bagnoli and Josef Drexl (eds),
State-Initiated Restraints of Competition (Edward Elgar 2014).
Summary: Competition and public sector information (PSI) -- availability and licensing of public
sector-produced information -- Europe -- tension between European PSI regime and competition
law -- competition dimension of public sector information -- obligation to allow re-use of PSI -scope of the revised PSI Directive -- exceptions for documents falling outside the public task -decisions on available document format -- principles and procedures relating to re-use -competition policy evaluation of the PSI Directive -- public sector bodies as undertakings in
European competition law -- FENIN v Commission -- Compass-Datenbank GmbH case -- move
from refusal to allow re-use to open data policies.
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Subject: European Parliament. Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information
Subject: Copyright licensing--law and legislation--Europe
Subject: Competition law--Europe
Subject: Copyright--policy--Europe
Subject: Government--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00633
Author: Pezzini, Mario
Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Davies, Andrew, 1966Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: Competitive regional clusters: national policy approaches
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Competitive Regional Clusters: National Policy
Approaches, 2007.
Summary: Regional innovation systems and policy -- why clusters policies are regaining popularity
-- where programs originate -- how programs pick participants -- what instruments are used and
how -- who deals with governance -- lessons learned -- case studies -- Canada -- Czech Republic - Finland -- France -- Germany -- Italy -- Japan -- Korea -- Netherlands -- Norway -- Basque
Country, Spain -- Sweden -- United Kingdom -- Georgia, United States -- Oregon, United States.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends
Subject: Intellectual property--policy
Subject: Intellectual property--trends
SNIPER No.: 2014/00476
Author: Palazzi, Pablo A.
Title: Copyright criminal complaint against YouTube dismissed in Argentina
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 177-179.
Summary: Argentina -- Criminal Court of Appeals dismisses criminal complaint against Google
video service and decides that the user is not criminally liable -- Copyright Act of Argentina -- no
exceptions in the Copyright Act for e-commerce, there are no fair use provisions and no rules for ecommerce liability of intermediaries -- criminal complaint based on Copyright Act against YouTube
administrator and users for uploading film -- legal history -- analysis of decision -- Taringa
precedent -- issue of civil liability remains -- practical significance.
Subject: Copyright infringement--case law--Argentina
Subject: Carriage service providers--liability--Argentina
SNIPER No.: 2014/00481
Author: Ramalho, Ana
Title: Copyright law-making in the EU: what lies under the 'internal market' mask?
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Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 208-224.
Summary: A look at the goals of European Union (EU) copyright legislation and an assessment of
those goals with reference to Article 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
(TFEU) -- content analysis techniques used in this study -- three main goal classes are defined in
this study -- treaty-related objectives as a goal of legislative activity -- protection of specific
interests as a goal of legislative activity -- compliance with the international framework as a goal of
legislative activity -- evidence and data gathered reviewed -- evidence of shortcomings in copyright
Subject: Copyright--law and legislation--Europe
Subject: Harmonisation of laws--Europe
Subject: Copyright--policy--Europe
Subject: Copyright--statistics--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00782
Author: Coldham, John
Title: Court of Appeal decision on Trunki Community Design appears at odds with precedent
Source: World Intellectual Property Report. Vol. 28 No. 4, April 2014, pp. 47-48.
Summary: England and Wales Court of Appeal decision -- Magmatic Ltd v PMS International Ltd - allowed an appeal by PMS International Limited of a High Court finding -- dispute concerned rideon children's suitcases, PMS's "Kiddee Case", designed as a cheaper version of Magmatic
Limited's "Trunki" range -- whether PMS infringed Magmatic's of registered Community Design -Court found that the overall impression created by the two designs was very different -- facts of the
case -- analysis of the decision -- implications
Subject: Community Design--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Industrial design infringement--case law--United Kingdom
SNIPER No.: 2014/00704
Author: Scherer, Jörg
Title: Creating values: IP exploitation
Source: IPR Helpdesk Bulletin. No. 13 April-June 2014, pp. 2-4.
Summary: Successful exploitation of IP -- life cycle of R&D projects funded through Horizon 2020
-- framework program of the European Union for research and innovation for the period 2014-2020
-- checklist for the drafting of an exploitation plans addressing the major issues in IP -- effectively
exploiting research results -- exploitation tools and channels -- market driven EU IPR Helpdesk
training approach -- interview with Dr Eugene Sweeney, Director Iambic Innovation Ltd -- creating
markets out of research.
Subject: Industrial research and development
SNIPER No.: 2014/00431
Author: Wilkinson, Dino
Title: Data protection in Dubai
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 60-61.
Summary: Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) -- independently regulated onshore
financial centre in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) -- established to provide a secure and efficient
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platform for business and financial institutions to transact with the emerging markets of the Middle
East -- independent jurisdiction with a common law framework and its own judicial system -- basic
principles of the DIFC data protection law -- Commissioner for Data Protection in the DIFC issued
a guidance note -- highlights of the new guidance -- other developments.
Subject: Information technology industry--law and legislation--United Arab Emirates
Subject: Finance--United Arab Emirates
SNIPER No.: 2014/00603
Author: Abbott, Ryan
Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization
Title: Documenting traditional medical knowledge
Source: Documenting Traditional Medical Knowledge. March 2014.
General Note: Published on Social Science Research Network.
Summary: Traditional knowledge -- traditional medicine (TM) -- traditional medicine use -- national
and international policies on traditional medicine -- regulation of traditional medicine -- intellectual
property and traditional medicine -- rights, obstacles and IP protection -- sui generis regimes -- the
public domain -- ownerships of IPRs -- considerations for documenting traditional medicine -practical strategies for documentation -- no generic way to protect traditional medical knowledge -consideration of identified community goals for the use of TM and the risks and benefits of
documentation -- consequences on IP property protection
Subject: Traditional knowledge--pharmaceutical industry
SNIPER No.: 2014/00779
Author: Shaw, Alastair
Author: Thornton, Penelope
Title: Does hyperlinking infringe EU copyright?: CJEU decision in Svensson highlights more
Source: World Intellectual Property Report. Vol. 28 No. 4, April 2014, pp. 41-42.
Summary: Court of Justice of the European Union decision in Nils Svensson and Ors v. Retriever
Sverige AB -- ruled on lawfulness of using hyperlinks to copyright works published by others online
-- found that common forms of hyperlinking do not infringe EU copyright if the link is to content
freely and legally available online -- facts of the case -- analysis of the decision -- practical
significance -- questions raised -- whether hyperlinking is an act of communication -- whether the
communication is to a 'new public' -- whether withdrawal without notice of authorisation results in
infringement -- decision likely to result in further questions from national courts to the CJEU
Subject: Copyright infringement--case law--Europe
Subject: Electronic copyright--case law--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00593
Author: Bennett, Claire
Title: Does the patent exist?: challenging a decision to grant, or not grant, a patent where there
has been a procedural error
Source: CIPA: the journal, incorporating the 'Transactions', of the Chartered Institute of Patent
Agents. Vol. 43 No. 2, February 2014, pp. 96-99.
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Summary: Mistakes made during the prosecution of a patent -- mechanism for correcting the
mistake or challenging a decision about its effect -- limited options if there is no apparent
mechanism for dealing with the mistake -- challenging the final decision to grant or not grant a
patent -- Court of Appeal decision in Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd v Jet Airways (India) Ltd et al
EWCA Civ 1713 -- recourse in the EPO -- recourse in the UK IPO -- the English court -- domestic
foothold -- European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) -- judicial review -- weigh up the costs
against the likely chance of success.
Subject: Legal procedure--Europe
Subject: Patents--case law--United Kingdom
SNIPER No.: 2014/00641
Author: Goodridge, Peter
Author: Haskel, Jonathan
Author: Wallis, Gavin
Added author: UK Intellectual Property Office
Title: Estimating UK investment in intangible assets and intellectual property rights
Source: Estimating UK Investment in Intangible Assets and Intellectual Property Rights. March
General Note: Research commissioned by the UK Intellectual Property Office.
Summary: Level of United Kingdom market sector investment in knowledge assets -- proportions
of those investments protected by intellectual property rights (IPRs) -- knowledge investment
produced as part of the UK Innovation Index -- in 2011 estimated 48% of UK market sector
intangible investment in knowledge was protected by formal IPRs -- estimated that 10% investment
was in assets protected by patents -- 46%in assets by copyright -- 3% in assets protected by
design registration -- 21% in assets protected by unregistered design rights -- 21% in assets
protected by trade marks -- recommendations include building understanding of IP in businesses
and financial services sector through improving bankers' training -- uses of existing tools and new
case studies to increase awareness -- develop an IP Finance Toolkit.
Subject: Value of intellectual property--United Kingdom
Subject: Intellectual capital--United Kingdom
SNIPER No.: 2014/00429
Author: Marsh, Michelle Mancino
Author: Sardesai-Grant, Natasha
Title: Fabric designs: a bouquet of thorny legal issues
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 55-60.
Summary: Prints in fashion for Spring/Summer 2014 -- print trends could have significant legal
and reputational consequences for artists, fashion designers, manufacturers, and retailers -sourcing prints for use in connection with apparel and accessories can be an intellectual property
minefield -- Anthropologie case -- artwork was allegedly used without authorisation or attribution -artist has not filed suit against Anthropologie -- product was removed from sale -- bad press could
potentially have negative effects on Anthropolgie's reputation -- can be difficult to know where a
given design originated -- protecting your company's original designs -- protecting your company
from allegations of infringement.
Subject: Fashion and textile designers
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Subject: Industrial designs--case law
SNIPER No.: 2014/00656
Author: Zwart, Melissa de
Title: Fairness and balance: lessons from Canada for the proposed Australian law of fair use
Source: Australian Intellectual Property Journal. Vol. 24 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 129-145.
