H3 American Revolutionary test questions

SS8H3a Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on Georgia;
include the French and Indian War (i.e., Seven Years War), Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable
Acts, and the Declaration of Independence.
Which statement about Georgia regarding the
French and Indian War is correct?
a. Georgia gained new territory (modern day
Alabama and Mississippi) as a result of the war.
b. Georgia colonists suffered great losses of lives
and property.
c. Georgia was a buffer zone in the fighting between
the French and the Indians.
d. Georgia was the only colony to support the French
against the British in the war.
Which statement BEST describes how the
French and Indian War led to America’s
Revolutionary War?
a. Great Britain gained control of Mexico.
b. Southern colonies rebelled against northern
colonies causing a major civil war.
c. To get revenge, France incited rebellion in the
colonies and enticed Spain to move into the British
d. To get money to repay war debts, Great Britain
taxed the colonies who had no representation in
What law forbade (did not allow) colonists to
move west of the Appalachian Mountains?
a. Declaration of Independence of 1776
b. Intolerable Acts of 1774
c. Proclamation of 1763
d. Stamp Act of 1765
What was the first direct tax by Parliament on
the American colonies that required colonists
to pay for a British seal on all commercial and
legal documents?
a. Intolerable Acts
b. Stamp Act
c. Sugar Act
d. Tea Act
How did the Proclamation of 1763 cause
colonists to revolt against Great Britain?
a. Colonists didn’t want to settle the land because
they were happy living along the Atlantic coast.
b. Colonists were upset they could not settle lands
they were having to pay taxes for because of the
French and Indian War
c. Proclamation of 1763 was not a cause of the
American Revolution
d. All of the above
Which was NOT a provision of the
Intolerable Acts?
a. The British closed the port of Boston until the
colonists paid for the tea that was destroyed in
the Boston Tea Party.
b. The British forced colonists to join the British
c. The British required citizens in all the colonies
to house and feed British soldiers.
d. The British prohibited the Massachusetts
colonists from having town meetings more
than once a year.
Like many colonists, Georgians were
divided on the issues of the Revolutionary
War. The colony was hesitant to join the
revolution at first because Georgia
a. was self-sufficient and could take care of
b. had no objections to the Intolerable Acts or
other rules made by Parliament.
c. was dependent on Great Britain for economic
and military support.
d. had a long, successful history of selfgovernment
What formal document written by colonists
listed complaints against the king of
England and officially announced the
colonies' break from Great Britain in order
to form their own country?
a. Constitution of the United States
b. Declaration of Independence
c. Magna Carta
d. Proclamation of 1763
Which is the MOST LIKELY reason that
Britain taxed goods in the colonies?
a. to pay to erect buildings in the colonies
b. to punish colonists for drinking tea
c. to pay for war debt
d. to bring more enslaved people to the colonies
What caused the colonists to revolt against
Great Britain during the American
a. too high of taxes from King George III
b. the king closed down colonial legislatures
c. no representation in Parliament
d. All of the Above
Parliament imposed the Stamp Act on the
colonists in 1765. What was the purpose of
this Act?
It reduced the tax on Dutch and French
It imposed a tax on all goods imported to the
It allowed news to pass from town to town.
It required that all legal & commercial documents
carried a stamp showing that the tax had been
To bring the colonies under control, Britain’s
Parliament passed several acts that included
closing of Boston Harbor until damages from
Boston Tea Party were paid for; outlawing
patriot groups such as the Sons of Liberty;
and allowing colonists to assemble for only
one town meeting a year. Known as the
Coercive Acts to the British, the colonists
called them the
a. Townshend Acts
b. Tea Act
c. Intolerable Acts
d. Stamp Act Congress
Why was "No taxation without representation"
the colonists' slogan about British taxes?
a. Colonists wanted to form their own mercantile
b. Colonists wanted their own elected officials to be
part of the British Parliament
c. Colonists wanted a monopoly on the trade in
d. All of the above
Which of the following shows the correct order
of events up to the American Revolution?
a. French and Indian War, Declaration of
Independence, Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act
b. Declaration of Independence, Stamp Act, French
and Indian War, Intolerable Acts
c. French and Indian War, Stamp Act, Intolerable
Acts, Declaration of Independence
d. Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, French and Indian
War, Declaration of Independence
"It is wrong for a government located far
away on another continent to ask that we in
America pay taxes when it does not
represent us." Of the following people,
which one would be most likely to produce
this idea?
a. a delegate from Georgia arguing against the
United States Constitution
b. a Georgia leader arguing for secession shortly
before the Civil War
c. a British colonist in America shortly before the
American Revolution
d. a Native American in Georgia shortly after the
American Revolution
There were several economic causes for
the American Revolution. Which of the
following are among those causes?
I. The colonists wanted to be able to trade
with who ever they chose.
II. The colonists did not want to support the
British East India Company's monopoly on
III. The colonists did not believe Great Britain's
Parliament had any right to tax them.
I and II
II and III
Ill only
I, II, and III
Which of the following goods were not
taxed by the Stamp Act?
a. newspapers
b. playing cards
c. tea
d. legal documents
Which of the following is NOT a cause of
the American Revolution?
a. French and Indian War
b. Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts
c. Treaty of Savannah
d. Declaration of Independence
SS8H3b Analyze the significance of people and events in Georgia in the Revolutionary War; Elijah Clarke, Austin
Dabney, Loyalists, Patriots, Nancy Hart, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton, Battle of Kettle
Creek, and Siege of Savannah.
