Contact Person(s)
Building and Grounds----------------- Duane Haack 230-0339
Christian Education Society Board- Roz Geels 324-4569
Communion------------------------------ Derrick Vander Waal 324-0187
Education--------------------------------- Robin Haack 324-9758
Evangelism------------------------------- Tom Wibben
Executive--------------------------------- Pastor Muyskens
Fellowship-------------------------------- Cliff Bootsma
Prayer Ministry-------------------------- Lyle Hoekstra
Worship----------------------------------- Pastor Muyskens 324-4523
Decorations------------------------------ Sharon Davey 324-3023
Kitchen------------------------------------ Kathy Wieringa 324-2914
Library------------------------------------- Roz Geels 324-4569
Nursery------------------------------------ Katie Wieringa
Profile------------------------------------- Shantel Oostra
Sound------------------------------------- Klint Tatsumi
Cadets------------------------------------- Larry Meyers
GEMS------------------------------------- Tracy Wieringa
Shantel Oostra
Youth Elder------------------------------ Brad Kraayenbrink
Small Groups---------------------------- Cliff Bootsma
Youth Group----------------------------- Dane & Kerri Buren
Todd Miedema
Klint Tatsumi
Jeff & Jill Schemper
Children & Worship-------------------- Shonna Wassenaar
Mark Vander Pol, Vice Pres. (#4) Wade Heemskerk, Pres. (#4)
Micah Schreurs, Clerk Matt Dykstra, Vice Pres. (#2)
Derrick Vander Waal (#1) Brian Wieringa, Treasurer
Tom Wibben (#3) Bruce Yenzer, Sec. (#1)
Cliff Bootsma (#2) Blake Snieder (#6)
Gene Van Bruggen
Lyle Hoekstra (#6)
Brad Kraayenbrink (Youth Elder)
Ron Smit (#5)
Allan Walker (#3)
Household of Faith Ministry Partners:
#1 Janelle Martin---------------------------------------------------------324-3758
#2 Lori De Jong-----------------------------------------------------------324-3869
#3 Nancy Van Otterloo--------------------------------------------------324-4981
#4 Sharla Vander Pol----------------------------------------------------724-6118
#5 Krista Van Bruggen--------------------------------------------------324-4784
#6 Lois Postma----------------------------------------------------------- 324-4740
Pastor Kevin Muyskens
August 31, 2014
Today we reach the conclusion of James’ letter to the scattered Christians. After speaking hard words about patience in the face of suffering James calls his readers to prayer and confession.
We like to hear about the power of prayer and the attention God has for us, but we are not so thrilled about the call to confession. We need to understand the connection between these two.
This evening we will join with the churches of Sheldon for a worship service in the City Park at 6:00 p.m. Rev. Paul Van Maaren, newly installed pastor of First Reformed Church, will present the message.
Bring your lawn chairs and let us celebrate together the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ.
Church Wide Bible Study:
Beginning next Sunday morning and continuing for the next twelve weeks we will be working through hard questions at the heart of our Christian faith interacting with material from Letters from a Skeptic by Gregory Boyd and Edward Boyd.
Each week Pastor Kevin will base his message on key scripture texts that address those questions. We will publish the scripture text and the book correspondences that will be covered the next
Sunday in the bulletin.
Sunday, September 7 Pastor Kevin will preach on Genesis 2:15-
17 & 3:1-20. You are encouraged to read correspondences 1-4 in Letters from a Skeptic.
Small Group Leaders: If no one from your small group was able to attend the training last week, please check in with Shantel or Pastor
Kevin so we can get you up to speed and give you the materials to facilitate this fall’s study.
Still looking for a small group? Please talk to Shantel as soon as possible. She will be available in the fellowship hall after worship today and will be in the office from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday.
Attention Retired Ladies!
Are you interested in joining a small group that meets during the day? If you would like to dig into God’s Word and daytime works best for you (time and day to be determined), please contact Kathy Wieringa at 324-2914 or contact Shantel in the church office.
Attention Ladies! Are you interested in joining a small group to discuss the fall Bible study material? Single or married, any age…if you would like to be in a group and it works for you to meet on a week night (night to be determined), please give Nancy Van Otterloo a call at home 324-
4981 or cell 348-1609 or contact Shantel in the church office.
