Sociology Review Sheet

Sociology Review Sheet
Sociological Perspective:
1. sociology
2. see the general in particular
3. seeing the strange in the familiar
4. Societal changes that spark the sociological perspective
5. Theoretical paradigm
6. Manifest/latent functions
7. Structural-functional paradigm
8. Conflict paradigm
9. Symbolic-interaction
Culture :
10. Culture/culture shock
11. Symbol
12. Values, norms, mores, folkways, beliefs
13. Taboo
14. Proscriptive and prescriptive norms
15. Ideal culture/ real culture
16. Multiculturalism
17. Subculture
18. Ethnocentrism
19. Cultural relativism
20. Nature/nurture
21. Feral Children
22. Isolated Children
23. Deprived animals
24. Socialization throughout the lifecourse
25. Freud: id, ego, and superego
26. Mead, self
27. Piaget and reasoning
28. Cooley, “looking glass self”
Groups and Conformity:
29. Milgram Study: conformity
30. Stanford Prison Experiment
31. Asch Experiment
32. Total institution
33. Social group
34. Primary/ secondary groups
35. Expressive leadership
36. Instrumental leadership
37. laissez-faire leader
38. Reference group
39. Ingroup/outgroup
Social Structure:
40. Macrosociology/Microsociology
41. Status
42. Status set
43. Achieved, ascribed status
44. Role
45. Master status
46. Role conflict
47. Role expectation
48. Role exit
49. Role strain
50. Stigma
51. Hate crime
52. Crime against property, the person
53. Victimless crime
54. Retribution
55. Deterrence
56. Rehabilitation
Race and Ethnicity:
57. Minorities
58. Dominant group
59. Theories of prejudice
60. Prejudice
61. Scapegoating
62. Discrimination
63. Assimilation
64. Affirmative action
65. institutionalized discrimination
66. Segregation
Sex and Gender:
67. Gender roles: Biology or culture
68. Patriarchy/ matriarchy
69. Sexism
70. Glass ceiling
71. Pay gap
72. How females became a minority group
73. Violence against women globally
74. Marriage
75. Family Lifecourse
76. Nuclear, extended family
77. Exogamy, endogamy
78. Monogamy, polygamy
79. Romantic love
80. Divorce
81. Homogamy
82. Ideal, real marriage
83. Cohabitation
84. Functions of Religion
85. Cult, sect, ecclesia, church, domination
86. Symbolic interactionist perspective
87. Dysfunctions of religion
88. Conflict btn religion and culture
89. Social benefits of education
90. Mandatory education law
91. Hidden curriculum
92. Functional illiteracy
93. Mainstreaming
Collective behavior:
94. Collectivity
95. Types of crowds, acting, casual, conventional, protest, expressive
96. Mob
97. Riot
98. Mass behavior
99. Rumor
100. Panic
101. Mass hysteria
102. Fashion: industrial societies
103. Social movements: types, goals
104. Urban legends
105. Social change