Homer`s The Odyssey

Movements in American Literature
Video Podcast Project on Universal Themes & Generalizations
The goal of this assignment is to explore universal themes and generalizations and use them as a means for
analyzing the history and texts of a particular movement in American literature. Working in collaborative
groups, you will select one of the following three universal themes: Order vs. Chaos, Change, or Systems. Then,
you will develop a discussion question based on one of the generalizations (bullet points). Your question will be
presented in the form of a video that will become one episode in a 12-day video podcast. Selected classmates
and counterparts from my other AP English Language section will be required to comment on your group’s
video and discussion question via BOB.
UT: Order vs. Chaos
Order may allow for prediction.
Order is a form of communication.
Order may have repeated patterns.
Order and chaos are reciprocals.
Order leads to chaos and chaos leads to order.
Order may be natural or constructed.
UT: Change
Change generates additional change.
Change can be either positive or negative.
Change is inevitable.
Change is necessary for growth.
Change can be evolutionary or revolutionary.
UT: Systems
Systems have parts that work to complete a task
Systems are composed of sub-systems.
Parts of systems are interdependent upon one another and form symbiotic relationships.
A system may be influenced by other systems.
Systems are intact.
Systems follow rules.
Required Video Podcast Elements:
Create a 2- 4 minute video podcast conveying your group’s discussion question. Your video should comprise a
combination of the following elements: stills, clips, narration/voiceover, text, transitions, music/soundtrack (no
more than 30 seconds from any one album), dreamscape, reader’s theater, poetry, original artwork,
photography, and any other artistic performances.
Due Dates:
3/4 Blog discussion question starter due in class
3/9 Video due -7:00 am in my room (EC for those who submit by 3/4)
3/20 Blog comments due to turnitin.com
Project Evaluation:
Group Grade: Effectively conveys universal theme & generalization interpretive question; follows required
video podcast elements; portrays creativity/innovation in video; displays positive group collaboration.
Individual Grade: Individual contribution to the project (as judged by your peers and me); your blog responses
to other group’s video podcasts