Entrepreneur Interview

Entrepreneur Interview
1. Students are to interview an entrepreneur they know personally.
2. Questions they are to ask should include (but are not limited to):
a. How long have you owned your business?
b. What is your company’s product or service?
c. Is this your first business?
d. Do you have any partners in the business?
e. Why did you start your business?
f. Was it hard to get start-up funding?
g. Did any classes (in HS, college, adult school) help you with your business
at any time?
h. Is it hard to “wear a lot of hats” or do different tasks for the business?
i. Is there a lot of competition?
j. If you knew then, what you know now, what would you have done
k. Is there too much, or too little, government intervention in your business?
l. Who will take over your business when you retire?
3. The questions must be typed up with the corresponding answers immediately
following each question.
4. Format of the essay: Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced w/ page
numbers and student name, and date in the header in the top right corner.