Erikson's Eight Stages of Development | Psychology

Erickson’s Eight Stages of Development
Successful Resolution
of Crisis
Unsuccessful Resolution
of Crisis
(0 - 1 ½ years
Attachment to mother, which lays foundations
for later trust in others
Trust vs. mistrust
Sound basis for relating to other people;
trust in people; faith and hope about
environment and future
General difficulties relating to people
effectively; suspicion; trust-fear
conflict; fear of future
Early childhood
(1 ½ - 3 years)
Gaining some basic control of self and
environment (e.g., toilet training, exploration)
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Sense of self-control and adequacy; will
Independence-fear conflict; severe
feelings of self-doubt
Late childhood
(3 – 6 years)
Becoming purposeful and directive
Initiative vs. guilt
Ability to initiate one’s own activities;
sense of purpose
Aggression-fear conflict; sense of
inadequacy or guilt
School age
(6 – 12 years)
Developing social, physical, and school skills
Industry vs. inferiority
Competence; ability to learn and work
Sense of inferiority; difficulty learning
and working
(12 – 20 years)
Making transition from childhood to
adulthood; developing sense of identity
Identity vs. role confusion
Sense of personal identity; fidelity
Confusion about who one is; identity
submerged in relationships or group
Early adulthood
(10 – 35 years)
Establishing intimate bonds of love and
Intimacy vs. isolation
Ability to love deeply and commit oneself
Emotional isolation; egocentricity
Middle adulthood
(35 – 65 years)
Fulfilling life goals that involve family,
career, and society; developing concerns that
embrace future generations
Generativity vs. self-absorption
Ability to give and care for others
Self-absorption; inability to grow as
a person
Later years
(65 years to death)
Looking back over one’s life and accepting
its meaning
Integrity vs. despair
Sense of integrity and fulfillment;
willingness to face death; wisdom
Dissatisfaction with life; denial of or
despair over prospect of death
Data from Erikson, E.H. (1963). Childhood and society. New York : W. W. Norton and Altrocchi, J. (1980). Abnormal psychology (p. 196). New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Erickson’s Eight Stages of Development/ 2003