March 20, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m by Pres. Bill Richardson.
Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance led by Marge Reynolds.
Roll Call: Directors present: Jack Reynolds, Mike Williams, Susie Adams, Bill Richardson, Cathie York, Bobby
Wolgan and Darlene Sholtz.
Resignations and Elections: None
Minutes of the February 20, 2013 BOD Meeting: Mike Williams moved to waive reading of the minutes of February
20, 2013 with the exception of the New Business section which needed a clarification. The statement that the social
club will purchase rugs, hand soap & deodorizer should be changed to read that the social club will purchase rugs,
hand soap & deodorizer and is to be reimbursed by the BOD for these items. Cathie York made a motion to approve
the amended minutes, 2nd by Darlene Sholtz, vote all ayes. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Susie Adams reported that as of February 28, 2013 Bonfire has contingency funds of
$117,970.71(one hundred seventeen thousand, nine hundred seventy dollars and seventy-one cents), Reserve funds of
$206,845.89 (two hundred six thousand, eight hundred forty five dollars and eighty-nine cents), total assets of
$377,551.69(three hundred seventy-seven thousand five hundred fifty one dollars and sixty-nine cents) and $0
Liabilities. Mike Williams moved to accept the report as given, 2nd by Cathie York. Vote all ayes, motion carried.
Consideration of Communications: Ray Beauchamp’s request that the trees in the area between 661 Misti & 762 Lisa
Circle be trimmed to improve night time visibility. Since this is a safety issue, Mike Williams made a motion to
obtain bids for the tree trimming (to enhance the lighting), 2nd by Bobby Wolgan. Vote all ayes. A sign-off sheet will
be done to do the trimming with the other scheduled trimming.
Committee Reports:
1. Social Club: Joyce Walrath reports that the Choir concert last night was great. Lynn Cummings was
recognized for the new cabinets and countertop. Our annual Spring Fling is this weekend, March23rd. Ninety-one
residents enjoyed St. Pat’s dinner & left-overs were sent to the homeless shelter. The yard sale was a huge success
($4700.00) and the indoor flea market ($800.00). There will also be an April dance.
2. Homes: Sue France reports one closing (Dollar’s). Renters are looking to buy but fewer people are
3.Finance: Don Byrd reports that our reserves are underfunded for the clubhouse, water/sewer systems and
pool & enclosure. We have a savings of approximately $4000.00 (four thousand dollars) per year from cancellation
of employee uniforms, cell phone contract and real estate tax refund (rebate).
4. Boat Slips: Bobby Wolgan reports that there are 11 (eleven) people on the boat slip list.
5. Health: Faye Hensley reports that there is a program scheduled for March 26th.
6. Safety: Bobby Wolgan reports that railings have been installed down both sides of the steps at the marina.
Bill Richardson reports that the steps going down into the pool pump room have been repaired.
7. Grounds: Jack Reynolds reports that the work day last week was a success. The clubhouse was cleaned,
washed down. Weeding was done & flower beds were trimmed. The posts were installed by the yard sale area, and
we need another work day soon.
8. Marina/Drains: To be discussed later.
9. Rules: Rules have been approved. When we receive them, residents must go into the office & sign off to
show that they have been read.
10. Utilities: Bill Richardson reports that we have sewer problems, 65 (sixty-five) feet of sewer line needs to
be replaced. We have already spent $1500.00 (fifteen hundred dollars). We need bids & we are looking for
alternatives & cost effective ways to fix the problem.
11. Website/WIFI: Mike Williams reports that WIFI is working but a new router will be installed sometime
in May. Our website needs updated. John & Joanne Leddy are working on this. There is a meeting on Wednesday
March 27th at 2:00p.m.with a website designer. Residents are encouraged to attend & provide input.
12. Job Descriptions: Joyce Walrath reports that the job description will be ready for review by the April
BOD meeting.
13. Vacant Lot Planning: Nothing going on in this area but we need a committee of innovative thinkers with
incentive ideas to work on this.
Managers Report: Sue France reports that we are having problems with getting vendors to respond. We have had no
response to the shuffleboard cracks, pool cover, clubhouse roof, or the request for someone to come out & give us an
estimate for an automatic door for the clubhouse although vendors have been contacted repeatedly.
