Colonial America

Name __________________________________________
Section _______
Unit Goals
By the end of this unit you will be able to…
 Identify and describe the major English Settlements in the New World
o Jamestown
o Plymouth
o Massachusetts Bay Colony
o Pennsylvania
Explain why there was an interest in establishing settlements in America
Explain reasons why individuals wanted to move to these colonies
Explain some of the problems that the colonists faced in the settlements
Describe the relationship and interactions that the Colonists had with England
Identify on a map each of the original 13 colonies, the Atlantic Ocean and the
Appalachian Mountains
 Explain the economy of the English Colonies: what were the products, labor source
and the effect of the climate on the economy
 Compare and Contrast the different settlements (why they were settled, who lived
there, relationships with the Native Americans, success and struggles)
Jamestown Settlement
Lesson 4.1 - The Virginia Colony
Settlement in Jamestown
1. What is the benefit of a Joint Stock Company versus an
individual paying for a new colony?
2. The name of the first successful English settlement was ______________________, named after the
King of England.
3. The men who settled Jamestown were or were not prepared? __________________
4. Why was Jamestown a poor site for a settlement? _______________________________
__________________________________________________________________________. The
situation got better after Captain John ____________took control and forced the settlers to work
and to build better housing.
The Powhatan Confederacy
5. The colonists struggled, but they received help from the _____________________________. They
brought ______________ and taught them how to _____________________.
6. They didn’t always get along. Sometimes the colonists __________________________.
7. The winter of 1609-1610 was called the ___________________________.
8. In 1612, the colonists finally found a way to be successful. They discovered that ____________
grew well in Virginia. __________________________ introduced a sweeter variety and they were
able to make a profit selling it to England. (Remember how the Natives helped colonists…)
Daily Life in Virginia
9. Colonists who paid their own way to Virginia received _____ acres of land and another _____
acres for each person they brought with them. This is known as the ____________________ system.
Labor in Virginia
10. Many of the workers on the farms and plantations were _____________________________ that
had signed a contract to work between ______ and _______ years for the person that paid their
way to America. About ______ percent of the early Virginia colonists were indentured servants.
11. Besides Europe, another continent some laborers came from was _________________. The first
Africans came to Virginia in _______________. Some came as slaves and some came as
12. A planter is a wealthy _________________ with a large plantation.
13. Indentured servants were very common at first, they were less expensive than slaves. Why did
slavery eventually become more popular? _____________________________________________.
The use of slaves made some plantation owners become _____________. (Remember the unhappy
indentured servants…)
Maryland pages 109-111
Virginia pages 92-97
Who? ___________________________
Who? ___________________________
Why? ____________________________
Why? ____________________________
When? _______ Groups: _____________
When? _________
Toleration Act of 1649: was created to
Important names: ___________________
one of the first acts to support _________
The Southern Colonies
The Carolinas pages 110-111, 116
Georgia pages 114-116
Who? ___________________________
Who? ___________________________
Why? ____________________________
Why? ____________________________
When? _________
When? _________
Separated into two colonies in ________
Who lived there? ___________________
Major crop: _________
Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay Settlement
Lesson 4.2 – The Pilgrims’ Experience
Lesson 4.3 – The New England Colonies
Lesson 4.2
Puritan’s and Pilgrims
1. The Church of England (also called the Anglican Church) was the
official church in England. Not everyone agreed with it. Puritans
wanted to _____________________ or reform the Church of
2. One __________ (religious group) even wanted to separate themselves from the Church of England
and form their own church. Those that wanted to separate were called _____________________.
3. One of these groups of Separatists was the _________________. To escape persecution
(punishment from the government), these Pilgrims moved to the _____________________. At first,
things were going well, as they were able to practice their religion freely. However, the Pilgrims
were upset that their children were ___________________________
_________________________________ and also by the types of ______________ available to
them. They returned to ______________ to get permission to move to ______________.
The Founding of Plymouth
4. The Pilgrims left England in 1620 on their way to Virginia, but went off course. They ended up
_______________ of Virginia. Because they were going to land way out of the land that was
ruled by England, they realized they weren’t going to have any basic laws (which wasn’t a good
5. They decided to set up their own laws. This contract that the male passengers signed on board the
Mayflower was called the _________________________________. This is important to know
because it was one of the very first forms of _____________________
__________________________ in the English colonies.
Pilgrims and American Indians
6. The Pilgrims met ______________________, a member of the Pemaquid tribe, who spoke some
English. He introduced the Pilgrims to a Patuxet Indian named ______________.
