Grading Rubric

ENWR 1510
Jeremy Townley
Film Review Essay—10%
In a focused, argumentative essay of 3-5 pages, write a review of one of the films list below.
The Big Lebowski
Dark Days
Good Hair
1. Read the model film review.
2. Find two additional examples of film reviews in periodicals of your choice and read them. You will
include both of these when you submit the first draft of your essay, then again with the polished
draft. [Note: The intellectual popular press (e.g. The Atlantic, The Boston Review, The Nation, The New
Republic, The New Yorker, etc.) will provide more extended pieces than newspapers, so they’re more
suited to our purposes.]
3. Write a focused review of your chosen film. Be sure your review has an argument!
Before beginning the review, think about the reader. What should the reader of the review know? What
does s/he need to be told? In addition to the audience, think about the purpose of the review as well: what
are you trying to accomplish? Also, consider including the following:
Information about the director, lead actors, and/or cinematographer.
Reference to, or explanation about, the film’s genre.
A description of the plot.
A description of the visual style.
A description of the primary issues or themes the film explores.
A statement about the way the film relates to others—by genre, motifs, themes, plot, etc.
An analysis of the film’s strengths and weaknesses with examples of each.
A conclusion that brings together the main points of the review but is more than a summary or a
recapitulation of what has been said.
(This list in no way constitutes a formula for review writing; rather, it is intended to give you an idea of
important issues to consider.)
Your submission must include the following, in this order, front to back:
1. Polished draft
2. 2 peer edited drafts
3. Planning: outline, web, etc.
4. Brainstorming or freewriting
5. Two sample film reviews
Your submission must be stapled or clipped together, or it will not be accepted! Prepare your materials before you
come to class.
Nov. 5: Film Screening: The Big Lebowski, 3:30 p.m., Robertson Media Center, Clemson Libraray, 322A.
Nov. 6: Film Screening: Chinatown, 3:30 p.m., Robertson Media Center, Clemson Libraray, 322A.
Nov. 9: Peer Review: Draft 1, Film Review. Bring three (3) copies!
Nov. 16: Peer Review: Draft 2, Film Review. Bring three (3) copies!
Nov. 18: Film Review due.
Please refer to the syllabus and course text for all formatting issues.
Film Review—10%
Grading Rubric
Name: ____________________
1. Form: Does the writer control format, syntax, punctuation, mechanics, and documentation?
2. Purpose: Does the essay pursue carefully articulated, achievable aims?
3. Structure: Does the essay’s structural pattern contribute to its development?
4. Organization: Is the essay’s paragraph organization clear?
5. Evidence/Detail: Are claims supported with sufficient and appropriate reason, logic, examples,
expert opinions, quotations, memories, stories, and/or anecdotes?
6. Audience: Does the essay reveal a sensitivity to readers’ values, assumptions, and expectations?
7. Complexity: Does the essay offer significant, complex analysis, or does is it instead simplistic
or obvious?
Total: ____/100