Summary: Australian Law Reform Commission inquiry into Copyright and the Digital Economy
tabled February 2014 -- recommended that "a broad, flexible exception for fair use" should be
introduced into the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) -- analysis of history of fair dealing under Australian
law -- examination of this proposal in the context of the significant consideration recently given to
the need for reform of fair dealing law in Australia and overseas -- potential scope for an Australian
law of fair use in the light of previous reform attempts -- apparent transformation of Canadian fair
dealing law as a consequence of major legislative reform and judicial reconfiguration of copyright
as reflecting a balance of owners' and users' rights.
Subject: Fair use (Copyright)--Canada
Subject: Fair use (Copyright)--Australia
Subject: Copyright--reform--Australia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00636
Author: Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor
Author: Wong, Lena
Title: Fan or foe?: fiction, authorship, and the fight for control
Source: IDEA: the Intellectual Property Law Review. Vol. 54 No. 1, 2013, pp. 1-21.
Summary: The Harry Potter Lexicon -- fan website created by Steven Vander Ark -- RDR Books
intention to sell print copies of the Lexicon -- Warner Bros and J.K. Rowling sued Vander Ark and
his publisher for copyright infringement and plagiarism -- won the case and blocked publication of
the Lexicon -- signifies change in rights holders' copyright litigation strategies -- argued author
should maintain near complete control over fictional characters, negating idea of fan fiction -analysis of validity of the control argument and underlying premises -- reasons why fan fiction is
prompting authors to push for control -- validity of control argument in light of the concept of
'authorship' -- argument that courts should not uphold the control argument for legal and structural
Subject: Copyright infringement--case law
Subject: Copyright owners' rights
SNIPER No.: 2014/00664
Title: A four-way fight for the top job
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 20-23.
Summary: Contenders for Director General role at the World Intellectual Property Office -elections to be held in May 2014 -- current DG Francis Gurry nearing the end of term -- current
nominations are Geoffrey Onyeama (Nigeria), Jüri Seilenthal (Estonia), Alfredo Suescum
(Panama) and Francis Gurry (Australia) seeking re-election -- interviews with candidates -- current
roles of the candidates -- aims and threats to nominations -- north-south divided.
Subject: Intellectual property offices--management
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Subject: Intellectual property offices staff
SNIPER No.: 2014/00675
Author: Pezzini, Mario
Author: Davies, Andrew, 1966Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Rimmerfeldt, Anna
Author: Ernst, Dieter, 1942Author: Stevens, Barrie
Author: Bosselli, Brunella
Author: Delage, Matthieu
Author: Lindqvist, Maria
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: Globalisation and regional economies: can OECD regions compete in global industries?
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Globalisation and Regional Economies, 2007.
Summary: Regional innovation systems and policy -- reshaping of regional economies -globalisation and spatial reorganisation of production -- how regions compete -- building on
strengths and identifying opportunities -- need for clear strategy and good governance -- regionsector case studies -- automotive sector -- Västra Götaland Region, Sweden -- Turin, Italy -Detroit/South-East Michigan, United States -- Shanghai, China -- biopharmaceuticals sector -Stockholm, Sweden -- North-Western Switzerland -- Shanghai, China -- Montreal, Canada -- ICT
sector -- Eindhoven, Netherlands -- Ottawa, Canada -- Recife, Brazil -- Stockholm/Kista, Sweden.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends
Subject: Intellectual property--policy
Subject: Intellectual property--trends
SNIPER No.: 2014/00672
Title: Good practice: why the NPE model can help all businesses
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 52-54.
Summary: Non-practising identities -- interview with Jasmine Kway, executive vice president for
business development in Transpacific IP -- jurisdiction matters -- ways of doing business in the US
differs to Europe -- variation in legal frameworks in Europe and Asia -- shift in business priorities -engage and educate on the role of SPCs.
Subject: Non-practising entities
SNIPER No.: 2014/00434
Author: Parness, Hillel I.
Title: Google Books: the importance of being [earnest] important
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 68-70.
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Summary: The Authors Guild, Inc v Google Inc -- United States Court for the Southern District of
New York -- long-awaited decision in favour of Google on the parties' cross-motions for summary
judgment, based on the conclusion that Google had a fair use defence to plaintiffs' claims of
copyright infringement -- focus on one aspect of the court's reasoning -- its repeated emphasis on
the "importance" of the Google Books service -- how that concept may have impacted the court's
conclusion of fair use.
Subject: Fair use (Copyright)--case law--United States
Subject: Copyright infringement--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00474
Author: Smith, Joel
Author: Deacon, Laura
Title: Hong Kong media group has no protectable goodwill in the UK; its Community trade mark is
'now' invalid
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 174-176.
Summary: The Court of Appeal upheld High Court's decision that Starbucks (HK) Limited did not
have a valid Community trade mark (CTM) or enough goodwill in the United Kingdom to prevent
BSkyB from using the name 'NOW TV' -- Starbucks (HK) Limited and Another v British Sky
Broadcasting Group Plc and others -- Hong Kong Internet protocol TV ('IPTV') service under the
name 'NOW TV' -- access to programs in the UK via the internet -- CTM owned by Starbucks for
the word 'now' -- Starbucks claim for infringement of their CTM and for passing off -- CTM held to
be invalid under Article 7(1)(c) of Regulation 207/2009 -- lack of distinctiveness -- lack of a
customer base and goodwill in the UK -- analysis of Court of Appeal decision -- marks famous
outside the UK may apply for an injunction by relying on s 56 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 -practical significance.
Subject: Trade mark infringement--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Trade mark distinctiveness--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Passing-off
SNIPER No.: 2014/00473
Author: Treacy, Pat
Author: Hopson, Helen
Title: HTC v Nokia (UK): no case for exhaustion
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 173-174.
Summary: The High Court for England and Wales rejected HTC's licence defence in patent
infringement case -- HTC v Nokia (UK) -- patentee (Nokia) had a licence agreement with
Qualcomm who sold patented chips to HTC in Taiwan -- Nokia and Qualcomm cross-licence
governed by Delaware law -- important terms of the agreement were confidential -- HTC's
arguments including a claim that the exhaustion doctrine applied -- analysis of decision -- Arnold J
decided that no implied licence under English law existed and that the US exhaustion doctrine did
not apply -- significance for manufacturers of multi-component products.
Subject: Patent infringement--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Legal defences--United Kingdom
Subject: Patent licensing--United Kingdom
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SNIPER No.: 2014/00665
Title: Huawei: keeping an open mind
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 24-27.
Summary: IP strategy of smartphone provider Huawei -- essential patents -- patents provided
under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) -- abandonment of low-value patents -- 10% of sales
income invested into product development and innovation -- profits by licensing it's IP -smartphone wars -- joint ventures and collaborations -- future of 4G and investment in 5G
Subject: Standards (Technical)
Subject: Patent licensing--information technology industry
Subject: Industrial research and development—information technology industry
SNIPER No.: 2014/00618
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Zhang, Gang, 1948Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: Innovation in Southeast Asia
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Innovation in Southeast Asia, 2013
Summary: Southeast Asian innovation systems and policy -- economic development and
performance -- science and technology performance and linkages -- business sector innovation -innovation and the role of government -- national innovation profiles -- Cambodia -- Indonesia -Malaysia -- Singapore -- Thailand -- Vietnam -- economic relationships between China and
Southeast Asian countries -- Chinese perspectives on science, technology and innovation issues.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Southeast Asia
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Southeast Asia
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Southeast Asia
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Southeast Asia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00718
Author: Luit-Drummond, John van der
Title: Inside track: stark future
Source: World Trademark Review. No. 48, April-May 2014, pp. 13-16.
Summary: Senior vice president of intellectual property at Fox Entertainment Group, Mei-lan Stark
oversees a vast international trade mark portfolio and over the next year she will also be serving as
International Trademark Association (INTA) president -- goals for the association -- how her
corporate experience has prepared her for the battles ahead.
Subject: Stark, Mei-lan--interviews
SNIPER No.: 2014/00643
Author: Li, Phoebe H.
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Author: Mellor, Stephen
Author: Griffin, James (James G. H.)
Author: Waelde, Charlotte
Author: Hao, Liang
Author: Everson, Richard
Title: Intellectual property and 3D printing: a case study on 3D chocolate printing
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 4, April 2014, pp. 322-332.
Summary: Emergence of 3D printing as a 'disruptive technology' -- challenges existing intellectual
property framework -- considers copyright aspects of 3D printing -- issues involving artistic works
and liability for authorisation of infringement of copyright – case study around the design and
manufacture of 3D chocolate products -- aspects of the law of copyright -- different business
models for co-creation of 3D printing technology -- reproduction of two-dimensional artistic works in
three dimensions and vice versa.
Subject: Three-dimensional printing--manufacturing and processing industry
Subject: Copyright owners' rights--manufacturing and processing industry
SNIPER No.: 2014/00601
Author: Stichting de Thuiskopie
Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization
Title: International survey on private copying: law and practice 2013
Source: International Survey on Private Copying. No. 23, 2013.
General Note: This is the 23nd edition of this survey, and the second on which WIPO and de
Stichting have collaborated.
Summary: Compensation for private copying -- copyright collecting societies -- research
methodology and scope -- legal background for private copying remuneration -- practical
implementation of compensation systems -- liability issues -- royalty distribution -- country reports -Austria -- Belgium -- Burkina Faso -- Canada -- Croatia -- Czech Republic -- Denmark -- Estonia -Finland -- France -- Germany -- Greece -- Hungary -- Italy -- Japan -- Latvia -- Lithuania -Netherlands -- Norway -- Paraguay -- Poland -- Portugal -- Romania -- Russia -- Slovakia -- Spain - Sweden -- Switzerland -- Turkey -- Ukraine -- United States.
Subject: Copyright levies--statistics
Subject: Copyright licensing societies--statistics
SNIPER No.: 2014/00707
Author: Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs)
Title: IP perception study
Source: IPR Helpdesk Bulletin. No. 13 April-June 2014, p. 10.
