Horgas/DeMaio Death of a Salesman Assessment Choose one of the following assignments for your Death of a Salesman final assessment. All assignments are of equal weight. Due: Thursday, January 20th Must be handed in as a hard copy in class 1. The Eulogy: Write a eulogy for Willy Loman from the perspective of any of the characters (other than Charley). Keep in mind that eulogies mention funny, sad, or important moments in the deceased’s life and the ways in which that person impacted the lives of others. Remember that the purpose of a eulogy is to honor the life of the person for whom it is written. An appropriate length for a eulogy is approximately one to two pages (double spaced). 2. The Soundtrack: Construct an album of approximately six to eight songs to add a musical aspect to the play. Pay close attention to the lyrics. Write a short reflection for each song explaining why you chose it. What is the artist/band saying in the song? Which theme does the song identify with? How does the song relate to the play? Be sure to provide the lyrics (along with the song itself) and assign the songs to scenes of the play. 3. The essay: Write an essay in which you address one of the two prompts below. You can choose whichever prompt you find most suitable for your thoughts on the play. The essay will be graded based on the AP scoring guidelines, however this will be a take-home assignment. Quotations and passage are to be included in your essay. An appropriate length for this particular essay is approximately two to three pages (double-spaced). a. Prompt 1 (2007): In many works of literature, past events can affect, positively or negatively, the present actions, attitudes, or values of a character. Choose a novel or play in which a character must contend with some aspect of the past, either personal or societal. Then write an essay in which you show how the character’s relationship to the past contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole. b. Prompt 2 (2005): In Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, protagonist Edna Pontellier is said to possess “that outward existence which conforms, the inward life which questions.” In a novel or a play that you have studied, identify a character who conforms outwardly while questioning inwardly. Then write an essay in which you analyze how this tension between outward conformity and inward questioning contributes to the meaning of the work. Avoid mere plot summary. NAME: ____________________ SCORE: _____________ EULOGY: 60 points Mechanics – 20 points Is the eulogy of appropriate length? /5 Proper grammar, spelling, and tense? /5 Creative and appropriate diction? /5 Variations in sentence structure? /5 Content – 30 points Is the eulogy written in a respectful, appreciative tone? /10 Does the eulogy focus on and effectively honor Willy Loman? /10 Does the eulogy discuss his life and those he loved? /5 Does the eulogy use specific experiences from the text to support the statements being made? /5 Style – 15 points Is it clear through voice and tone who the speaker is? /5 Does the eulogy incorporate thoughtful commemorations? /10 NAME: _______________________ SCORE: ________________ SOUNDTRACK: 60 points Song Choice – 20 points Does the soundtrack include an appropriate number of songs? /5 Do all of the songs relate to the themes of the play? /8 Are all of the songs assigned to different scenes of the play? /7 Song Justification – 30 points Does each song include a response that provides a logical reason why it was chosen? /10 Do these justifications demonstrate a genuine understanding of the themes of the play? /10 Do these justifications prove an understanding of the song itself? /5 Are the lyrics provided? (Only if there are lyrics to the song) /5 Are the songs diverse in their theme(s)? (Not all songs are referring to the same theme of the play) /10