The GEMS & Cadet’s annual kickball kick-off will be held this
Wednesday, September 3 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the City Park. Mark your calendars and get ready for this fun filled night! We will have supper following the game. Also, please remember to bring your $25 dues along (Cadets can give their dues to Mike Christians or Ryan Kats and GEMS can give their dues to Shantel Oostra or Tracy Wieringa).
Young Peoples’ Kick-off will be held at Hills Park this Wednesday,
September 3 at 6:15 p.m. We will eat at about 6:30 and we’ll keep the grill warm for latecomers. We ask that each YPS member bring a side dish and we will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, buns and drink. Looking forward to seeing everyone! -Dane, Kerri, Klint, Todd, Jeff, and Jill
Sunday School and Catechism classes will resume next Sunday,
September 7. Please be in prayer for both the teachers and the students as they share God's story and grow together in their faith walk.
Choir starts again on September 7. If you can carry a tune, follow your part with a little help, and enjoy singing God's praises, please join us.
We rehearse in the sanctuary at 11:00 a.m. Sunday mornings. Along with singing in various worship services throughout the fall we'll also be working on the annual Lessons and Carols service (December 14).
Attention area farmers!
Do you need assistance with covering your silage piles this fall? Immanuel CRC is willing to help you in order to raise funds for their Christian Education Society! Please call Roz @
712-324-4569 to schedule or for more details.
Attention members of Immanuel CRC: Please be on the lookout for emails and announcements in regard to covering silage piles! It’s getting to be that time of year again. What I need: lots of people with muscle and energy to help cover the silage piles with plastic tarp and tires, people with culinary abilities to help feed the masses, and people to cover the entire project in prayer for everyone’s safety. So, as you can see, I need EVERYONE!
Please call 324-4569 or email
to let me know what you would like to do.
Remember: Many hands make light work! Thanks for your consideration! -Roz Geels
The Apple Pie Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, September
10 at 8:00 p.m. in the board room of the Chr istian Retirement Home. It’s not too late to join the committee! The project is scheduled for October
24 & 25. Mark your calendars!
Volunteers are needed to work at the Evangelism Booth at the
Spencer Fair on September 6-14 from 8:45 a.m.-8:00 p.m. You may work any day and any hours that fit into your schedule. Please contact
Roger Boer (324-2948) if you would like to sign up.
Praise the Lord and thank you Immanuel CRC for the time, effort, and money put into the Sole Hope project! We raised $605 which should be plenty to cover our shoes. We will have 60 pairs of shoes to send; what an accomplishment! -Jill & Alison Coulander
Michelle’s Orphans : Birthday cards for children in a Ukrainian orphanage can be donated by way of the “birthday box” on the east side of the bulletin rack. Please sign your name (and add a short greeting if you wish) but do not mention adoption. Cards will be mailed on
September 8. October birthdays include those of Vera F. (who will be
13) and three boys: Ilia (10), Misha (11), and Dennis N. (15). Please do pray for adoptions--and consider if the next happy memories a child might have will include your family.
Jenna Van Bruggen's address while in Peru is below. She would love to get mail from Immanuel! Her birthday is today (August 31) and it would be fun for her to receive a card in the mail from America!
Jenna Van Bruggen
Universidad Católica San Pablo
(Programa Calvin College)
Urbanización Campiña Paisajista
Ouinta Vivanco s/n, Barrio Sna Làzaro
Praise God with the Wieringas for the healthy birth of Simon Jay on
Saturday, August 23. He was born at 8 pounds 4 ounces. Pray for
Brian and Katie, Eddie and Asher as they adjust that they receive this child with love, joy, and faith.
Continue to pray for healing and for patience for Emmie De Jong as she recovers from surgery at Sanford Hospital in Sheldon.
Pray for complete and timely recoveries for Sharla Vander Pol and
Treyton Schemper who both recently underwent knee surgery.
Pray for God’s blessing on the marriage of Andrew and Jenn
(Goslinga) Driesen who celebrated their wedding last Friday, August 20.