Character Analysis for The Crucible
For this assignment, you are to select 1 character from The Crucible and write a thorough analysis of this character. An analysis is not just a recap of the character and his/her role in the story. Rather, an analysis forces you evaluate a particular character trait and the motivations behind his/her actions.
Steps for a Successful Writing experience :
Select a character you want to write about
Brainstorm various traits you might consider using in your paper
Brainstorm events that support a particular trait
Don't take on more than one trait---Pick one that you can really support
Brainstorm the motivations the character had for acting a certain way.
Take a look at the handout How to Write a Character Analysis in 10 Easy
Steps to help you narrow your focus.
Paper Requirements :
This is a formal paper so you must follow proper English conventions.
Proper English conventions (heading, header, title, grammar, etc)
Uses at least 2 quotes effectively
500-800 words
Typed, DS, Times New Roman, 12 font
Grading Rubric
This paper will be graded on the following
Focus ---How well you established a clear thesis and maintained that throughout.
Organization ---How well you were able to make paragraphs relate to each other
(transition words and phrases).
Support ---How well you gave examples and further explained the support you used. Using quotations from the text are required, but only as they help to further your analysis.
Conventions ---Grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, etc (All the things on your writing error sheet)
Integration ---Overall effectiveness of your paper. Introduction and conclusion are thoughtful and connected. All parts of paper work together.