General Note: European citizens and intellectual property: perception, awareness and behaviour,
see also 2013/02596.
Summary: Study commissioned by the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual
Property Rights -- assesses what Europeans know and think about IP, across the 28 member
states -- insight of what the concept of IP means to the Union's citizens, especially younger citizens
-- counterfeit goods -- accessed, downloading and streaming illegal content -- IP is confusing
according to some citizens.
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Subject: Patent systems--Europe
Subject: Value of intellectual property--statistics--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00645
Author: Holbrook, Timothy R.
Title: Is the Supreme Court poised to assess the extraterritorial scope of US patent law?
Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 4, 2014, pp. 212-216.
Summary: Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling v Maersk Contractors USA -- Federal Circuit
decision -- expanded the scope of infringement for offering to sell an invention -- expanding the
extraterritorial reach of US patents -- permitting infringement based on diagrams alone -- Supreme
Court h’s requested the views of the Solicitor General as to whether the court should review the
Subject: Patent infringement--case law--United States
Subject: Legal jurisdiction--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00472
Author: Giannino, Michele
Title: Italian torpedo actions can sink cross-border patent infringement proceedings
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 172-173.
Summary: The Italian Court of Cassation decides that Italian courts have jurisdiction in legal
actions involving cross-border patent infringement -- The General Hospital Corporation and others
v Asclepion Laser Technologies -- torpedo action explained as a process of seeking a judgement
of non-infringement from a court in a country where patent litigation is time consuming and thus
preventing the right holder from bringing a patent infringement action in a jurisdiction of its choice -torpedo action in European law -- torpedo action brought by Asclepion Laser Technologies -challenge by the defendant on the issue of jurisdiction -- analysis of Court of Cassation decision -possible strategic advantage of starting torpedo actions in Italy where patent trials may be slow.
Subject: Patent infringement--case law--Italy
Subject: Legal jurisdiction--case law--Italy
Subject: Patent litigation
SNIPER No.: 2014/00781
Author: Società Italiana Brevetti
Title: Italy and the unitary patent
Source: World Intellectual Property Report. Vol. 28 No. 4, April 2014, pp. 45-46.
Summary: Italy has stayed out of the unitary patent scheme but chose to join the Unified Patent
Court -- whether it will eventually decide to become part of the unitary patent system -- ongoing
debate in Italy -- views of Italian enterprises and intellectual property professionals on the unitary
patent and the political outlook -- Confindustria, the Italian confederation of large industries, is the
main supporter of joining the unitary patent scheme -- concentrates on the issue of costs -- College
of Industrial Property Consultants is against joining -- sees no advantage -- concerned about
language issue -- Italian government not yet taken a clear position -- Italy's uncertain political
environment -- decision may be some time away
Subject: Patent systems--harmonisation--Europe
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Subject: Patent systems--Italy
Subject: Regional patents--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00430
Author: Thornham, Chris
Author: Küppers, Roland
Title: Judges in the Unified Patent Court
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 57-59.
Summary: Taylor Wessing's fourth Global Intellectual Property Index (GIPI4) -- test the views of
in-house and private practitioners on the intellectual property (IP) systems of key markets around
the world -- survey covered more countries than ever before -- in-house and private practice
lawyers were asked to assess how these countries compare with each other on an assessment of
the major IP rights -- number of European countries out in front on some of these specific issues
and in overall ratings -- factors that the survey identified as consistently leading respondents to
score a country highly -- judicial expertise in the local divisions -- influence in the regional divisions
-- the European Patent office (EPO).
Subject: Intellectual property industry--statistics
Subject: Intellectual property systems--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00615
Author: Malkin, Daniel
Author: Fujii Olechko, Dmitri
Author: Estrada Galindo, Liliana
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: Knowledge-based start-ups in Mexico
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Knowledge-Based Start-Ups in Mexico, 2013.
Summary: Mexican innovation systems and policy -- interest in knowledge-based start-ups across
the OECD -- creation of new technology-based firms in Mexico -- knowledge-based small and
medium enterprises (SMEs) -- emerging issues for innovation policy -- overview of support
programs -- government programs and instruments -- science and technology policy initiatives
supporting innovative SMEs -- institutional, regulatory and policy initiatives -- structural
weaknesses and challenges -- policy recommendations.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Mexico
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Mexico
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Mexico
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Mexico
Subject: Small and medium enterprises--policy--Mexico
SNIPER No.: 2013/02770
Author: Sobol, Agata
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Page 15 of 46
Title: The latest Italian case law on cross-border and Italian torpedo actions: the General Hospital
Corp (Massachusetts General Hospital) and Palomar Medical Technologies Inc v Asclepion Laser
Technologies GmbH
Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 35 No. 12, 2013, pp. 776-779.
Summary: Supreme Court decision -- Italian torpedo cases -- landmark decision changing the
scenario of torpedoes in Italy -- facts of the case -- analysis of the Supreme Court's decision -torpedoes are legitimate and they are not to be dismissed on the basis of the jurisdiction issue -follow-up in the Italian case law on the merits.
Subject: Patent infringement--case law--Europe
Subject: Legal jurisdiction--Italy
SNIPER No.: 2014/00670
Author: Fuller, Stuart
Title: The law of the few
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 44-46.
Summary: Generic top-level domain names -- digital strategy for brand holders -- most attractive
gTLD are .careers, .online, .mobile and .email -- customers to create wish lists of registrations -- 21
percent of the new gTLDs suffixes make up over 80 percent of total clients wish lists -encouraging brand holders look at the brand protection elements that the new gTLDs have to offer.
Subject: Domain name registration
Subject: Brand management
SNIPER No.: 2014/00757
Author: Mandel, Gregory N.
Title: Leveraging the international economy of intellectual property
Source: Leveraging the International Economy of Intellectual Property. 09 April 2014.
General Note: Published on Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
General Note: Forthcoming in Ohio State Law Review.
Summary: Methodology that leverages trade international trade data to identify indirectly which
intellectual property regimes are more likely to provide greater incentives to innovate globally -international political economy of intellectual property rights -- countries as intellectual property
proxies -- patent law objectives -- relationships between patent law and innovation -- conventional
approaches to optimising patent rights -- country political economy of intellectual property as a
proxy -- country versus industry proxy signals -- applying international proxy signals -- measuring
intellectual property production and consumption -- proxy signal challenges -- dynamic proxy
signals -- measuring country preferences -- industry patent law.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--economics
Subject: Intellectual property systems--economics
Subject: Economic development--research
SNIPER No.: 2014/00671
Author: Leathem, Peter
Title: Licensed to listen
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 48-51.
Summary: Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) UK based music licensing company and
performance rights organisation -- collective licensing of recorded music when it is played in public
or broadcast (including online) in the UK -- legislative changes in 2003 to update the concept of
'broadcasting' -- UK is one of only three net exporters of music in the world -- evolving copyright
law -- legacy of the Hargreaves review -- European Commission public consultation/ongoing
review of EU copyright rules -- cross-border licences -- network of agreement with collective
management organisations.
Subject: Copyright licensing societies--United Kingdom
Subject: Copyright--culture and entertainment industry--United Kingdom
SNIPER No.: 2014/00424
Author: Russell, Bill
Title: Meet the new IP attachés
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 42-45.
Summary: Many businesses in the United Kingdom (UK) do not know the potential value of their
intellectual property (IP) assets -- have limited knowledge of IP laws that provide protection within
the UK -- do not appreciate that this protection does not necessarily apply beyond UK borders -British businesses have asked UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) for practical in-market
support that could help them in three ways -- drivers behind the current IP attaché network -covering China, India, Brazil and South East Asia -- attachés have helped influence perceptions
around IP in host countries -- IP in China, Tom Duke IPO attaché in Beijing -- rapid regulatory
change -- how the UK is responding -- IP in India, Anshika Jha IPO attaché in India -- IP in Brazil,
Sheila Alves IPO attaché in Brasilia -- IP in South East Asia, Christabel Koh IPO attaché in
Subject: Business assistance--United Kingdom
Subject: Intellectual property awareness
SNIPER No.: 2014/00778
Author: Haapanen, Anna
Author: Riihijärvi, Rami
Title: New EU anti-piracy regulation strengthens customs authorities against counterfeits
Source: World Intellectual Property Report. Vol. 28 No. 4, April 2014, pp. 38-41.
Summary: EU anti-piracy Regulation 608/2013 in force from January 1 2014 -- increased powers
for Customs to detain suspected counterfeits and pirated goods at EU borders -- broader scope of
rights protected -- compulsory simplified procedure for destruction -- special procedure for small
consignments -- new EU-wide centralised COPIS (anti-Counterfeit and Piracy Information System)
database -- greater freedom to use information -- goods in transit or parallel imports not covered -sampling limited to specific intellectual property rights -- new procedures -- applications on a single
new form -- eligibility to submit applications -- current applications to be re-filed -- renewal -- stricter
rules for applicants
Subject: Intellectual property enforcement--Europe
Subject: Customs--Europe
Subject: Counterfeiting--law and legislation--Europe
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 17 of 46
SNIPER No.: 2014/00592
Author: Tridico, Anthony C.
Author: Doherty, Elizabeth A.
Author: Lechner, Jolie D.
Title: Novartis v Lee: a new method for calculating US patent term adjustment
Source: CIPA: the journal, incorporating the 'Transactions', of the Chartered Institute of Patent
Agents. Vol. 43 No. 2, February 2014, pp. 95-96.
Summary: Patent term adjustment (PTA) -- Federal Circuit decision in Novartis v Lee -- effect of a
requests for continued examination (RCE) on patent term -- future us patents may be entitled to a
longer term -- Novartis' challenge -- Federal Circuit's decision -- some recently issued patents
might be eligible for extended terms in light of the decision.
Subject: Patent terms--United States
Subject: Intellectual property systems--United States
Subject: Patent terms--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00630
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Velasco, Patricio
Author: Rozenwurcel, Guillermo
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Chile 2007
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Chile, 2007.
