Murder at SHRP

Murder at SHRP
A CSI UMMC Mystery
In 1984, a much disliked gross anatomy professor disappeared without a trace. His name
was Ivan Malcom Asvenhold. University officials filed a missing person report after 2
weeks because it took that long before any of his students mentioned he wasn’t showing
up for class. He had no known remaining family and with no one to press his case, it
wound up in the cold case file without much of a struggle.
Yesterday, new construction unearthed skeletal remains. The construction crew freaked
out so the Administrative Officer on Duty (much to the chagrin of the UMMC CSI team)
instructed campus police to place the remains and any other physical evidence recovered
in the School of Health Related Professions (SHRP) lab 259. He was apparently unaware
this lab was being used for a BASE PAIR Summer Training Institute.
Rob Rockhold, Ph.D. researcher and pharmacologist to the stars routinely checked his
institute lab first thing every morning to be sure that the materials were in place for that
day’s business. Imagine the shock and curiosity those remains must have generated when
he discovered them in his lab. He would not live to express his surprise. His body was
found at approximately 10:00 a.m. by his trusty associate, Donna Sullivan.
The team must therefore investigate 2 victims at the same site:
Victim 1 – Skeletal remains unearthed and placed in SHRP 259A (CLS lab
B) pending CSI pickup
Skeletal remains found on UMMC campus during new construction
Remains are approximately 20 years old
Evidence recovered with remains includes
1. fragments of clothing
2. threatening note (unsigned)
Victim 2 – Found 10:00 a.m. in SHRP 259A (CLS lab B) near skeletal
Rob Rockhold, Ph.D Pharmacology/Toxicology researcher
Body has been removed by Coroner’s office
Evidence on scene includes
1. fragments of paper with writing on them
2. plastic cup
Remember MOM
Means, Opportunity and Motive
 Access to the lab was limited to Dr. Rob, his associate Donna Sullivan and the BASE
PAIR Summer Research Institute teachers.
 Interviews by detectives found ironclad alibis for all but 5 of the Institute participants
 Suspects without alibis are:
Jeff Stokes
 Flunked out of med school in 80s
 Had Dr. Asvenhold as his Gross Anatomy teacher
 Currently works as BASEPAIR teacher
 Has lab access due to his lab responsibilities
Cindy Cook
 No known connection to Asvenhold
 Worked for Dr. Rob as BASEPAIR teacher
 Reported by one witness as leaving lab earlier that morning carrying a bag
 Working at Institute so she has lab access
Susan Bender
 Was UMMC student in 80s
 Knew Asvenhold as a student
 Was overheard having a argument with Dr. Rob
 Currently has access to lab as summer institute teacher
Karen Evans
 Had relationship with Asvenhold in 80s
 Left Jackson shortly after his disappearance
 Knows Rockhold
 Has access to lab as a Summer Institute participant
Ben Lundy
 Fired from Asvenhold’s lab in 80s
 Currently attending summer institute
 Connection to Rockhold – Summer Institute participant
 Has access to lab
All team members
The Director
Administrative Officer on Duty
Murder at SHRP lab
Be Advised:
This case is exceptionally sensitive due to Dr. Rockhold’s celebrity cult-like status and the
presence of the local, state, and national media. Due to the backup in the state crime lab, we
will handle this in house using ALL FIVE TEAMS to redundantly and independently examine
each piece of evidence on site. Each team is to take great care in analyzing each piece of
evidence; and you are not to speculate until ALL evidence is collected and analyzed. I cannot
stress this enough. Communication between teams prior to the conclusion of the evidence
analyses will result in immediate suspension without pay and will be viewed as gross
insubordination with grounds for termination. Reports from each team will be summarized
and presented at the conclusion of the evidence analysis process, at which time each team
will present its theory of how and why these crimes occurred.
January 13th, 1984
Ivan Malcom Asvenhold
Case #:
5’4” tall, 179 lbs., Sandy brown hair, brown eyes, last
seen wearing jeans, a white tee shirt, and wool tweed jacket_______________
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Medical insignia tattoo on left shoulder blade
University police________________________________________
INFORMATION ON CASE: Student interviews indicate many students _____
despised this professor. He was not even reported to be missing classes__
until a colleague went to give him a phone message and no one was there.
He has no remaining family and no known travel plans_____________________
INVESTIGATOR: Otis Thomas Case___________________________________________
Suspect Handwriting Sample and Thumbprints
Suspect # ____
Suspect Name ______________________
Please write (in longhand) the following paragraph:
You wouldn’t believe what happened yesterday. I think you’re going
to say I’m lying, because I saw a little troll. He was smart, but
diminutive and it’ll be just impossible to hope that you could see him
too. Maybe this story is not for the news and I should just quit while
I’m ahead.
Handwriting Sample
Left Thumbprint
Right Thumbprint