IMMANUEL COMMITTEES Contact Person(s) Building and Grounds----------------- Duane Haack Christian Education Society Board-Ryan Freese Communion------------------------------ Derrick Vander Waal Education--------------------------------- Robin Haack Evangelism------------------------------- Tom Wibben Executive--------------------------------- Pastor Muyskens Fellowship-------------------------------- Cliff Bootsma Prayer Ministry-------------------------- Lyle Hoekstra Worship----------------------------------- Pastor Muyskens Decorations------------------------------ Deb Peters Kitchen------------------------------------ Kathy Wieringa Library------------------------------------- Roz Geels Nursery------------------------------------ Katie Wieringa Profile------------------------------------- Shantel Oostra Sound------------------------------------- Klint Tatsumi Cadets------------------------------------- Mike Christians Ryan Kats GEMS------------------------------------- Tracy Wieringa Shantel Oostra Youth Elder------------------------------ Brad Kraayenbrink Small Groups---------------------------- Cliff Bootsma Youth Group----------------------------- Dane & Kerri Buren Todd Miedema Klint Tatsumi Jeff & Jill Schemper Children & Worship-------------------- Shonna Wassenaar 230-0339 330-3408 324-0187 324-9758 324-5073 324-4523 324-2941 324-2150 324-4523 541-2080 324-2914 324-4569 348-0031 324-4523 324-3769 324-4974 324-1284 441-5091 348-0218 635-7753 324-2941 324-3069 324-4991 324-3769 324-1237 324-3572 COUNCIL MEMBERS Elders: Deacons: Mark Vander Pol, Vice Pres. (#4) Wade Heemskerk, Pres. (#4) Micah Schreurs, Clerk Matt Dykstra, Vice Pres. (#2) Derrick Vander Waal (#1) Brian Wieringa, TreasurerTom Wibben (#3) Bruce Yenzer, Sec. (#1) Cliff Bootsma (#2) Blake Snieder (#6) Gene Van Bruggen (#5) Ron Smit (#5) Lyle Hoekstra (#6) Allan Walker (#3) Brad Kraayenbrink (Youth Elder) Household of Faith Ministry Partners: #1 Janelle Martin---------------------------------------------------------324-3758 #2 Lori De Jong-----------------------------------------------------------324-3869 #3 Nancy Van Otterloo--------------------------------------------------324-4981 #4 Sharla Vander Pol----------------------------------------------------724-6118 #5 Krista Van Bruggen--------------------------------------------------324-4784 #6 Lois Postma----------------------------------------------------------- 324-4740 WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT IMMANUEL Pastor Kevin Muyskens November 23, 2014 MORNING WORSHIP: Faith is the hand that receives the gift of God’s grace and salvation. At some point we must trust God without undeniable evidence. As we come to the conclusion of our series based on Letters from a Skeptic, we see the skeptic challenged finally to believe in Jesus on the basis of good, but not undeniable proof. We are all faced with that challenge; do you believe? Children & Worship dismisses during the service this morning. The lesson will be “Mary & Joseph and Shepherds Show the Way to Bethlehem” (Luke 1:26-33, 46-47, Luke 2:8-20). All children age three through kindergarten are welcome. EVENING WORSHIP: Love one another. It is one of the most basic commands of the Christian life, yet it is so difficult to live out. The call to love is not to be satisfied with mere words, but with action and in truth. Such love comes from being rooted in Jesus and reflects the love of Jesus. It also assures us that we belong to him. Church Wide Bible Study: This morning we conclude the fall series with a call to faith. We will look together at Hebrews 11, Heidelberg Catechism question and answer 21, and correspondence 29 and the epilogue from Letters from a Skeptic. The sixth session of the study material covers the sermons of this week and next; groups are encouraged to finish the study before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving Worship: We will be joining together to give thanks to our Lord for his many blessings on Thanksgiving Day at 9:30 a.m. During our Thanksgiving service there will be an opportunity for you to speak your gratitude to the LORD for the blessings you have experienced this past year. Please consider what you might say. Offering envelopes are in your church mailboxes and extras are on the bulletin table. There will be no Sunday School, Catechism, or Choir next week Sunday, November 30. Advent Activities: The choir will be presenting a Lessons & Carols service on Sunday, December 14 at 9:30 a.m., the Sunday School children will be singing during the morning service of December 21, and our Christmas service will be at 9:30 a.m. on Christmas morning. Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to join us for these services proclaiming the birth of our Savior. School-Age Musicians: We would love to have you help provide our preludes and offertories during the Advent Season. If you are in grade school or high school and have a solo or ensemble worked up on your instrument, please let Shannon know at Profile articles and announcements are due today. Immanuel Deacons would like to thank the congregation for their faithful giving and support of the work of Immanuel. To update you on the current status of the 2014 budget, thru the end of October we have a budget shortfall of $26,788.32. We ask that you continue to prayerfully consider your financial contribution to the ongoing work of Immanuel. Now that the meetings with the architect are past we have a better understanding of the possibilities and challenges in front of us. Please pray for clarity and unity for the council and congregation as we continue this course. Pray especially for the finance team as they take the lead in gathering funds and pledges and determining a fitting financial plan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apple Pies: We have approximately 125 pies left. If you are interested in purchasing any, please contact Shantel during office hours (TuesdayThursday from 8:30-3:00). Thank you Immanuel for your giving hands and hearts! The game and dessert night at the RTF (Residential Treatment Facility) was a hit! You may have baked and donated a C.E.S. apple pie, ice cream, drinks, snacks for prizes, your time for the evening or even let us borrow your Pictionary Board Game; these actions helped the group of energetic, spirit-filled Immanuel people connect with the men in a way that most of them are not accustom to in their broken lives. Please continue to pray for these men as they move forward in their lives, work towards better goals, transition into the community, and most importantly that they ask the Lord to come into their hearts and lives as their Savior. If you see them in our church or on the street be sure to say Hello! Christmas Fudge and Christmas Cards for Cornerstone Prison Church are due to church by Monday, December 8. The fudge can be left in the church kitchen and cards can be placed in Lois Postma’s church mailbox. Michelle’s Orphans: In the busyness of your Thanksgiving week, remember to bless orphaned children with a birthday card! God has given us—and our children—so much they may hardly notice a greeting card. But when it’s all a child receives, it is a big deal. January greetings may be sent to (girls) Alla D (9), Tanya M (11), Luda B (15), and Kristina P (17) – the number refers to the age they will be. Boys: Victor S (10), Maxim K (11), Tolik M (13), Rustam K (15), and Vanya K (18). Cards will be mailed next week. Thank you: Seventy-nine pairs of bedroom slippers have been shipped off to Michelle Maly’s orphan ministry. They should arrive in time for Christmas in Ukraine, celebrated on January 7 according to the Gregorian calendar used in countries with an Orthodox Christian heritage. Your generosity was wonderful—many of you gave multiple pairs. Thank you for remembering “the least of these.” The words of Jesus: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40 Scrip Announcement: Only local orders this week, due to the short week of school. PRAYER CONCERNS: Pray for Wilma De Boer as she is struggling with her hearing and has a month to wait before she can have an appointment to deal with this. GREETERS: Today: Thanksgiving: November 30: Chuck & Jackie Mulder John & Shantel Oostra Dave & Lora Vande Brake NOTE: Greeters are responsible for the AM & PM Services USHERS: Butch Anderson, Tom Schemper, Dale Boer NOTE: Ushers are reminded to seat latecomers during the (**) noted in the order of worship. AUDIO/VIDEO: Thanksgiving: November 30: Audio: Scott Video: Jacquely n Audio: Treyton Video: Nate Audio: Bruce Video: AJ POWERPOINT: Thanksgiving: November 23: Allan Madie Joe’l (AM) & Madie (PM) LIBRARY: November 30: Teresa Roz NURSERY: AM: Thanksgiving: PM: AM: November 30: AM: PM: Infant: Sherri B, Jeffrey M Toddler: Dianne S, Taylor M, Joya S Mark Wieringa family Infant: Melissa W, Jacquelyn G Toddler: Teresa H, Chandler S, Josie I Infant: Arlene S, Keaton H Toddler: Jill H, Samantha H, Jackson H Gene Van Bruggen family CHILDREN & WORSHIP: Today: Amy S, Krista VB, Treyton S, Elizabeth VB, Jeffrey M NOTE: Set up and Prayer Time at 9:15 in the Worship Center. November 30: Amy S, Tracy W, Treyton S, Allyson W, Katey W OFFERING: Thanksgiving: November 30: AM: Building Fund PM: Christa Geels Thanksgiving Envelopes AM: Mission Faith Promises PM: Christian Reformed Home Missions ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK: SUN: 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. WED: 7:15 p.m. THU: 9:30 a.m. November 23-29 Worship Service Sunday School, Catechism, Choir Worship Service Young Peoples Thanksgiving Service