Famous Entrepreneur Research Project Directions: You are to research a famous entrepreneur of your choosing for example Steve Jobs (Apple), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Sam Walton (Walmart), etc. Those are just a few examples of some people you could research. Project Requirements: - A typed two page paper that is size 12 font and can be double spaced. - A resource list of where you got your information. o Ex: http://www.topbusinessentrepreneurs.com/walt-disney.html - Please proof read your paper for spelling and grammar mistakes. - This will be a summative grade worth 75 points. Project Contents: - Here are some questions you need answer, but put it in a paper form don’t just each question. Approach this as I am someone who has never heard of this person before. o Introductory information: Who are researching, Where were they born and when, What was their childhood like, etc.. o Schooling: Did they earn a college degree (if so what degree do they have and if not what is the highest level of schooling they finished) What kind of a student were they and did they struggle in class. o The Business: What business did they start? How did they start it? How did they come up with the idea? How long did it take them to finally open the doors? What were some of the obstacles the encountered? Were they successful on their first try? Since the business has opened what have they done to improve/expand it (products, buying other businesses, more locations)? How is their business doing today?