Education/Membership Committee

Education/Membership Committee
Minutes for Saturday 03/20/10
Caro’s House @ 5-7pm
Present: Ron, Toni, Jerica, Caro, Jaime, karen
Summary of Acuerdos:
 A survey regarding revolutionary leader bios will be developed and given to general body
 Ron will write CBE bio & present at gen. body meeting
 Caro will hit up Kiki / Erika to present ed segment at next GB meeting
 Jerica will follow up w/ Taquan re: symposium
 karen will follow up w/ JDA re: symposium
 Nik will have purpose statement finished by 3/24
 Purpose statement will be distributed at next GD meeting
 Jaime will hit up Yohana re: KYR workshop
 Caro will hit up Guillermo re: KYR workshop
 karen will secure CCFV for KYR and NdC
 Jaime & karen will set up CCFV for NdC the day before (Thurs 4/22)
 Caro will bring the film to NdC
 Toni will send BOTP link
I. General Meeting
a. Reflect on March Bio / Ed Segment
- Positives: good template for handout; great resources
- Changes / Recommendations:
- need more than 5 minutes to process
- the question of the purpose of these bios keeps arising  practical implications
vs. highlights / basic info
- we should identify and highlight specific strategies used by the
revolutionary and focus any subsequent discussion on that
- we should ask the general body about how the bios are going and
what they feel they’re getting out of them  survey
- the ed segment wasn’t on police violence; only focused on Oscar Grant!!!
- threw off closing discussion led by Nik
b. Next Revolutionary Leader Bio  Communities for a Better Environment (CBE)
- focus on environmental justice, highlighting recent victory against Vernon power plant
- Ron will write the bio and present, Toni will be back up
c. Ed Segment  Pedagogy  Math / Science
- haven’t done anything math / science specific yet
- Caro will hit up Kiki Bispo and Erika Coronado to present
II. New Committee Activities
a. Curriculum Symposium
- Confirmed Presenters: Caro (ES), LT (ES), Nikhil (HS SS), Oscar (HS SS), Cam (HS
- Maybe: Kate Beaudet (MS ELA)
- Follow up Needed: Taquan Stewart (HS Sci)  Jerica; Jeff Duncan-Andrade (HS
Electives)  karen
- we want “model” teachers to present, even if they can’t commit to the entire summer
- purpose statement (Nik)
- add vision for this to segue into inquiry groups to description
- deadline for statement  Wed 3/24
- statement to be distributed at next general body meeting
- Location  Locke 3 = #1 choice (Jerica will follow up); Chuco’s = back-up
- Outreach Criteria  participants must be committed to decolonizing pedagogy!!
- 2 page application to be developed
- table at ARE conference w/ sign up sheet to recruit folks
- hit up teacher ed programs (follow up at next committee meeting)
- CAFE conference
b. AB540 Workshops
- it’s really late in the year to do AB540 workshops because scholarship deadlines have
already passed, etc.
- instead, we’re re-developing the workshops to Know Your Rights
- Jaime will hit up Yohana
- Caro will hit up Guillermo
- possible location  Centro Cultural Francisco Villa (karen will follow up)
- possible dates  Tues 4/20 or Tues 4/27 at 6-8pm
- all of us will outreach to our students and their families
III. On-going Committee Activities
a. March Reading Circle Reflection
- overall went well
- folks got concrete feedback on individual pedagogical questions
- we need to remind folks about shared dialogue
- we should use the general body meeting norms, so no one is silenced or hurt by
being “reigned in”
- review these at the start of the dialogue
- we should structure dialogue more (i.e. 20 minutes analysis, 20 minutes practical
implications, etc.)
- post or hand out agenda to make structure clear from beginning
- need to build in small group / pair dialogue
- might need new location if we keep growing (tentative = Locke)
b. May Reading Circle  Sunday, May 9th @ 12-2pm
- text  excerpt from bell hooks’ “From Margin to Center” (Caro will get text uploaded)
- other texts to consider: JDA’s “Gangstas, Wankstas, and Ridas,” “Fanon For Beginners,”
“Queer Theory,” or something by Cindy Cruz or Gloria Anzaldua
c. Next Noche de Cine  “Bastards of the Party”  Fri, April 23rd @ 5:15pm
- Location = CCFV (karen will secure)
- set-up  Jaime and karen will set up the day before Thurs 4/22
- Caro will bring the film
- discussion questions and facilitators TBD at next committee meeting
- Toni will send link to entire film online
IV. Other
a. Oscar Grant / Police Brutality Curriculum  our role is simply to send in whatever lesson / unit
plans we have
b. April Meeting Facilitator  Toni