7. Squanto also spoke English, because he had lived in Europe. Squanto taught the Pilgrims to
_______________________________________________________________. He also helped
them to ______________________________ with Massasoit, a local Indian chief.
8. Read “That’s Interesting” on the side of page 101. Where did Squanto live in Europe (2 places)?
________________ and _______________________. How did he get there?
9. What event celebrated the survival of the Pilgrims in the new colony? _________________
The Pilgrim Community
10. The Pilgrim settlement was different from the Jamestown, Virginia settlement.
___________________ were very common there. The family was the center of their
___________________ life, health care and _______________________ well-being.
Lesson 4.3
The Massachusetts Bay Colony
11. When the economy when bad, Charles I did something that upset the people of England. What did
he do? ________________________
12. People that disagree with official opinions are called ______________. An example of a group of
people that did this was the ___________________.
13. When tens of thousands of English men, women and children left England between 1630 and 1640,
it was called the ________________________________. Where did these people move to?
14. Those that moved to New England were given a charter by the King and formed the
____________________________ ________________ _______________________.
15. The Puritans were different from the Jamestown colonists – when they arrived, they were
___________________________________. What did they bring with them?
___________________________________________________________________________ How
else were they different (Indian relations, climate, illnesses) _________________
16. The chief city and capital of this colony was _________________________.
Church and State in New England
17. The General Court was there to help run the colony. The colonists used this as a type of ____________________________. They elected the _______________________ and his assistants. It
became a _______ house (bicameral) legislature. (This will be the model that is used when creating
the US government.)
18. Thomas Hooker founded _________________________ and helped draft (write) the
__________________________________________________________________________. How
did this make their government more democratic? _________________________
19. What was Hooker’s nickname? ______________________________________________.
Daily Life and Customs
20. What 3 things were important to the lives of New England colonists? ____________________
____________________________ _________________________ Their everyday life was shaped
by ___________________.
21. Some differences between New England and Jamestown – fill in the boxes.
Jamestown . . . . .
New England . . . .
Less stable community life
__________ stable community life
Colonists were wealthy or poor
Colonists were ______________________
Grew food (crops) for sale
Grew food (crops) for ____________________
Large plantations
Small, _______________ owned farms
Colonists that came were just men
Colonists that came were ________________
22. Why was education so important? ___________________________________________
We have them to thank for public (town) schools.
Massachusetts pages 98-108
New Hampshire page 116
Who? ___________________________
Why? __________________________
When? _________________________
Why? ____________________________
When? _________
Groups: Pilgrims, _______________
Mayflower Compact: first attempt at
in the English Colonies
The New England Colonies
Rhode Island pages 106-107
Connecticut page 105
Who? ___________________________
Who? ___________________________
Why? ____________________________
Why? ____________________________
When? _________
When? _________, charter in _________
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut:
Supported ____________ of church from
document to make __________________
___________, ____________ tolerance,
treat ________________________ fairly
The Pennsylvania Settlement
Lesson 4.4 – The Southern and Middle Colonies
The Pennsylvania Experiment pages 113-114
1. One large religious group in New Jersey was the _______________.
2. The King of England gave _________________________________ a
charter to begin a new colony west of New Jersey. This colony was named
William Penn
3. Penn tried to create a ___________ government. He promised ____________________ freedom
to all colonists.
4. People living in Pennsylvania were Welsh, Irish __________________ and _____________.
5. The capital was Philadelphia, which means ___________________________________. The city
was designed by Penn in a ___________________ pattern.
6. In 1862, Penn gained the region to the south of Pennsylvania, called _____________.
For questions 7 and 8 . . . .
Read the following excerpt from an advertising booklet promoting the Pennsylvania Colony. highlight,
underline or circle any words or phrases that would make someone want to move there from Europe,
then answer the two questions that follow.
William Penn, Some Account of the Province of Pennsilvania (1681)
For Navigation it is said to have two conveniencies; the one by lying
Ninescore miles upon Delaware River; that is to say, about three-score and ten
miles, before we come to the Falls, [4] where a Vessel of Two hundred Tuns
may Sail, (and some Creeks and small Harbours in that distance, where Ships
may come nearer than the River into the Country) and above the Falls, for
Sloops and Boats, as I am informed, to the extent of the Patent. The other
convenience is through Chesapeak-Bay.
For Timber and other Wood there is variety for the use of man.
