Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia PROGRESS REPORT COMPLETION INSTRUCTIONS Instructions to Applicants 1. Complete all sections of this report. 2. Format and printing options must be set to single side and the font setting used should be Arial 10. 3. The file name should be formatted as the MS Research Australia application number and surname of the Principal Applicant for example “14-086 4. Use the above format in the footer section as well. 5. Remove all tracking 6. Progress Reports should be submitted as an MS Word document only. Do not send a PDF. 7. Delete this covering page before you submit your application. 8. If you have any queries when completing this form please contact Heather Cato as below. Heather Cato Research Grant Coordinator MS Research Australia (MSRA) Perth Office Tel: 08 9389 9680 Mobile: 0401 446 843 Email: Web: Information contained in applications is regarded as confidential, unless otherwise stated, and will be received and treated as confidential by MS Research Australia. NN-NNN Chief Investigators name 2015 Vacation Progress Report Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia VACATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRESS REPORT FOR RESEARCH COMPLETED IN 2014-5 This form should be used to record the progress and outcome of the work undertaken as part of your vacation scholarship. You report must be reviewed and co-signed by your supervisor. Please submit your report to Heather Cato within two months of your research finishing. Your start and if end dates are recorded on the signed Letter Of Acceptance you submitted to MS Research Australia. VACATION PROGRESS REPORT SECTION 1. PROJECT DETAILS Lay title: Scientific Title: MS Research Australia Grant Application number Application Lay and Scientific titles Vacation start time Vacation end time. Name of vacation Investigator Name and title of Supervisor Institution name of Supervisor SECTION 2. WEBSITE SUMMARY 3. Lay Summary Describe the aims of your research as it relates to the cure, understanding or management of MS Describe your overall progress and achievements against your objectives using clear lay terminology in an informative condensed manner for website audiences No more than 3 paragraphs Please clearly indicate any sensitive data that you wish withheld from the website and why The lay summary only will be placed on the website You may be contacted by a colleague in the MS Research Australia Research Development team for additional clarification prior to the placement SECTION 3. SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSION 3.1 Describe the aims of your research as outlined in your application. If there has been any divergence in either aims or timelines please explain. NN-NNN Chief Investigators name 2015 Vacation Progress Report 3.2 (a) Describe your conclusions relating to these aims, including whether or not the aim has been completed. (b) Describe any particular challenges associated with project and their impact on the project. 3.3 Do you expect any publications now or in the future to arise from this work? If yes, indicate provisional timing. Please use an * to denote papers being considered. SECTION 4. CERTIFICATION The scholar certifies that this is an accurate record of work undertaken as part of the Vacation Scholarship period Vacation scholar name Vacation scholar signature. Scanned signatures are acceptable. Date of signing Email address for future contact The supervisor certifies that the information contained within the vacation report is accurate. Supervisors name and title Signature. Scanned signatures are acceptable. Date of signing Email address NN-NNN Chief Investigators name 2015 Vacation Progress Report