Summary: Chilean innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -innovation features, weaknesses and potential -- government innovation policy at critical stage -recommendations -- innovation-driven growth -- macroeconomic performance and institutional
build-up -- international trade and foreign direct investment -- structural features and change in the
Chilean economy -- framework conditions for innovation -- inequality and poverty reduction -strategy for more innovation-driven growth -- international perspective on Chile's innovation
performance -- benchmarking in science, technology and innovation performance -- main lessons
from OECD country experiences -- innovators -- business sector -- public research and
technological organisations -- interaction among innovators -- role of government -- evolution of
innovation policy -- governance and policy mix -- innovation instruments -- assessment of strategic
innovation policy tasks.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Chile
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Chile
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Chile
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Chile
SNIPER No.: 2014/00627
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Zhang, Gang, 1948-
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 18 of 46
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Su, Jing
Author: Cai, Jianing
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: China 2008
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. China, 2008.
Summary: Chinese innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -role of innovation -- main features and performance of innovation system -- role of policy and
governance in promoting innovation -- conclusions and recommendations -- institutional set-up,
performance, objectives and key challenges -- innovation and R&D in China's business sector -public research institutes -- industry and science relations -- China and the globalisation of
research and development -- human resources for science, technology and innovation -- regional
innovation systems in Shanghai, Sichuan and Liaoning -- evolution of Chinese science and
technology policy, 1975-2007 -- framework conditions for innovation -- governance and the role of
government -- Chinese research and development programs for science and technology.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--China
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--China
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--China
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--China
SNIPER No.: 2014/00758
Author: Arnold, Erik
Author: Bell, Martin (R. Martin N.)
Author: Pontikakis, Dimitrios
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Colombia 2014: preliminary version
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Colombia, 2014.
Summary: Colombia innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations - macroeconomic performance, framework conditions and innovation performance -- productivity
growth -- international trade -- foreign direct investment and structural change -- framework
conditions for innovation -- innovation performance -- reorienting long-term paths of economic
development -- role of innovation -- innovation actors -- business enterprises -- agriculture -- ICT
sector -- higher education institutions -- public research institutes -- human resources for science,
technology and innovation -- the role of government -- governance and the national innovation
system -- science, technology and innovation policy -- royalty funding -- public governance -supporting business R&D -- supporting access to risk financing -- spurring market demand for
innovation -- defining the internet and ICT sector as a platform for innovation -- stimulating social
innovation -- building and exploiting international knowledge linkages -- summary note on
government institutions.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Colombia
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Colombia
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Colombia
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Colombia
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 19 of 46
SNIPER No.: 2014/00614
Author: Paić, Alan
Author: Kalamova, Margarita M.
Author: Perret, Sarah
Author: Račić, Domagoj
Author: Ambrus, Barbara
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Croatia 2013
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Croatia 2013.
Summary: Croatian innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -achievements and challenges, strengths and weaknesses -- scope for improving innovation policy - strategic tasks and guiding principles -- economic performance and framework conditions for
innovation -- innovation performance -- innovators -- business sector -- universities and higher
education institutions -- public research organisations -- role of government -- science, technology
and innovation policy -- governance system -- policy mix of institutions and legislative instruments - international sources of innovation funding -- assessment of strategic innovation policy tasks.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Croatia
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Croatia
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Croatia
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Croatia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00626
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Keenan, Michael
Author: Polt, Wolfgang
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Hungary 2008
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Hungary, 2008.
Summary: Hungarian innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations
-- achievements and challenges, strengths and weaknesses -- shortcomings in science, technology
and innovation policy -- strategic tasks and guiding principles -- recommendations -- economic
performance and framework conditions for innovation -- economic performance and level of
innovative activity -- international trade and foreign direct investment -- structural change -- role of
innovation in economic development -- framework conditions for innovation -- performance in
science, technology and innovation and international comparison -- innovators -- business sector -public research organisations -- universities and higher education institutions -- interactions and
linkages -- human resources for science and technology and innovation -- ICT in the Hungarian
economy -- role of government -- evolution of Hungary's innovation policy -- governance and policy
mix -- innovation funding -- assessment of strategic innovation policy tasks.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Hungary
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Hungary
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 20 of 46
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Hungary
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Hungary
SNIPER No.: 2014/00625
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Keenan, Michael
Author: Johnston, Ron, 1943Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Korea 2009
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Korea, 2009.
Summary: Korean innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -strengths and weaknesses -- strategic tasks and guiding principles -- recommendations -economic performance and framework conditions for innovation -- overview of economic
performance -- structural features -- framework conditions for innovation -- performance in science,
technology and innovation -- main features of the innovation system -- innovators -- large national
firms -- SMEs and new technology-based firms -- government research institutes -- universities and
higher education institutions -- human capital -- system linkages -- government innovation policy -policy-making institutions and system governance -- research funding of R&D -- knowledge
diffusion and linkages -- improving framework conditions for innovation -- internationalisation and
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Korea
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Korea
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Korea
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Korea
SNIPER No.: 2014/00634
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Ohler, Fritz
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Luxembourg 2007
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Luxembourg, 2007.
Summary: Luxembourg innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and
recommendations -- strengths and weaknesses -- strategic goals and guiding principles -recommendations -- key features of Luxembourg's innovation system -- indicators -- evolution of
science, technology and innovation policy -- public governance of the innovation system -- main
agencies and interactions -- R&D in the public sector -- business R&D and technological innovation
-- public-private partnerships, industry-science relationships and technology transfer -- role of
Luxinnovation -- internationalisation of R&D -- IP rights -- innovation awareness -- public
governance of innovation -- public research system and higher education institutions.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Luxembourg
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Luxembourg
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 21 of 46
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Luxembourg
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Luxembourg
SNIPER No.: 2014/00759
Author: Keenan, Michael
Author: Pontikakis, Dimitrios
Author: Ajmone Marsan, Guilia
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Netherlands 2014: preliminary version electronic
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Colombia, 2014.
Summary: Netherlands innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and
recommendations -- achievements and challenges of the Dutch innovation system -- economic
performance and framework conditions for innovation -- macroeconomic performance and
productivity growth -- globalisation and structural change -- role of innovation in future development
-- innovation performance -- inputs and outputs -- innovation actors -- business sector -- higher
education institutions -- public research institutes -- role of government -- STI policy in the
Netherlands: a historical overview -- governance -- supporting business R&D -- nurturing
innovation skills -- investing in public sector research -- regional dimension -- supporting
international knowledge linkages.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Netherlands
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Netherlands
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Netherlands
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Netherlands
SNIPER No.: 2014/00632
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Barber, John
Author: Bell, John
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: New Zealand 2007
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. New Zealand, 2007.
Summary: New Zealand innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and
recommendations -- strengths and weaknesses, challenges and opportunities -- strategic tasks
and guiding principles -- recommendations -- innovation and economic performance -macroeconomic performance -- structural features and international linkages -- framework
conditions for innovation -- international comparison of science, technology and innovation
performance -- innovators -- business sector -- public sector R&D -- interaction with the national
innovation system -- innovation skills -- role of government -- overall policy governance -- evolving
high-level strategies -- public programs and instruments to support innovation and R&D -governance and support instruments -- effectiveness of the New Zealand innovation system.
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--New Zealand
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--New Zealand
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--New Zealand
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--New Zealand
SNIPER No.: 2014/00629
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Arnold, Erik
Author: Vanston, Nick
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Norway 2008
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Norway, 2008.
Summary: Norwegian innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations
-- strengths and weaknesses -- strategic tasks and guiding principles -- recommendations -innovation and economic performance -- framework conditions for innovation -- approaches to
assessing the efficiency of the innovation system -- innovators -- division of labour between main
R&D performers -- business sector -- public research sector -- interaction between innovators and
supporting infrastructures -- venture capital and innovation financing -- role of government -- main
policy priorities and challenges -- governance and policy mix -- innovation instruments.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Norway
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Norway
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Norway
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Norway
SNIPER No.: 2014/00620
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Malkin, Daniel
Author: Duhart, Jean-Jacques
Author: Lemola, Tarmo
Author: Chung, Sungchul
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Peru 2011
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Peru, 2011.
Summary: Peruvian innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -role of innovation in economic development -- main weaknesses and policy challenges in the
innovation system -- strategic tasks and guiding principles -- economic performance and structural
change -- innovation as a driver of sustainable growth -- innovators -- business sector -universities and higher education institutions -- public research organisations -- intermediary
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 23 of 46
institutions -- role of government -- evolution of science, technology and innovation policy -governance, policy rationales and policy mix -- policy design institutions and instruments -- policy
mix issues and blind sports -- need for a more efficient science, technology and innovation policy -improving governance and institutional reforms.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Peru
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Peru
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Peru
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Peru
SNIPER No.: 2014/00621
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Keenan, Michael
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Tompson, William
Author: Aubert, Jean-Eric
Author: Sciurpa, Michela
Author: Dubarle, Patrick
Author: Soete, Luc
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Russian Federation 2011
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Russian Federation, 2011.
Summary: Russian innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -achievements, shortcomings and challenges -- guiding policy principles and specific
recommendations -- economic performance and framework conditions for innovation -- overview of
economic performance -- international trade and foreign direct investment -- economic
specialisation and structural features -- role of innovation in future economic development -innovation performance -- innovators -- business sector -- universities and higher education
institutions -- public research organisations -- human resources, education and skills -- role of
government -- institutional profile and system governance -- public funding of R&D -- assessment
of strategic innovation policy tasks.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Russia
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Russia
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Russia
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Russia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00619
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Stampfer, Michael
Author: Feller, Irwin
Author: Lee, Walter
Author: Hofer, Michael
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Slovenia 2012
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Slovenia, 2012.