For Fowl, Fish, and Wild-Deer, they are reported to be plentiful in those
Parts. Our English Provision is likewise now to be had there at reasonable
Rates. The Commodities that the Country is thought to be capable of, are Silk, Flax, Hemp, Wine, Sider,
Woad, Madder, Liquorish, Tobacco, Pot-ashes, and Iron, and it does actually produce Hides, Tallow,
Pipe-staves, Beef, Pork, Sheep, Wool, Corn, as Wheat, Barly, Ry, and also Furs, as your Peltree, Mineks,
Racoons, Martins, and such like; store of Furs which is to be found among the Indians, that are profitable
Commodities in Europe.
The way of trading in those Countries is thus: they send to the Southern Plantations Corn, Beef,
Pork, Fish and Pipe staves, and take their Growth and bring for England, and return with English Goods
to their own Country. Their Furs they bring for England, and either sell them here, or carry them out
again to other parts of Europe, where they will yield a better price: And for those that will follow
Merchandize and Navigation there is conveniency, and Timber sufficient for Shipping.
7. What parts of this description of Pennsylvania would have sounded appealing to you if you were
reading this in 1681? _____________________________________________________________
8. Pennsylvania had a lot to offer to people from Europe thinking about starting a new life. Why do
you think so many different people moved to Pennsylvania? _______________________________
- - 10 - -
New York page 112
Pennsylvania pages 113-114
Who first and when? _______________
Who? ___________________________
Why? ____________________________
Why? ____________________________
English took control when? _________
Groups that lived there ______________
When? _________
and _______________
Groups: __________________________
First of the Middle Colonies
The Middle Colonies
New Jersey page 112
Delaware pages 114, 116
Who? ___________________________
When? ____________
Originally part of
Why? ____________________________
When? _________
Groups that lived there: _____________
- - 11 - -
Problems in the English Colonies
1. People sometimes move from where they currently live to a
new place. Perhaps you or someone you know has recently
done this. List at least 4 reasons why someone might move
from where they currently live to a new place.
2. Now, think about what you have already learned in this unit so far. List some reasons why Europeans
moved to the English Colonies in the 1600s and 1700s (at least 4)
Problems with Native Americans
War in Virginia pages 94-95
3. In Jamestown, Virginia, John __________________ married Pocahontas and helped to make the
relationship between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatan more ____________________.
4. After Pocahontas and her father Wahunsonacock died, the Jamestown colonists and Powhatan
fought. First, the colonists killed a _________________________________. Then Opechancanough
_______________________ the Virginia settlers. They killed about ______________ men, women
and children, including John Rolfe. The colonists responded by burning
_____________________________________. Fighting continued for _____ years.
The Ideal of Georgia pages114-115
5. Georgia was started by James ______________________ and others as a place for ________
English citizens. These people had been _______________ for unpaid debts. Georgia was started
to protect South Carolina from Spanish Florida.
6. Savannah was founded on the coast and people living there were: German, ______________,
Welsh _________________ and also ______________ settlers.
- - 12 - -
7. ________________ was outlawed in Georgia and limited land to small grants so that there were
no __________________________. Eventually, Georgia became a royal colony and soon had
________________________ and slavery.
Problems with Religious Freedom
Dissent in Massachusetts pages 107-108
8. Everything wasn’t always perfect in New England. They didn’t all have the same _______________
9. Roger Williams, a minister
a. Wanted his church to ______________________________________________________
b. Criticized the General Court for
c. Leaders made him leave ________________________ forever. He went to southern New
England and started ____________________________ (which later became known as
_______________ ________________).
10. Anne Hutchinson had some very different ideas that Puritan leaders didn’t like.
a. She thought that God spoke to the people without the ___________________.
b. She was put on trial and forced out of the colony. She started ______________________, also
on Rhode Island
Tolerant Maryland pages 109-110
11. Maryland was founded by Cecilius Calvert, also known as Lord __________________________.
12. Maryland was started as a safe place for ______________________________ to live.
13. Because Maryland was a proprietary colony, _______________________ (owners) were in charge
of the government.
14. Religious conflicts began when ___________________ started to move to Maryland.
15. The Toleration Act of 1649, one of the first laws supporting religious ________________________,
made it a crime to restrict the religious rights of Christians.
Problems with Government
Bacon’s Rebellion page 97
16. Some common complaints among colonists were about the higher ________________ and lack of
available ________________.
- - 13 - -
17. What was the name of the Governor of Jamestown? (hint: look at the caption under the picture)
18. A rebellion by former indentured servants was led by a man named __________________. During
this rebellion, peaceful _________________ were attacked and this made it difficult to make
peace with this group after the rebellion was over.
