Spanish 6th grade project chapter 3

Sra. Chesterton
Grado 6
Proyecto de La Cuaresma
DUE: ________________________________
Objective: Learn how Lent and Easter are celebrated in Spanish speaking
Project: Make a calendar in Spanish that shows all of the days of Lent and write a three
paragraph essay in English that explains how Lent, Holy Week, and Easter are celebrated
in the Spanish speaking country you choose.
1. Calendar: Make a calendar ENTIRELY IN SPANISH on construction paper,
plain white paper, or poster board that starts with Ash Wednesday (Miércoles de ceniza)
and continues through Easter Sunday (Pascua).
Across the top, all of the days of the week should be labeled in
Spanish. Remember that Spanish calendars start on Monday.
Label in Spanish the following days – Ash Wednesday, Palm
Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.
Label all of the dates in Spanish words (for example: el primero, el
dos, el tres, el cuatro, el cinco)
Include any other important information on your calendar.
Decorate your calendar.
Please do not use graphite pencil on your final calendar
2. Paper: Write a three paragraph essay that explains how Lent, Holy Week, and
Easter are celebrated in the country you chose.
Typed in Times New Roman 12 size font and double space
Paragraphs should be 5-7 sentences long
Discuss how Lent is celebrated – the first paragraph should about
Ash Wednesday traditions and celebrations, the second paragraph
should be about Holy Week traditions and celebrations and the
third paragraph should be about Easter traditions and celebrations.
Include a list of sources you referenced
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!! If you copy any single sentence or
entire paragraph you will earn a 0 on the project.
How you will be graded:
This project will be worth 60 points.
The calendar will be 30 points:
 10 points for the correct use of Spanish – (days of the week and dates)
 10 points for the correct labeling in Spanish of the holidays included in Lent
 10 points for overall presentation (looks final, no pencil, presentable and
The essay will be 30 points:
 25 points for the content and the accuracy of information presented (include
information about Ash Wednesday, Holy Week and Easter Sunday). You will
lose 5 points if you do not include a list of sources referenced
 5 points for presentation (typed, final form, includes no spelling or grammatical
Name: ______________________________
____/10 – Days of the week and dates written in Spanish
_____ Spelling errors
____/10 – Spanish holidays of Lent
_____ Spelling errors
_____ Missing
____/10 Overall
_____ Use of graphite pencil
_____Inappropriate paper
_____ Presentation
_____/25 Content
____Missing information
____Missing list of sources
____Paragraphs are insufficient length
____/5 Presentation
____Not typed
____Spelling and grammar errors
Total _____/ 60