Summary: Slovenian innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations - achievements and challenges, strengths and weaknesses -- scope for improving innovation policy
-- strategic tasks and guiding principles -- economic performance and framework conditions for
innovation -- international comparison of performance in science, technology and innovation -innovators -- business sector -- universities and higher education institutions -- public research
organisations -- interactions and linkages -- human resources for science, technology and
innovation -- role of government -- evolution of science, technology and innovation policy -governance and policy mix -- governance structures to support public research and business
sector innovation -- national, European and international sources of innovation funding -assessment of strategic innovation policy tasks.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Slovenia
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Slovenia
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Slovenia
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Slovenia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00631
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Arnold, Erik
Author: Bell, Martin (R. Martin N.)
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: South Africa 2007
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. South Africa, 2007.
Summary: South African innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and
recommendations -- achievements, challenges and shortcomings of current policies -recommendations -- economic performance and structural adjustment -- macroeconomic
performance -- international trade and foreign direct investment -- structural features and change in
the South African economy -- transition of innovation system -- policy developments -- research
and innovation performers -- challenges for a second transition – business enterprises in the
innovation system -- human capital -- innovation capabilities -- institutions, policy implementation
and governance -- knowledge infrastructure -- research and innovation structures and governance.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--South Africa
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--South Africa
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--South Africa
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--South Africa
SNIPER No.: 2014/00616
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Keenan, Michael
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 25 of 46
Author: Nolan, Alistair
Author: Pontikakis, Dimitrios
Author: Stampfer, Michael
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Sweden 2012
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Sweden, 2012.
Summary: Swedish innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -achievements and challenges, strengths and weaknesses -- scope for improving innovation policy - strategic tasks and guiding principles -- economic performance and framework conditions for
innovation -- innovation performance -- innovators -- business sector -- higher education
institutions -- public research organisations -- non-governmental organisations -- human resources
for science, technology and innovation -- role of government -- science, technology and innovation
policy -- policy agencies -- governance system -- supporting business R&D and innovation -nurturing skills for innovation -- spurring demand for innovation -- fostering excellence, relevance
and critical mass in public sector research -- promoting balanced regional growth -- promoting
innovation in the public sector and wider society -- building and exploiting international knowledge
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Sweden
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Sweden
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Sweden
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Sweden
SNIPER No.: 2014/00635
Author: Guinet, Jean
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Stampfer, Michael
Author: Glanz, Michaela
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of innovation policy: Switzerland 2006
Source: OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy. Switzerland, 2006.
Summary: Swiss innovation systems and policy -- overall assessment and recommendations -framework conditions for innovation -- achievements and challenges -- assessment of current
policy settings and instruments -- recommendations -- mapping Switzerland's innovation system -strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats -- governance and public policy -- Swiss science
system -- business sector from a national innovation systems perspective.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Switzerland
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Switzerland
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Switzerland
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Switzerland
SNIPER No.: 2014/00674
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
Page 26 of 46
Author: Pezzini, Mario
Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Márquez Padilla, Carlos
Author: Sánchez-Reaza, Javier
Author: Dubarle, Patrick
Author: Bosselli, Brunella
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of regional innovation: 15 Mexican States 2009
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. 15 Mexican States, 2009.
Summary: Mexican regional innovation systems and policy -- assessment and recommendations - economic and innovation challenges -- how national policy can help -- what states should do -governance tools to support policy objectives -- Mexico's regional economic and innovation
performance -- national policies to support regional clusters and innovation systems -- sub-national
initiatives -- multi-level governance to promote regional competitiveness and innovation systems -state profiles -- Aguascalientes -- Chihuahua -- Coahuila -- Colima -- Guanajuato -- Jalisco -Mexico -- Michoacan -- Nuevo Leon -- Puebla -- Queretaro -- San Luis Potosi -- Yucatan -Zacatecas.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Mexico
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Mexico
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Mexico
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Mexico
SNIPER No.: 2014/00623
Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Malkin, Daniel
Author: Nauwelaers, Claire
Author: Primi, Annalisa, 1977Author: Ajmone Marsan, Guilia
Author: Sanchez-Serra, Daniel
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of regional innovation: Basque Country, Spain 2011
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Basque Country, Spain, 2011.
Summary: Spanish regional innovation systems and policy -- assessment and recommendations - changing innovation dynamics and policy effects -- innovation and the Basque economy -economic and demographic trends -- industrial structure and international linkages -- innovation
system and performance -- Basque innovators -- Basque Country science, technology and
innovation policy -- multi-level governance of Basque Country innovation policy -- national Spanish
and European contexts.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Spain
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Spain
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Spain
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Spain
SNIPER No.: 2014/00624
Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Malkin, Daniel
Author: Hutschenreiter, Gernot
Author: Sanchez-Serra, Daniel
Author: Perry, Beth
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of regional innovation: Catalonia, Spain 2010
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Catalonia, Spain, 2010.
Summary: Spanish regional innovation systems and policy -- assessment and recommendations - diagnosing the innovation system -- innovation and the Catalan economy -- economic and
demographic trends -- Catalan industrial structure -- innovation system and performance -- Catalan
innovators -- Catalonia's science, technology and innovation policy -- multi-level governance of
Catalonia's innovation policy -- national Spanish and European contexts.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Spain
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Spain
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Spain
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Spain
SNIPER No.: 2014/00617
Author: Oliveira-Martins, Joaquim
Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Ajmone Marsan, Guilia
Author: Halkier, Henrik
Author: Bjerg, Jens
Author: Dubarle, Patrick
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of regional innovation: Central and Southern Denmark 2012
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Central and Southern Denmark, 2012.
Summary: Danish regional innovation systems and policy -- assessment and recommendations -innovation and the economies of southern and central Denmark -- governance and policy context
for regional strategies -- national regional roles in regional development -- financing of regional
strategies -- national policies for innovation and entrepreneurship -- coordination mechanisms for
achieving regional innovation and growth goals -- regional strategies for innovation-driven growth -regional business development strategies -- innovators -- prioritised sectors and clusters for
regional action -- bottlenecks and opportunities -- policy intelligence, monitoring and evaluation to
improve impact.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Denmark
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Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Denmark
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Denmark
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Denmark
SNIPER No.: 2014/00628
Author: Villarreal, Roberto
Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Davies, Andrew, 1966Author: Bosselli, Brunella
Author: Shapira, Philip
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of regional innovation: North of England, United Kingdom 2008
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. North of England, United Kingdom, 2008.
Summary: English regional innovation systems and policy -- assessment and recommendations -key issues and framework for regional innovation in OECD countries -- innovation and the North of
England -- industry and economics of Northern England -- growth and productivity -- innovation
performance -- national approach to innovation in English regions -- productivity growth and
regional innovation policy -- strengthening regional institutions -- regions in national innovation
policy -- sub-national efforts to support innovation in the North -- regional strategies -- innovation
instruments -- sub-regional and pan-northern support of innovation.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--United Kingdom
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--United Kingdom
Subject: Intellectual property--policy--United Kingdom
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--United Kingdom
SNIPER No.: 2014/00673
Author: Davies, Andrew, 1966Author: Scandura, Alessandra
Author: Benneworth, Paul
Author: Koschatzky, Knut
Author: Draetta, Laura
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: OECD reviews of regional innovation: Piedmont, Italy 2009
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Piedmont, Italy, 2009.
Summary: Italian regional innovation systems and policy -- assessment and recommendations -national policies to support regional innovation -- regional strategies -- systems approach to
regional innovation policy -- international comparison of Piedmont Region -- Piedmont regional
innovation strategy – regional innovation institutions -- filling the gaps through innovation policy.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy--Italy
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Italy
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Subject: Intellectual property--policy--Italy
Subject: Intellectual property--trends--Italy
SNIPER No.: 2014/00663
Author: Brant, Jennifer
Author: Lohse, Sebastian
Title: The open innovation model
Source: ICC Innovation and Intellectual Property series research paper. No. 2, 2014.
General Note: Publication number: 450/1081-2.
Summary: Open innovation -- range of factors including globalisation, advances in information and
communications technology (ICT) and growing technological complexity -- induced businesses to
engage increasingly in innovation collaborations -- advantages of open innovation -- what is
needed for successful open innovation -- inform policy makers and other stakeholders about open
innovation, recent trends related to the open innovation model.
Subject: Intellectual property management
Subject: Intellectual property ownership
Subject: Business collaboration
SNIPER No.: 2014/00426
Author: Abrahams, Charlie
Title: Opening the domain floodgate
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 49-50.
Summary: Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) -- new global TopLevel Domains (gTLDs) process -- increase competition and choice in the domain name space -help create a globally inclusive internet, regardless of language or region -- new programme allows
non-Latin characters to be used in a generic TLD -- New Rights Protection Mechanisms in place to
protect brand owners -- Sunrise registrations -- Trademark Clearinghouse -- Trademark Claims -Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) System -- Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure
(PDDRP) -- Registry Restriction Dispute Resolution Procedure (RRDRP) -- Public Interest
Commitment Dispute Resolution Procedure (PICDRP) -- domain name portfolio review -- domain
management policies -- brand protection strategies.
Subject: Domain name registration
Subject: Brand management
SNIPER No.: 2014/00595
Author: Murray, Clare
Title: Partner discrimination: prevention is better than cure
Source: CIPA: the journal, incorporating the 'Transactions', of the Chartered Institute of Patent
Agents. Vol. 43 No. 2, February 2014, pp. 102-105.
Summary: Partner discrimination protections -- bringing a partner discrimination claim -- partner
discrimination the typical areas of exposure for firms -- sex discrimination -- pregnancy/maternity
discrimination -- age discrimination -- compulsory age retirement clauses -- age discrimination in
lock-step profit-sharing systems -- disability discrimination -- litigation tactics by the partner -proactive steps to reduce partner discrimination risk -- paper trail for partner exits -- diversity and
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equality training -- review the partnership agreement -- partner appraisals diversity and equality
training -- adopting a proactive approach to risk management.
Subject: Lawyers--management
SNIPER No.: 2014/00605
Added author: World Intellectual Property Organization
Title: Patent pools and antitrust: a comparative analysis
Source: Patent Pools and Antitrust. March 2014.
General Note: Prepared by the Secretariat.
Summary: Overview of patent pools -- substitute patents and complementary patents -- essential
and non-essential patents -- standardisation and patent pools -- standard setting and F/RAND
terms -- effects on competition -- pro-competitive effects -- concerns -- IP/antitrust guidelines in
selected jurisdictions -- United States -- Canada -- European Union.
Subject: Patent pools--analysis
Subject: Competition (Economics)
SNIPER No.: 2014/00606
Author: Harms, L. T. C.
Title: Plain packaging and its impact on trademark law
Source: De Jure. Vol. 2 No. 46, 2013, pp. 387-400.
General Note: Paper presented at a Lecture at the University of Pretoria 13 March 2013.
Summary: History of plain packaging -- World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control -- member states must adopt effective measures to ensure that tobacco
product packaging contains health warnings -- Plain Packaging legislation in Australia -- proposed
similar legislation in South Africa -- trade mark law in general terms -- trade mark rights -international law -- constitutional arguments -- law of unintended consequences.
Subject: Australia. Tobacco Plain Packaging Act (2012)
Subject: Trade marks--South Africa
Subject: Trade dress--South Africa
Subject: Trade dress--law and legislation--Australia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00644
Author: Grosse Ruse-Khan, Henning, 1974Title: Principles for intellectual property provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements
Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 36 No. 4, 2014, pp. 207-211.
Summary: Research at the Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law
(MPI) -- current bilateral and regional agreements -- set of Principles drafted for Intellectual
Property Provisions in Bilateral and Regional Agreements -- core problems of the drafters
addressed -- non-transparent, export-industry driven trade negotiations -- produce more complex
and detailed IP rules -- recommendations to achieve a better, mutually advantageous and
balanced regulation of international IP.
Subject: Intellectual property--treaties
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Subject: International trade--law and legislation
Subject: International trade--negotiations
SNIPER No.: 2014/00432
Author: Yost, Eleanor M.
Author: Auerbach, Jonathan A.
Title: PTAB takes hard line at first inter partes review
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 64-65.
Summary: Garmin International, Inc v Cuozzo Speed Technologies -- Patent Trial and Appeal
Board (PTAB) decision -- PTAB rejected patent owner Cuozzo's proposed construction of the key
claim term and its attempt to swear behind two prior art references -- PTAB cancelled the three
claims under review as obvious over two sets of prior art.
Subject: Inventive step--United States
Subject: Patent claims--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00478
Author: Lagarde, Laetitia
Title: Puma and jumping feline at the intersection of design and trade mark rights
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 181-183.
Summary: General Court upheld invalidity action brought by Puma against a registered
Community design (RCD) -- Danuta Budziewska v OHIM (Jumping Feline) -- legal context -- Puma
filed invalidity application -- contested RCD versus earlier international trade mark -- analysis of
decision -- design should not have been granted initially -- trade mark rights can bar copying
designs -- practical significance.
Subject: Industrial design validity--case law--Europe
Subject: Trade mark validity--case law--Europe
Subject: Intellectual property rights
SNIPER No.: 2014/00594
Author: Mak, Toby
Title: Recent moves to enhance the quality of patents in China
Source: CIPA: the journal, incorporating the 'Transactions', of the Chartered Institute of Patent
Agents. Vol. 43 No. 2, February 2014, pp. 99-101.
Summary: Chinese State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) published an opinion on patent
quality December 25 2013 on the SIPO website -- published an interpretation of the document 21
January 2014 -- issues openly admitted to by SIPO -- quality of patents originating from China is
poor with respective to drafting and level of innovation -- purpose of obtaining patents by Chinese
companies is not to protect innovation or enhance competitiveness -- quantity-orientated approach
of local governments -- patent subsidy programmes -- percentage of lapsed Chinese patents due
to non-payment of maintenance fee -- SIPO patent quality papers have acknowledged a number of
issues that trouble the Chinese patent industry.
Subject: Intellectual property systems--China
Subject: Patent applications--China
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SNIPER No.: 2014/00622
Author: Oliveira-Martins, Joaquim
Author: Maguire, Karen
Author: Nauwelaers, Claire
Author: Primi, Annalisa, 1977Author: Ajmone Marsan, Guilia
Author: Soete, Luc
Author: Benneworth, Paul
Added author: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for
Science, Technology and Industry
Title: Regions and innovation policy
Source: OECD Reviews of Regional Innovation. Regions and Innovation, 2011.
Summary: Regional innovation systems and policy -- consideration of regional innovation in
national innovation policies -- why regions matter for innovation policy -- road maps and policy
mixes for regional innovation -- multi-level governance of innovation policy -- policy advice -maximising the impact of regional innovation agencies -- policy instruments for regional innovation
-- country regions and innovation -- Austria -- Belgium -- Canada -- Czech Republic -- Denmark -Finland -- France -- Germany -- Hungary -- Italy -- Korea -- Mexico -- Netherlands -- Norway -Poland -- Portugal - -Spain -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- United Kingdom -- United States.
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--policy
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends
Subject: Intellectual property--policy
Subject: Intellectual property--trends
SNIPER No.: 2014/00482
Author: Stumpf, Karin
Title: Repeated filings of a European Community trade mark
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 225-230.
Summary: Repeated filing for the same trade mark as a strategy to overcome cancellation based
on non-use -- registered trade marks must be used within five years from the registration date -non-use grace period increased by this strategy at the expense of good faith third parties -grounds for cancellation -- avenues for dealing with repeated applications -- application
proceedings -- opposition proceedings -- cancellation proceedings -- German and British law in this
area -- ways to minimize the issue.
Subject: Trade mark use--case law--Europe
Subject: Trade mark use--law and legislation--Europe
Subject: Trade mark filing--Europe
Subject: Trade mark cancellation--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00655
Author: Thomson Reuters
SNIPER Bulletin – May 2014
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Title: The research & innovation performance of the G20 and its impact on decisions made by the
world's most influential economic leaders
Source: Research & Innovation Performance of the G20. March 2014.
Summary: Scientific research and patent information mined to study the scale and impact of
scientific research and innovation in the Group of Twenty (G20) nations -- Argentina -- Australia -Brazil -- Canada -- China -- European Union -- France -- Germany -- Great Britain -- India -Indonesia -- Italy -- Japan -- Mexico -- Russia -- Saudi Arabia -- South Africa -- South Korea -Turkey -- United States -- data mined from Thomson Reuters' proprietary databases including Web
of Science and Derwent World Patent Index -- analysis of each region's scholarly output and
innovation capacity -- trends across the G20
Subject: Innovation (Technological)--trends--Group of Twenty countries
Subject: Industrial research and development--trends--Group of Twenty countries
SNIPER No.: 2014/00590
Author: Cordery, Brian
Author: Adair, Dominic
Author: Hazenberg, Naomi
Author: Delbeuf, Sylvia
Title: Review of patent cases in the English courts in 2013
Source: CIPA: the journal, incorporating the 'Transactions', of the Chartered Institute of Patent
Agents. Vol. 43 No. 2, February 2014, pp. 76-90.
Summary: Decisions from both the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and the Patents Court in the
UK throughout 2013 -- claim construction and infringement Smith & Nephew v ConvaTec No. 2 -manufacture versus repair Schutz v Werit -- indirect infringement Nestec v Dualit -- infringement
defences HTC v Nokia -- validity patentability Lantana v Comptroller -- entitlement to priority KCI v
Smith & Nephew -- novelty Swarovski-Optik v Leica -- obviousness Generics v Lundbeck -- skilled
addressee OOO Abbott and Chasmer v Design & Eureka Display -- insufficiency Regeneron v
Genentech -- added matter Brigade v Amber Valley -- supplementary protection certificates (SPCs)
Eli Lilly v HGS, Georgetown and Actavis v Sanofi -- damages PCC in Xena v Cantideck -damages for groundless threats Sudarshan v Clariant -- costs SmithKline Beecham v Apotex -- 9
interests on costs Dupont Nutrition Biosciences v Novozymes -- procedural issues -- jurisdiction
Conductive Inkjet Technology v UniPixel Displays -- disclosure Eugen Seitz v KHS-- experts -cause of action estoppel -- springboard injunctions -- final injunctions -- interim injunctions -- fair
and reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licence terms -- conflict of interest -- joinder of
parties -- Unitary Patent Court/Unified Patent Court.
Subject: Patents--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Patent systems--harmonisation
Subject: Patent litigation
Subject: Patentability--case law--United Kingdom
SNIPER No.: 2014/00479
Author: Werra, Jacques de
Title: Risks of IP carve-out in arbitration clauses
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 184-185.
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Summary: Power of arbitral tribunals to rule on their own jurisdiction recognised by Court of
Appeal -- Oracle America Inc v Myriad Group -- decision on the legal jurisdiction for the issue of the
scope and reach of arbitration clauses under US law -- rules of the United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) -- licensing of the Java computer programming language -history of dispute -- analysis of Court of Appeal decision -- consequences of decision for
intellectual property agreements.
Subject: Intellectual property litigation--United States
Subject: Intellectual property licensing--case law--United States
Subject: Legal jurisdiction
SNIPER No.: 2014/00477
Author: Silverman, Iona
Title: SAS: major software copyright ruling upheld
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 179-181.
Summary: Court of Appeal confirms High Court decision that World Programming Limited had not
infringed SAS's copyright -- SAS Institute Inc v World Programming Ltd (WPL) -- series of
decisions on copyright and computer programs and their supporting literature such as manuals -legal context -- data processing and analysis tasks -- the WPL program and their emulation of SAS
Component functions -- history of dispute -- functionality of a computer program or a computer
language cannot be protected by copyright -- supporting material may be protected by literary
copyright -- as long as source code is unavailable a program may be studied and recreated -- other
intellectual property rights may be used to provide some protection -- limited possibility of patent
protection in Europe -- practical significance.