Why was the Battle of Kettle Creek
a. It proved that the patriots had a lot of support in
Georgia and kept the British from controlling
north Georgia.
b. It was the beginning of a truce between loyalists
and patriots.
c. It proved that the loyalists were victorious and
helped them win the American Revolution.
d. It resulted in the patriots winning the American
Revolution and loyalists being forced to move
back to England.
Patriot forces led by Elijah Clarke and John
Dooly attacked the Loyalist Militia near
Augusta where the Loyalists were defeated.
Where did this first colonial victory in
Georgia during the American Revolution
a. Atlanta
b. Darien
c. Kettle Creek
d. Savannah
Who was the female Georgia patriot famous
for capturing and killing a group of Tories
during the revolution and served as a spy
during the Battle of Kettle Creek?
a. Clara Barton
b. Rebecca Felton
c. Nancy Hart
d. Mary Musgrove
Austin Dabney received a plot of land in
Madison County
a. from the Harris family.
b. right after the Battle at Kettle Creek.
c. because he had recently moved into Georgia.
d. as payment for his service in the Revolutionary
All of the following are reasons for Georgia
to stay loyal to England EXCEPT
a. Georgia had more British settlers than the other
colonies and all Georgians were loyal to Great
b. Georgia was not as successful as the other
colonies, and it could not afford to raise enough
money to fight the British.
c. Georgia was far younger as a colony than the
other colonies, and it still needed much support
from Great Britain.
d. Georgia had a much smaller population than the
other colonies, and it did not have enough men
for an army to fight the British.
Who was the leader of the militia who led the
forces at the Battle of Kettle Creek?
a. Button Gwinnett
b. Elijah Clarke
c. George Washington
d. James Wright
Boston Tea Party
Continental Congress
Declaration of Independence
Boycott of British goods
The activities above were supported by most
of the
a. colonists.
b. Loyalists.
c. Patriots.
d. British.
What was the behavior of most Georgians
during the Revolution?
a. They were loyal to the king.
b. They attacked British troops.
c. They rioted in the streets.
d. Many moved to Virginia.
Most of the fighting in Georgia during the
American Revolution was between
a. British and French soldiers
b. Georgia Patriots and Loyalists
c. Georgia Loyalists and Indians
d. Spanish and British soldiers
Slave who fought in the Battle of Kettle Creek
African American who was a patriot
Revolutionary War hero
Government of Georgia bought his freedom
Received 50 acres of land for his military
The above notes describe the life of
Austin Dabney
Nancy Hart
Elijah Clarke
James Wright
Independence from Great Britain came for
Georgia and the other colonies in
a. 1607
b. 1733
c. 1776
d. 1787
Who were the three Georgians who signed
the Declaration of Independence?
a. Lyman Hall, George Walton, and James Wright
b. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington,
Benjamin Franklin
c. George Walton, Lyman Hall, Button Gwinnett
d. John Reynolds, Henry Ellis, James Wright
What was the MOST significant result of the
siege of Savannah?
a. The British were pushed out of Georgia.
b. The city of Savannah remained under British
c. Georgia became a French colony.
d. It was the last major conflict of the Revolutionary
Georgia did not send delegates to the First
Continental Congress. The three Georgia
delegates to the Second Continental
Congress and signers of the Declaration of
Independence included all of the following
a. George Walton
b. James Wright
c. Button Gwinnett
d. Lyman Hall
Why was Georgia reluctant (hesitant) or not
willing to support the American Revolution?
a. Georgia's economy depended heavily on Great
b. Georgians were threatened by large numbers of
British soldiers active in Georgia.
c. Georgia really wanted to become part of the
Spanish colony of Florida.
d. Georgians were not required to pay the British
taxes that were applied to the other colonies.
Which statement describes the situation in
Georgia during the American War for
a. The state was never involved in the fighting.
b. Georgia's citizens refused to fight against
c. British troops controlled the state for most of the
d. Savannah became a vital port for the American
What Revolutionary War heroine for the
Patriots defended her Georgia home by
holding Loyalist Tories at gunpoint and has a
county named in her honor?
a. Clara Barton
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Nancy Hart
d. Gov. James Wright
Which of the following was a loyalist in
Georgia during the American Revolution?
a. Austin Dabney
b. Elijah Clarke
c. James Wright
d. Nancy Hart
Why did the patriots want independence from
British rule?
a. They wanted to have their own king.
b. They thought that the taxes were unfair.
c. The British government gave the colonists too
much freedom.
d. They wanted to be ruled by Spain.
What role did Austin Dabney play in the
Revolutionary War?
Leader of the group called the Minutemen.
Georgian who signed the Declaration of
African American who contributed to the war
Tory who supported the British in the
Revolutionary War.
In 1779, Colonels Elijah Clarke and other
Patriot forces from Georgia and South
Carolina defeated the British Loyalists during
which Revolutionary War battle that took
place in Georgia?
a. The Battle of Kettle Creek
b. The Battle of Yorktown
c. The Battle for the Site of Savannah
d. The Battle of Bunker Hill
In 1779, the French and American forces
demanded that a certain southern coastal
city be surrendered by the British. However,
British and Loyalist forces defeated the
French & Patriots and were able to defend
the important port city. This event during the
Revolutionary War was known as the
a. Battle of Lexington & Concord
b. Siege of Savannah
c. Siege of Augusta
d. Battle of Yorktown