19. After this, slavery became more popular because _______________________________________
as well as the fact that less people were willing to be indentured servants. As a result, the cost of
slaves fell.
20. The Colonists left their homes in Europe for a better life (whatever that might have meant for them). In
your opinion, did they find that better life when they moved to the English Colonies? Why or Why
not? __________________________________________________________________________
- - 14 - -
Colonial Economy and Relationship with
Lesson 5.2 - The Growth of Trade
Lesson 5.3 – The Colonial Economy
Use Lesson 5.3 and page 146 to complete the chart
What kind of people
worked there? (slaves,
What was the climate and
geography like? (harsh
indentured servants, skilled
craftspeople & apprentices)
climate, good soil, long growing
season, etc.)
How did they make money?
(agriculture, fishing, shipbuilding,
trading, etc)
New England
Lesson 5.2 starts on page 126
English Trade Laws
We will be discussing two types of trade – trade with other countries and trade from one colony to another.
1. One reason the colonies were founded was for England to make _____________. England
controlled their trade very carefully to build their wealth – this was called
2. The Navigation Acts made it so that the colonies had to do most of their trading with
______________________ - they didn’t have a choice who they traded with. They also had to pay
duties (________________) on some products they imported.
3. The colonists didn’t like being told who they could trade with, they wanted to trade with whoever
offered the best ______________. Would you like being told where you were allowed to shop?
- - 15 - -
4. Trading within the colonies (from one colony to another) wasn’t controlled too much by the
government. Being able to trade with little government control is called _____________
Colonial Trade
5. Molasses Act – duties (taxes) on ____________, ____________, and ________.
6. Most American merchants traded with ______________ and the colonies in the _________
__________________ (islands in the Caribbean). Trading between these three places was called
______________________ ____________.
The Middle Passage
7. Look at the map on page 129 – Follow the red triangular path –What items went from the West
Indies to the 13 Colonies? __________________________________________________________
What item went from the 13 Colonies to Africa? _________________ What items came from Africa
to the West Indies? ___________________________
8. The voyage from Africa to the West Indies that transported __________ million Africans was called
the ____________ ___________________. Describe the conditions (length of time, suffering).
9. Why were so many Africans crammed so tightly on the ships? ______________________________
Look at the diagram on page 130 and imagine the amount of space each person had – if you can,
measure out the space described under the diagram.
10. What happened to many slaves on this trip? ___________________________________________
11. True or False – all colonists supported the slave trade. __________
12. Summarize (in your own words) the relationship between England and the Colonies in America (from
England’s point of view, why did the Colonies exist? And vice versa?
- - 16 - -
Study Topics
People/Groups of People
Vocabulary Terms
John Smith
William Penn
Nathaniel Bacon
Anne Hutchinson
Peter Stuyvesant
Roger Williams
Indentured Servants
Bicameral legislature
Cash crops
Staple crops
Triangular trade
Middle passage
Balance of trade
Headright system
Each of the 13 Colonies
New England Colonies
Middle Colonies
Southern Colonies
Events, Acts & Documents
Bacon’s Rebellion
Navigation Acts
Mayflower Compact
Be able to . . . .
Label each of the 13 colonies, the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean on a map
Identify and compare the economies of each of the three regions (what was their economic base –
agriculture, industry; what did they grow/make; what labor did they use) and how did climate and
geography impact their economies. Refer to the chart on packet page 16
New England Colonies –
Middle Colonies –
Southern Colonies Explain the different reasons people left Europe to move to the English Colonies.
Describe the differences between the Jamestown, Pennsylvania and the Plymouth colonies (who settled
there, why they settled there, major events).
Explain the problems that the colonists faced in their new colonies (see pages 13-15 of packet)
- - 17 - -
Name ___________________________ Section_____
1. Identify and compare the economies of each of the three regions (what was their economic base
– agriculture, industry; what did they grow/make; what labor did they use) and how did climate
and geography impact their economies. Refer to the chart on packet page 16
New England Colonies –
Middle Colonies –
Southern Colonies -
Explain the different reasons people left Europe to move to the English Colonies.
Describe the differences between the Jamestown, Pennsylvania and the Plymouth colonies (who
settled there, why they settled there, major events).
Explain the problems that the colonists faced in their new colonies (see pages 13-15 of packet)
- 18 -
Label . . . . .
each of the 13 Colonies
the Appalachian Mountains already done, you will have to do on test
the Atlantic Ocean already done, you will have to do on test
- 19 -