DBQ Essay: How Democratic Was Andrew Jackson HUSH Objectives: To formulate and support a strong thesis that answers the prompt. To utilize documents to support your arguments. To integrate contextual/background information to support your arguments. Use concrete facts. To use language creatively to express your ideas. To write and organized essay that clearly states your ideas. To exhibit analysis of the documents and the key issues. Guidelines: You must…. Formulate a strong thesis. Write a preliminary outline of your essay. Integrate documentary evidence to support your claims and CITE all documents. Integrate factual support of each idea. Use outside information. Write a strong introduction that includes background information. Write a strong conclusion that emphasizes the importance of the period and the topic. Use proper grammar and spelling. Write your draft legibly or type it (Anything that I cannot read will be returned unread for a rewrite). Rubric: Guidelines Points Possible Points Earned Introduction: 10 Strong thesis Background information Sets up structure Body paragraphs: Clear topic sentence 30 (10 each) Use of documentary evidence Outside information/facts for support Argumentation/proof Conclusion: Restatement of thesis 10 Pulls arguments together Emphasizes importance Points out “wrinkles” or addresses counterpoints Analysis: Evidence that documents have been studied and their 15 connection to the topic is clear; connection to context. Organization: Well-written, evidence of planning, clear 15 communication of ideas. Mechanics/Grammar/Spelling: No use of “I”, “you”, “our”, etc.; easy to 10 read; careful spelling and grammar 10 Outline Extras: Outside sources, typing Total 100