4th Quarter: Honors

4th Quarter: Honors
3/5/12: Students will create research questions for papers due March 22nd. Students will
take notes over the Start of WWII. WWII Maps.
3/6/12: Notes Ch. 16-2; Hitler speech videos; Mein Kampf DBQ
3/7/12: Holocaust Notes/Map; Night Reading
3/8/12: Pearl Harbor notes; FDR speech DBQ.
3/9/12: 17-1 Cornell Notes; propaganda 3-2-1 activity.
3/12/12: OGT WEEK-Practice test counts as a grade! 17-2 Notes; Tuskegee Airmen
3/13/12: Saving Private Ryan film clip. Analysis of D-Day invasion; why Hitler invading
Soviet Union was a mistake.
3/14/12: Asian front of the war; Hiroshima reading; Should we have dropped the bomb?
3/15/12: End of WWII Notes, Executive Order 9066 DBQ; OGT/AP ?s
3/16/12:.AP DBQ Chart/Essay writing over Japanese internment
3/19/12: WWII Test. 18-1 Notes; Communism v. Democracy activity
3/20/12: 18-1 Notes; Communism v. Democracy activity Korean War Notes; McCarthy
DBQ; European map after WWII.
3/21/12: Korean War Notes; McCarthy DBQ; European map after WWII.18-3/4 notes;
Duck and Cover video clip; DBQ
3/22/12: RESEARCH PAPER DUE! 18-3/4 notes; Duck and Cover video clip; DBQ.
3/23/12: Ch. 18 OGT analysis; Ch. 19 assignments/OGT analysis.
3/26/12: AP Exam work over 1950s
3/27/12: Ch.18/19 Quiz. JFK early years notes/famous video speeches of Kennedy
3/28/12: Students will read Kennedy inauguration speech/DBQ. CIA Document
3/29/12: Ch. 20-2 notes; Kennedy assassination video/conspiracies
3/30/12: 20-3 Great Society; AP Exam work over Kennedy years and Great Society.
Spring Break 3/31-4/9/12 
4/10/12: Discuss what the assignments/project for novel.; Vocabulary over the novel
22-1; Start of Vietnam War Notes; Vietnam Maps; 3-2-1 analysis of primary source
pictures during Vietnam War.
4/11/12: Quiz 1 on novel. Ch. 22-2 Notes; compare/contrast older/younger generation
during Vietnam War.
4/12/12: Ch. 22-3/23-3 Notes; Protest music and analysis.
4/13/12: Quiz 2 on novel. Guest speaker over Kent State University shootings.
4/16/12: 1968 timeline activity/ OGT ?s on Vietnam War
4/17/12: Quiz 3 on novel. End of Vietnam War notes; AP Exam work
4/18/12: African-American Civil Rights Movement, DBQ/Speeches
4/19/12: Quiz 4 on novel. Latino/Hispanic Rights Text Master activity. Start women’s
4/20/12: Women’s liberation movement notes, OGT/AP Exam work.
4/23/12: Quiz 5 on novel. Détente DBQ; Watergate fill-in-the-blank notes
4/24/12: Ch. 24-3 and 4 Notes; 1970s DBQ/AP Multiple choice/short answers.
4/25/12:Quiz 6 on novel. Richard Nixon DBQ chart and start essay.
4/26/12: Finish the Richard Nixon essay in class.
4/27/12: PROJECT DUE; Quiz 7 on novel. Reagan Notes; Reagan DBQ; Moral
Majority vs. Rock ‘n’ roll. Middle East Map
4/30/12: 1980s: AIDS virus discovery; economics/AP Exam work
5/1/12: Ch. 25-4 fill-in-the-blank notes; OGT/AP Exam Work
5/2/12: Modern history fill-in-the-blank notes; OGT/AP Exam Work
5/3/12: 9/11 and its aftermath today
5/4/12: Review for final exam with Jeopardy.
5/7/12: Final exams. (First and second block classes)
5/8/12: Final Exams. (Third and fourth block classes)
**END OF HONORS U.S. HISTORY COURSE. Students will start their 20 day
course electives/credit recovery classes on 5/9/12.