WEST SIDE STORY WRITING ASSIGNMENT #1 Topic: In 1999, a Massachusetts high school decided not to produce West Side Story due to issues regarding race and prejudice throughout the play. Do you agree the production should have been cancelled? Should an artistic work be censored if it presents a view that is negative or controversial? Write a persuasive letter to the Board of Education stating whether you support or are against their decision to cancel the production of West Side Story. Focus Correction Areas (FCA"S): Topic developed through fact and personal opinion: The writer clearly supports each idea within the essay with both facts and their own personal opinons on the topic. (33 points) Grammar and spelling: Make sure to watch grammar and verb tense. When complete, read the essay aloud to yourself in order to hear mistakes. Also, make sure that all spelling is correct. If you are unsure, look it up! The easiest way to do this is on the computer- spell check! (33 points) Strong thesis statement exhibited in the paper is proven true (your thesis in this essay is your opinion on the topic): Students should clearly state the thesis statement in the introduction and conclusion. Students must prove their thesis statement to be true throughout the paper. (33 points) Cut here WEST SIDE STORY Writing Assignment #1 Rubric FCA 10 POINTS 20 POINTS Topic developed through fact and personal opinion. No facts were used in order to develop topic. Grammar and spelling Numerous grammar and spelling mistakes throughout the essay. Thesis statement is unclear and not supported in the essay. Strong thesis statement exhibited in the paper is proven true (your thesis in this essay is your opinion of which version is better) Facts were used to develop topic. Although, personal opinion was missing. Some minor spelling and grammar mistakes in the essay. Thesis statement is clear but is not supported strongly in the essay. 33 POINTS Both facts and personal opinions were used in order to develop the topic. Essay does not have any grammar or spelling mistakes. Thesis statement is clear and supported in the essay. GRADE: