Bethel Dunkard Brethren Church

Bethel Dunkard Brethren Church
Sunday, January 25th, 2015
Sunday Morning
Sunday Evening
1st and 3rd Sundays of each month
Wednesday Evenings
1st Wednesday of the month
Adult Sunday School Lesson
God Gives the Increase
I Corinthians 3:1-9
Young People Sunday School Lesson
Expression of Self
Psalm 100:2; 147:1; Philippians 4:6-9
Prayer Requests
 Brother Keith Snyder is in Chicago now; the surgery to
remove the cancerous esophagus is scheduled for Monday.
After the surgery, he will have several weeks to recover
before coming home again. Please keep him in your prayers
especially on Monday, and throughout his recovery. Cards
can be sent to Miriam Snyder, and will be taken to him at the
hospital. Miriam Snyder, 95 Weidmansville Rd, Ephrata, PA
 Remember to pray for the young men who are traveling to the
CASP project to serve. They will be gone the entire month of
 Today the offering will go to the Torreon Navajo Mission.
 Today is Mt. Zion’s Lovefeast day. Visitors are welcome;
the communion will be held at 2pm.
 The young people are invited to Brother Jason and Sister
Sandy Noll’s home this evening for game night. Come at
6pm for supper. Young men, please bring a drink, and
young ladies, please bring something baked to contribute
to the meal. And everyone bring your favorite game along!
 A Valentines Party is being planned on Friday, February
13th for all interested couples. Come to Brother Jesse
Alspaugh’s hall at 6:30 for supper. There is a requested
$5 donation to help with expenses, and a sheet is on the
back podium to sign up for needed food items. Thank you!
 Brother Verling and Sister Fern Wolfe will be married 60
years on February 5th! You may send your congratulations
to 19600 S.W. 334th St. Homestead, FL 33034.
 A birthday card shower is being held for Sis. Thelma
Uplinger who will be celebrating her 90th birthday on
February 10th. Address: 144 Crattan Hill Rd, Mt. Crawford,
VA 22841
 There is an updated list of the missionaries’ birthdays and
anniversaries on the back bulletin board. Everyone is
encouraged to make a point to encourage them on their
special days
 A fund has been set up for donations to assist Brent and
Denise Longenecker with the extra expenses of having
James and Lisa Weiler’s children live with them.
Contributions can be made to “Longenecker Weiler Fund”
and mailed to National Penn Bank, Attn: Bernville Office,
P.O. Box 547, Boyertown, PA 19512-9988.