Week/Date: 09/29/2014 LESSON PLANS - (Subject to Change) Grade/Subject: (6)World History-Ancient Civ. Learning Goals: Students will learn how to write an analytical essay by going through the steps of analyzing primary documents, completing a guided essay, and writing a rough draft. Monday Tuesday Prepared by: Cecile M. Hemphill Daily Objective: Students will be able to analyze primary documents, take that information, develop answers to a question, and write a five paragraph analytical essay elaborating on those answers. Wednesday Thursday Friday Name three ways the Nile River shaped ancient Egypt. Make an acrostic using the letters in NILE to describe the Nile River. DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt? DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt? I do: Introduce Rough Draft. Bell Ringer How did the Nile River benefit the people of Egypt? How long is the Nile River? Procedure DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt? DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt? What was predictable every year about the Nile River and how did the people of Egypt take advantage of this? DBQ Week – How Did The Nile Shape Ancient Egypt? I do: Show DBQ PPt. Introduce topic, :How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt? Introduce term, “primary document”. I do: Introduce Hook Exercise. I do: Introduce Documents D-E to students. I do: Introduce Guided Essay. We do: Go through Documents A-C with students. We do: Go through documents D-E with students. We do: Go through steps of Guided Essay. We do: Students interact with DBQ Ppt. Go through DBQ packet with students. Read Background Essay together. Essential Question You do: Work together to answer Background Essay Questions. Check together. What is the importance of primary source documents? You do: Students work to complete Documents A-C. Check answers with students. You do: Students work to complete Documents D-E. Check answers with students. What is the importance of primary source documents? What is the importance of primary source documents? You do: Students work and complete Guided Essay. We do: Go through steps of Rough Draft with students. You do: Students work on their Rough Draft. Final Analytical essay due by Friday, 10/10/14, typed or neatly written What is the importance of primary source documents? What is the importance of primary source documents? Assessment Students will read and answer questions to primary documents dealing with the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” Materials PPT/DBQ/Textbook Students will read and answer questions to primary documents dealing with the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” DBP/Textbook ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s in the Lesson Plan folder. Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Multi media Individual Instruction Peer Tutoring/grouping Alternative Assessments Adapted Assignments Read aloud while students follow along Seating Visual Aids Strategies Students will read and answer questions to primary documents dealing with the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” Students will complete a five paragraph analytical essay that answers the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” Students will complete a five paragraph analytical essay that answers the question, “How Did the Nile Shape Ancient Egypt?” DBQ/Textbook DBQ/Textbook DBQ/Textbook Vocabulary: Egypt, Nile, shape, primary document, guided essay, Analytical Essay.