English 12 Lesson Plans: Week #9 - Media, Vocab, Writing

English 12 Lesson Plans of Linda Robinson: T2 Week #9 3/25/13-3/29/13
Backward Design -- At the end of the stated time, students will be able to:
Media and Non-Fiction Texts— (4 weeks)
Evaluate sources including ads/editorials/websites/etc. for relationships between intent, opinion,
and factual content (12.2a)
Determine author’s purpose and intended effect on audience for media messages (12.2b)
Generate and respond logically to literal/inferential/evaluative/synthesizing/critical thinking
questions before, during, and after reading texts (12.5a)
Recognize/analyze ambiguity/contradiction/paradox/irony/overstatement/understatement in text
Vocabulary – (18 weeks/14 units)
Denotation and connotation; interpret connotation (12.3c)
Expository Writing--- (4 weeks)
Produce arguments that develop thesis that demonstrates informed judgments, addresses counter
claims, and provides effective conclusions. (12.6b)
Clarify/defend position with precise, relevant evidence (12.6c)
Adapt content/vocab/voice/tone to audience/purpose (12.6d)
Use variety of rhetorical strategies to achieve specific purpose (12.6e)
Create arguments that are externally supported and free of errors in logic (12.6f)
Revise writing for clarity of content, depth, and technique of presentation (12.6g)
Use computer tech to plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish (12.6h)
Apply grammatical conventions to editing for language/spelling/punctuation/capitalization (12.7b)
English 12 Classes
Make up
all owed
work by
the end of
this week
(1) Review plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Exam Review: Student partners will make presentation of their exam review worksheets completed Friday-on identification of figurative language, punctuation, and writing revision (ordering of paragraphs, placement of
thesis, etc.). Students will explain their rationale (SOL 12.3, 12.6, 12.7).
(3) Exam Review: Jeopardy-style exam review – students will compete in a game to reinforce knowledge/skills
(SOL 12.1, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7).
(1) Exam review worksheets projected on figurative language, punctuation, and writing revision
(2) Eggsbert set; Jeopardy review questions
(3) Class rosters for team selection
(1) Midterm Exam and Benchmark are tomorrow for 3 rd period / Wed. for 2nd period – pencils needed
(2) Vocab book needed tomorrow for 2nd period, Wed. for 3rd period, and Thurs.-Fri. for all
(3) Return The Time Machine novels
(4) Vocab Unit 8 flashcards due Thurs.
for 2nd pd
3rd Period
(1) Plan for today; point out homework on board;
3rd Period
(2) Midterm Exam and benchmark test (SOL 12.1, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7)
2nd Period
(2) Vocab: Reinforce Unit 8 words through completion of Exercise 1 in workbook, pgs 95-96 (SOL 12.3).
(3) Watch DVD America Speaks --- a collection of speeches and essays by famous Americans on various subjects.
Students will write down the topics of each speaker --- jot down own thoughts on the subject on a graphic organizer
for later in-class essay writing (SOL 12.2, 12.5, 12.6).
(1) Midterm exam booklet and bubble sheets; benchmark test booklets and bubble sheets
(2) DVD America Speaks; graphic organizer to go with DVD presentations
(1) Midterm Exam and Benchmark are tomorrow for 2 nd period – pencils needed
(2) Vocab book needed tomorrow for 3rd period, and Thurs.-Fri. for all
(3) Return The Time Machine novels
(4) Vocab Unit 8 flashcards due Thurs.
(5) Friday – Bring graphic organizer from DVD America Speaks
3rd period
2nd Period
(1) Review of yesterday; plan for today; point out homework on board;
2nd Period
(2) Midterm Exam and benchmark test (SOL 12.1, 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7)
3rd Period
(2) Vocab: Reinforce Unit 8 words through completion of Exercise 1 in workbook, pgs 95-96 (SOL 12.3).
(3) Watch DVD America Speaks --- a collection of speeches and essays by famous Americans on various subjects.
Students will write down the topics of each speaker --- jot down own thoughts on the subject on a graphic organizer
for later in-class essay writing (SOL 12.2, 12.5, 12.6).
(1) Midterm exam booklet and bubble sheets; benchmark test booklets and bubble sheets
(2) DVD America Speaks; graphic organizer to go with DVD presentations
(1) Vocab book needed daily
(2) Return The Time Machine novels
(3) Vocab Unit 8 flashcards due tomorrow
(4) Friday – Bring graphic organizer from DVD America Speaks
2 period
is 2 hours
desks in
(1) Review plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Vocab: Students will show their homework – Vocab Unit 8 flashcards. Work in pairs for 10-12 minutes with
these cards (SOL 12.3);
(3) Overview of the persuasive essay. Students will work in groups to brainstorm various topics that are
controversial in some way, and on which support other than mere opinion can be gathered. Ideas will be recorded
on a graphic organizer. Sharing of ideas; a topics master list will be generated. Student groups will then explore
what kind of factual data/statistics/expert quotes/other support could be gathered/provided on the topics.
Distribution of persuasive essay planning sheets, with explanation of use (SOL 12.5, 12.6).
(1) Graphic organizer on persuasive topic brainstorming; Persuasive Essay Planner
(1) Vocab book needed daily
(2) Return The Time Machine novels
(3) Tomorrow – Bring graphic organizer from DVD America Speaks
(4) Monday after break – Bring completed persuasive essay planner
Pep rally
(1) Review plan for today; point out homework on board;
(2) Vocab: Students will Reinforce Unit 8 words through completion of Exercise II in workbook, pg 96-97 (SOL
(3) Writing: Students will write an in-class essay expressing their thoughts on the topic of one of the America
Speaks performance subjects (SOL 12.6, 12.7, 12.2).
(1) Vocab book needed daily
(2) Return The Time Machine novels
(3) Monday after break – Bring completed persuasive essay planner
(4) Tues. after break – Quiz on Vocab Unit 8