The Epic of Gilgamesh Background 1. When was this epic created? Why is that date significant? 2. Why is the story of Gilgamesh easily recognized as an epic? 3. An epic hero must undertake a quest—what does Gilgamesh seek? Why? 4. Why is this story considered archetypal? Introduction 5. Who is Gilgamesh? 6. Why do the people of Uruk pray for relief? 7. How is Enkidu a foil for Gilgamesh? 8. What two things do Gilgamesh and Enkidu do that anger the gods? How are they punished? The Death of Enkidu Enkidu has a dream of the afterlife that is dreary and miserable. Gilgamesh hears this vision and is horrified that man must be so miserable after life has ended. Soon after, Enkidu dies. Gilgamesh mourns him for seven days and seven nights. Gilgamesh erects a statue to his dead friend and leaves his kingdom. The Search for Everlasting Life 9. Why does Gilgamesh Seek Utnapushtim? 10. Why are the mountains of Mashu (Tunnel of the Sun) so important? What happens to Gilgamesh here? 11. What does Gilgamesh find on the other side of Mashu? 12. Who is Siduri? Why does she question Gilgamesh? 13. What advice does Siduri offer Gilgamesh? 14. What is Utnapushtim’s answer? The Story of the Flood 15. Why do the gods decide to send a flood? 16. Why is Utnapushtim able to survive the flood? 17. Why lie does Utnapushtim tell the people of Shurrupak? 18. How many decks are on the boat? What does it take to finish the boat? 19. Who and what gets loaded on the boat? 20. How long does the storm last? When does it end? 21. Where does the boat land? 22. What is the significance of the birds in the story? 23. Why is Enlil so upset? How does Ea react to Enlil’s anger? 24. What does Enlil do to Utnapushtim? The Return 25. What challenge does Utnapushtim give Gilgamesh? 26. How does Utnapushtim prove that Gilgamesh failed the test? 27. What does Utnapushtim ask Urshanabi to do for Gilgamesh? 28. What secret does Utnapushtim share? 29. How does Gilgamesh lose his valuable prize? Why is this significant? 30. What does Gilgamesh do when he returns to Uruk? 31. What does Gilgamesh return with? Discussion 32. What does the character of Gilgamesh reveal about the Sumerians? 33. What seems to be the moral or theme of this story? (think about the advice of Siduri and Utnapishtim) 34. What archetypal characters and themes can you identify in this story?