Novel: Call It Courage

Novel: Call It Courage
7th Grade Homework
Parent Signature Due Sept.24th _____________________________
You are required to read the assigned novel, Call It Courage, during the first marking period.
This novel and assignment will be divided into 5 chunks. A total of 140 Pts. will be given for
homework and missing assignments will receive a 0 resulting in a lower homework grade for
the marking period.
*All chunks are due on the ASSIGNED DATE and written on white lined paper*
First Chunk Due:
Second Chunk Due:
Third Chunk Due:
Fourth Chunk Due:
Final Chunk Due:
Oct. 1st
Oct. 13th
Oct. 20th
Oct. 28th
Nov. 4th
Pgs. 1 to 34 worth 30pts.
Pgs. 35 to 62 worth 30 pts.
Pgs. 63 to 96 worth 30 pts.
Pgs. 97 to 116 worth 30 pts.
Summary and Theme worth 20 pts.
THEME: While you are reading your book, keep track of any examples of the theme Courage. Using the
Double Entry Journal Format, cite examples of text with page numbers. Theme will be included with your
final chunk and worth 10 pts.
10 Pts. Characterization: While reading, choose 1 main character and keep a chart of
the character’s physical and personality traits. Cite text from the book to support your
answer. Main Character:__________________________________
(One Word)
(One Word)
10 Pts. Quotes: Cite two pieces of text that you found meaningful along with page numbers.
*Quote 1:
*Quote 2:
10 Pts. Talk Back: Write a 1 paragraph response to each quote you found in your novel above. Why did you
choose them? How are they important to character or plot? Did they use figurative language? What do they
mean? These questions are only suggestions to use for your response. Only respond to them if they apply to the
*Quote 1:
*Quote 2:
10 Pts. Conflict: What types of conflict do you see occurring in your book? Use the Double Entry
Journal Format to record the conflict types and cite text examples of these conflicts as evidence in the
chart below. Refer to conflict notes.
Person vs. self:
Text Example with pg. #
Person vs. person:
Person vs. nature:
Person vs. society:
Student Choice:
Identify what type of Conflict
10 Pts. Quotes: Same as Chunk 1 (You must include 2 QUOTES)
10 Pts. Talk Back: Same as Chunk 1 (You must include 2 TALK BACKS, 1 paragraph for each response)
10 Pts. Author’s Purpose: Based on what you have read, determine the author’s purpose
for writing a specific piece of the text or discuss why it was written a certain way.
Explain your answer and cite at least one example from the text.
10 Pts. Quotes: Same as Chunk 1 (You must include 2 QUOTES)
10 Pts. Talk Back: Same as Chunk 1 (You must include 2 TALK BACKS, 1 paragraph for each response)
10 Pts. Point of View: In what point of view is your novel written? (1st person or 3rd
person) Explain how this affected the text. Cite text to support your answer.
10 Pts. Quotes: Same as Chunk 1 (You must include 2 QUOTES)
10 Pts. Talk Back: Same as Chunk 1 (You must include 2 TALK BACKS, 1 paragraph for each response)
10 Pts. Summarize your book in ONE PARAGRAPH. (Include the Beginning, Middle, and End)
10 Pts. Theme: While you are reading your book, keep track of examples related to the theme
COURAGE. Cite examples of text with page numbers using the Double Entry Journal Format.
Theme will be included with your final chunk and worth 10 pts. You must cite at least 3 examples.