Subject: Copyright infringement--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Computer-related inventions--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Copyright owners' rights--information technology industry--United Kingdom
SNIPER No.: 2014/00744
Author: Davis, Theodore H.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946:
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 1-9.
General Note: First article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00745; 2014/00746;
2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -significant opinions -- Supreme Court interest in the Lanham Act -- false advertising actions -- First
Amendment precluding liability under various causes of action -- eligibility of non-traditional marks
for registration -- aesthetic functionality doctrine -- deceptiveness -- requirements for registration
being applied with greater stringency than previously
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00745
Author: Welch, John L.
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Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 1):
ex-parte cases
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 9-52.
General Note: Second article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00746;
2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -- United
States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decisions -- immoral or scandalous -- primarily
geographically deceptively misdescriptive -- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board decisions -deceptiveness -- false association -- likelihood of confusion -- mere descriptiveness -- primarily
geographically deceptively misdescriptive -- utilitarian and aesthetic functionality -- distinctiveness
of product packaging -- failure to function/unacceptable specimen of use -- goods in trade -material alteration of the mark
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00746
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 2):
inter-partes cases
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 52-90.
General Note: Third article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -- United
States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit decisions -- likelihood of confusion -- mere
descriptiveness -- goods in trade -- collateral estoppel -- Trademark Trial and Appeal Board
decisions -- mere descriptiveness -- primarily a surname -- cancellation of Madrid Protocol
extension protection -- dilution by blurring -- genericness -- concurrent use -- goods/services in
trade -- procedural issues -- motion practice
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00747
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3A):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: establishing
liability for trademark infringement, unfair competition, and related torts
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 91-245.
General Note: Fourth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -- violations
of trade mark rights -- establishing protectable rights -- effect of federal registrations on the mark
validity enquiry -- passing off and reverse passing off -- false advertising -- fraudulent procurement
of registrations -- false endorsement and violations of rights of publicity -- secondary liability -personal liability
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
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SNIPER No.: 2014/00748
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3B):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: legal defenses
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 245-274.
General Note: Fifth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745; 2014/00746;
2014/00747; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752; 2014/00753; 2014/00754;
2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -- legal
defences -- abandonment -- non-use -- naked licensing -- descriptive fair use -- nominative fair use
-- statutes of limitations -- implied licence -- equitable defences -- unclean hands -- laches -acquiescence -- estoppel -- waiver
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00749
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3C):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: remedies
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 275-321.
General Note: Sixth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -infringement remedies -- injunctive relief -- prerequisites and terms of injunctive relief -- monetary
relief -- actual and statutory damages -- punitive damages -- accountings of profits -- attorneys'
fees -- taxation of costs
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00750
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3D):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: relationship
between Courts and the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 322-331.
General Note: Seventh article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00751; 2014/00752; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -- judicial
review of USPTO decisions -- deference to USPTO decisions -- judicial authority over federal
registrations and applications
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00751
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Page 37 of 46
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3E):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: constitutional
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 331-347.
General Note: Eighth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00752; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -constitutional issues -- Article III of the U.S. Constitution cases and controversies -- opinions
reaching or affirming findings of actionable cases and controversies -- opinions reaching or
affirming findings of no actionable cases and controversies -- First Amendment matters
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00752
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3F):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: procedural
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 347-388.
General Note: Ninth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00753;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -procedural issues -- standing -- personal jurisdiction -- federal subject-matter jurisdiction -- venue -claim preclusion (res judicata) and issue preclusion (collateral estoppel) -- evidentiary matters -expert witness testimony -- sanctions -- judicial reassignment
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00753
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3G):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: trademarkrelated transactions
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 388-399.
General Note: Tenth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752;
2014/00754; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -interpretation and enforcement of settlement agreements -- interpretation and enforcement of trade
mark assignments and licences -- interpretation and enforcement of franchise agreements
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00754
Author: Welch, John L.
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Page 38 of 46
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3H):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: tort liability of
trademark licensors
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 399-400.
General Note: Eleventh article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752;
2014/00753; 2014/00755; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -- extent to
which trade mark licensors can be held liable for the torts of their licensees
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00755
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3I):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: relationship
between the Lanham Act and other statutes
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 400-404.
General Note: Twelfth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752;
2014/00753; 2014/00754; 2014/00756
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -relationship between the Lanham Act and other statutes -- the Sherman Act -- Federal Bankruptcy
Code -- Federal Communications Decency Act -- Federal and State Racketeer Influenced and
Corrupt Organizations Acts
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00756
Author: Welch, John L.
Title: The sixty-sixth year of administration of the U.S. Trademark (Lanham) Act of 1946 (part 3J):
trademark infringement and unfair competition in the courts of general jurisdiction: insurance
Source: Trademark Reporter. Vol. 104 No. 1, 2014, pp. 404-410.
General Note: Thirteenth article in a series of thirteen. See also: 2014/00744; 2014/00745;
2014/00746; 2014/00747; 2014/00748; 2014/00749; 2014/00750; 2014/00751; 2014/00752;
2014/00753; 2014/00754; 2014/00755
Summary: United States trade mark law -- year in review 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 -- insurance
coverage -- opinions ordering coverage -- opinions declining to order coverage -- opinions
deferring resolution of the coverage inquiry
Subject: Trade marks--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00428
Author: Liedtke, Christian
Title: Staring into the misty crystal ball
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 53-54.
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Summary: What the German coalition government might have in store for intellectual property
owners, artists and innovators -- copyright provisions -- increased liability of internet service
providers -- strengthen enforcement abilities of collecting societies -- organise government
supervision of collecting societies more efficiently -- digital content -- intention to increase the
portability of purchased content -- maintain reduced VAT rates for books, newspapers and
magazines and extend it to audio books -- 'book price monopoly' is deemed essential and the
coalition seeks to extend it to ebooks -- intend to create a copyright limitation for education and
science -- liberalise the licensing of digital content by libraries.
Subject: Copyright--reform--Germany
Subject: Copyright licensing societies--Germany
SNIPER No.: 2014/00435
Author: Kenyon, Douglas W.
Author: Demm, Stephen P.
Title: Supreme Court denies cert in Cariou fair use case: what next?
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 70-71.
Summary: Cariou v Prince -- Supreme Court of the United States -- denied a cert petition in the
case -- leaving in place the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals' decision holding that most of Richard
Prince's paintings appropriating Patrick Cariou's photographs were "transformative" -- were
therefor fair use under s 107 of the Copyright Act, regardless of whether those paintings
commented on Cariou's photographs -- sufficient that a "reasonable observer" would perceive
Prince's paintings as adding new expression, meanings, or messages to the photographs -- current
proceedings in the Southern District of New York -- impact of Cariou on fair use jurisprudence.
Subject: Fair use (Copyright)--case law--United States
Subject: Copyright infringement--case law--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00425
Author: Adamo, Kenneth R.
Author: Higer, David W.
Author: Goryunov, Eugene
Title: Survey of US court decisions to stay
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 46-48.
Summary: America Invents Act (AIA) -- new post-grant patent challenge -- inter partes review
(IPR) -- stage of proceedings -- simplification of the issues -- undue prejudice or clear tactical
disadvantage -- relationship between the parties -- status of the IPR proceeding -- timing of the IPR
and request for stay -- other considerations.
Subject: Patent litigation--United States
SNIPER No.: 2014/00669
Title: A sweet solution?: donuts and trademarks
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 40-42.
Summary: Generic top-level domains -- Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) not provided all brands
with the protection wanted -- IP a major concern in the new program -- Donuts the largest registry
operator for new gTLDs -- interview with Bob Samuelson, vice president of sales and marketing at
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Donuts -- provides additional IP protection via the Domains Protected Marks List (DPML) -- allows
brands to proactively block domain names registered across all Donuts operated gTLDs -wholesale price of the DPML -- benefits to rights owners -- defensive registration.
Subject: Samuelson, Bob--interviews
Subject: Domain name registration
Subject: Brand management
SNIPER No.: 2014/00666
Title: Tech transfer
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 28-30.
Summary: Interview with Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) president elect
Jane Muir -- body for university technology managers -- role of the AUTM -- effective tech transfer - immediate challenges faced by universities and tech transfer offices -- tools available to allow for
effective tech transfer -- how the America Invents Act has changed the tech transfer environment.
Subject: Muir, Jane--interviews
Subject: Technology transfer--education and training industry--United States
SNIPER No.: 2013/02768
Author: Hull, John
Title: Technical trade secrets in the Supreme Court
Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 35 No. 12, 2013, pp. 768-773.
Summary: Vestergaard Frandsen v Bestnet -- technical trade secrets case -- degree of knowledge
required to render an ex-employee liable for misuse of her ex-employers trade secrets -- remedies
judgment -- Court of Appeal judgment -- appeal to the Supreme Court -- breach of confidence -entitled to an injunction against the defendants.
Subject: Trade secrets--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Inevitable disclosure (Trade secrets)
SNIPER No.: 2014/00480
Author: Barazza, Stefano
Title: The Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation and related Guidelines: competition
law and IP licensing in the EU
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 186-207.
Summary: Technology licensing, competition and the law in the European Union (EU) -technology transfer agreements internationally -- technology transfer agreements in Europe -Regulation 772/2004 (Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation TTBER) -- Guidelines on
the application of Article 81 of the EC Treaty to technology transfer agreements -- Article 101 of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) -- development of EU policy on
technology transfer -- Regulations 2349/84 and 240/96 -- Regulation 772/2004 and the Guidelines
-- The Commission's reform proposal -- Technology pools, settlement and non-assertion
agreements -- future of IP licensing in the EU -- reform measures seen as a positive step.
Subject: Technology transfer--law and legislation
Subject: Intellectual property licensing--law and legislation--Europe
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Subject: Intellectual property law--reform--Europe
Subject: Competition law--Europe
Subject: Competition policy--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00591
Author: Boff, Jim
Title: Thoughts on the Unitary patent
Source: CIPA: the journal, incorporating the 'Transactions', of the Chartered Institute of Patent
Agents. Vol. 43 No. 2, February 2014, pp. 93-94.
Summary: Unitary patent and the Unified Patent Court (UPC) -- applicants focussed on the short
term benefits than on long-term cost -- long-term cost is uncertain -- appetite for risk as applicants
appear more willing to gamble than attorneys -- project is politically important -- desire to make it
work -- simultaneous questions -- Unitary Patent Regulation, Unified Patent Court and the
European Patent Convention present interesting litigation challenges.
Subject: Patent systems--harmonisation--Europe
Subject: Regional patents--Europe
Subject: Patents--reform--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00471
Author: Montero, Julia
Title: Through the looking glass?
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, p. 171.
Summary: Intellectual property trends and its impact on intellectual property practitioners -European Union (EU) Commission Public Consultation questionnaire on copyright -- skills required
of IP practitioners in 2014 -- trends -- shrinking geographical world -- lengthy timeframes in
obtaining preliminary rulings form the Court of Justice of the European Union -- budget constraints
-- online tools -- use of Wikipedia -- modern environment complex but the opportunity for
collaboration seen as beneficial to the intellectual property field -- availability of technology tools
and platforms and its influence on the work of intellectual property practitioners.
Subject: Intellectual property--trends
Subject: Intellectual property industry
Subject: Intellectual property education
SNIPER No.: 2014/00433
Author: Jelf, Myles
Author: Stevenson, Michael
Title: To stay or not to stay...the CoA considers EPO v UK opposition proceedings
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 66-67.
Summary: IPCom v HTC -- England and Wales Court of Appeal -- judgment in which it considers
the circumstances in which it is appropriate for the UK court to stay UK revocation and
infringement proceedings while there is a co-pending opposition underway before the European
Patent Office (EPO) -- validity of a European patent can be challenged simultaneously by way of
EPO opposition and national proceedings -- procedures are very different -- Unilin approach --
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position post-Virgin -- Court of Appeal's approach in this case -- avoiding EPO decisions being
circumvented -- the risk of inconsistent decisions -- emphasis on delay in the current Glaxo
guidelines -- EPO decision has broader effect than a UK decision -- avoiding wasted costs -revised guidelines.
Subject: Patent opposition--case law--United Kingdom
Subject: Patent opposition--case law--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00658
Author: McEniery, Benjamin J.
Title: Trade marks for the design and layout of retail premises
Source: Australian Intellectual Property Journal. Vol. 24 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 147-185.
Summary: Possibility of trade mark protection for the design and layout of retail premises -- in
2013, Apple Inc. obtained United States trade marks for the design and layout of its retail stores -unprecedented use of trade mark law -- situation in Australia -- attempt to register similar trade
mark would face considerable hurdles -- probably not successful -- difficult to establish that the
design and layout of premises can function "as a trade mark" -- even if registration possible,
difficult to establish that an imitator was using retail store design and layout "as a trade mark" -- in
Australia, Apple would probably need to rely on other areas of law, such as passing off or copyright
Subject: Trade mark registrability--Australia
SNIPER No.: 2014/00780
Author: Passman, Pamela
Title: Trade secret theft: increases in global pressure, protection for companies
Source: World Intellectual Property Report. Vol. 28 No. 4, April 2014, pp. 43-44.
Summary: Governments need to deal with growing problem of trade secret theft -- stealing of
private data and other competitive information held by companies and other organisations -unilateral initiatives and regulatory efforts by governments -- need for private sector to play more
proactive role -- practical systematic approach to action -- report by the Center for Responsible
Enterprise and Trade ( and PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), title 'Economic Impact
of Trade Secret Theft: a Framework for Companies to Safeguard Trade Secrets and Mitigate
Potential Threats' -- proposed framework for companies to immediately implement to better protect
trade secrets -- establish inventory of company's trade secrets -- evaluate the risk of trade secret
theft in the company's specific industry -- rank impact of thefts on operations and performance -evaluate economic impact -- act on findings -- regulation improving worldwide
Subject: Trade secrets
SNIPER No.: 2014/00661
Author: Kur, Annette
Added author: Max-Planck-Institut für Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht
Title: Trademarks function, don't they?: CJEU jurisprudence and unfair competition principles
Source: Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law Research Paper. No.
14-05, 10 February 2014.
Summary: Trade mark functions and unfair competition -- European Court of Justice (ECJ) case
law -- absolute protection under the double identity clause -- European Commission reform
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proposals -- functions theory in context -- operation of national competition laws -- whether national
laws pre-empt or operate in parallel where there are overlaps -- effects and analysis of Martin Y
Paz/Gauquie judgment -- L'Oréal/Bellure -- Hölterhoff/Freiesleben -- Google/Vuitton -Interflora/Marks & Spencer.
Subject: European Parliament. Directive 89/104/EEC of 21 December 1988 to approximate the
laws of the Member States relating to trade marks
Subject: Trade marks--case law--Europe
Subject: Trade mark infringement--case law--Europe
Subject: Competition (Economics)--case law--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00668
Title: Uncharted waters
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 36-39.
Summary: Interview with International Trademark Association (INTA) new president and chair of
its board of directors Mei-lan Stark -- role of INTA -- goals in 2014 -- establishing a connection
between brands and innovation -- building bridges with previously unexplored groups and
jurisdictions -- improving the structure of its internal consultative boards -- other major challenges -changing public perception and what trade marks do to service consumers.
Subject: Stark, Mei-lan--interviews
Subject: Intellectual property industry
Subject: Trade marks--intellectual property industry
SNIPER No.: 2014/00427
Author: Turner, Sarah
Title: Under lock and key
Source: Intellectual Property Magazine. February 2014, pp. 51-52.
Summary: European Union law of trade secrets is about to change -- European Commission
approved a proposal for a new directive -- should harmonise the law across the member states -importance of trade secrets -- how the directive will change the existing law -- what can be
protected -- basis of protection -- obtaining evidence of misuse -- limitation period to bring a claim - effective remedies -- final injunctions -- damages -- court procedures -- what happens next?
Subject: Trade secrets--law and legislation--Europe
Subject: Law--reform--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00705
Author: Luginbuehl, Stefan
Title: The unitary patent and the Unified Patent court: an introduction to the future system
Source: IPR Helpdesk Bulletin. No. 13, April-June 2014, pp. 6-7.
Summary: European Council and the European Parliament adopted two regulations to establish
unitary patent protection for the territory of 25 EU member states -- the unitary patent -- structure of
the Unified Patent Court -- jurisdiction, rules of procedure and judges -- increase legal certainty
concerning patent litigation in Europe.
Subject: Patent systems--harmonisation--Europe
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Subject: Regional patents--Europe
Subject: Patents--reform--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00475
Author: Frankel, Miri
Title: United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit examines trade mark infringement
under the Federal Trademark Dilution Act
Source: Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice. Vol. 9 No. 3, March 2014, pp. 176-177.
Summary: Second Circuit decides that Starbucks does not meet requirements to prove that an
injunction is needed to prevent dilution of its marks -- Starbucks Corp v Wolfe's Borough Coffee Inc
-- Starbucks Marks are considered famous trade marks -- Charbucks Blend, Mr Charbucks and
Mister Charbucks -- Federal Trademark Dilution Act -- legal context -- six factors considered in
whether dilution may be caused by blurring -- survey evidence considered -- analysis of Second
Circuit decision -- Starbucks will not consider an appeal -- practical significance.
Subject: Trade mark dilution--case law--United States
Subject: Famous trade marks
Subject: Evidence
SNIPER No.: 2013/02769
Author: Morales, Suzanna M. M.
Title: United States Supreme Court decision in Kirtsaeng v John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Source: European Intellectual Property Review. Vol. 35 No. 12, 2013, pp. 773-776.
Summary: Kirtsaeng v John Wiley & Sons, Inc -- Supreme Court decision on the first sale doctrine
-- first sale doctrine and importation limitation -- exhaustion of copyright owner's exclusive
distribution right -- sale of a copy made lawfully abroad then sold into the United States in a sale
not authorised by the copyright owner -- copyright owner's right to restrict subsequent distribution
of a work -- US copyright law -- common law history.
Subject: Copyright infringement--case law--United States
Subject: Parallel importing--law and legislation--United States
Subject: Copyright exhaustion
SNIPER No.: 2014/00667
Title: Unpicking the SPC decisions
Source: World Intellectual Property Review. January-February 2014, pp. 32-34.
Summary: Court of Justice of the European Union decisions -- rulings for three cases bringing
clarity on when supplementary protection certificates may be issued -- Georgetown University v
Octrooicentrum Nederland -- Actavis Group v Sanofi -- Eli Lilly v Human Genome Sciences -- no
blanket one SPC per patent rule.
Subject: Patent extension--case law--Europe
SNIPER No.: 2014/00722
Author: Winterfeldt, Brian J.
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Author: Harlan, Scott T.
Title: WIPO and the legal rights objection: first-round gTLD lessons
Source: World Trademark Review. No. 48, April-May 2014, pp. 33-40.
Summary: Legal rights objection which can be levelled against applied-for domains -- how this has
been administered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) -- Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) -- responsible for introducing new top-level domains
(TLDs) into the domain name system (DNS) -- development process -- ICANN sought expressions
of interest from potential dispute resolution service providers for the new gTLD programme -- no
procedural or substantive guidelines as to how the new legal rights objection would proceed -- the
legal rights objection -- standing -- TLD's similarity to mark -- objector's bona fides -- recognition of
gTLD -- applicant's intent -- applicant's use of TLD -- applicant's prior rights in and use of TLD
string -- likelihood of confusion -- infringement -- procedural and evidentiary issues -- lessons
Subject: Domain name registration
Subject: Domain name dispute resolution
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