President’s Report: Bill Richardson reports that Volunteer Day was great. Our park signs need to be upgraded. Don
Kohlschmidt says this can be done with vinyl letters which will last longer. This will be done in grids. Work is
currently being done on Kelli (sewer problems). Getting bids on the water plant as repairs need to be done soon.
Also getting bids on the sewer plant as plant 2 will have to be shut down to repair. Joe Campbell will be trimming
palm trees in the park.
1. Wickes Engineering: Bobby Wolgan reports that he met with the architect who made recommendations for
the Kimberly/Cindi/Jodi water run-off. In order to correct the problem, the Scope of Work needs to be changed.
Bobby Wolgan made a motion to change the Scope of Work to include the correct area, 2nd by Jack Reynolds. Voteall ayes, motion carried.
2. Reserve Study: Don Byrd reports that although the BOD allocated funds for a Reserve Study to be done,
his committee is involved in doing a self-study with members working on getting bids & replacement costs, with
repairs to be done as needed. He asks that the funds be left available for the Reserve Study until the fall. Bobby
Wolgan made a motion to leave the allocated funds available until fall, 2nd by Darlene Sholtz, Vote – ayes except for
Cathie York who abstained.
3. Mowing Bids: Three bids were received but one vendor cancelled. Bobby Wolgan made a motion that we
get three bids, 2nd by Mike Williams. Vote – all ayes. Motion carried.
4. Foreclosure: 734 Shannon foreclosure will be offered for sale on April 12th at the courthouse. Bonfire
representatives will start the bidding. Bobby Wolgan made a motion to meet with our new attorney to get his
recommendation as to how to proceed with this issue and then post a sign-off sheet, 2nd by Cathie York. Vote – all
5. Evaluation of Trees: Jack Reynolds reports that a survey will be done this summer by the Forestry Service.
A Forester will identify trees to be removed or trimmed and identify suitable replacement trees.
1. Wheels/casters for pool cover roller @ $190.38 each or estimated total of $868.32 (with freight).
Alternatives discussed, must meet county regs. Bobby Wolgan made a motion to table this issue & look at
alternatives, 2nd by Cathie York. Vote – all ayes. Motion carried.
2. Comcast agreement: Our current 3% revenue sharing contract with Comcast is outdated. They want to
renew the contract at 4% revenue sharing. Bobby Wolgan made a motion to renew the contract, 2nd by Jack Reynolds.
Vote – all ayes. Motion carried.
3. Walkway bids: only one bid received ($6800.00) to repair. We can repair up to 25% of the replacement
cost without permits. Bobby Wolgan made a motion to get volunteers & do a scope of work, 2nd by Cathie York.
Vote – all ayes. Motion carried.
4. WTP & WWTP tank bids. WTP tank needs to be repaired now. Must be inspected every 5 yrs. Bids
requested but only one received from Utility Tech for $9520.00 needs action by next BOD meeting. Bobby Wolgan
made a motion to accept the lowest and best bid up to $9520.00, 2nd by Cathie York. Vote- all ayes. Motion carried.
WWTP. Get more bids after January 2014 as this does not have to be done this year. Bobby Wolgan made a motion
to put the issue on hold, 2nd by Mike Williams. Vote- all ayes, Motion carried.
5. Tree Removals: Cathie York made a motion to have G&J do those previously approved trees, 2nd by Bobby
Wolgan. Vote- all ayes. Motion carried. Cathie York, Don Byrd & Bobby Wolgan to talk with G&J about being
Bonfire’s tree service provider (for at least the next year).
6. Used Kubota: This piece of equipment has a blown engine & will cost $3000.00 plus labor to fix. Cannot
be repaired, must have a new engine. Bobby Wolgan made a motion to put in a sealed bid for the Kubota &
attachments & offer for sale, 2nd by Cathie York. Vote- all ayes.
A. Purchase of 10 used uniforms @ $10.00 per set
B. Larry & Debbie Cross approval for vinyl windows & removal of bushes
C. (Mary) Ann Payne as shareholder/owner at 521 Tammi (Jim Dollar’s)
D. Tree removals at 612 Misti
E. Morris Thompson request for a boat lift (slip#18/19)
All items ratified as written.
Tabled Items:
1. Replace Exit double doors; weather stripping as been replaced
2. Drainage issues at residents homes: 106 & 788 to be addressed when roads are repaved
3. Wheels/casters for pool cover roller
Shareholder Comments;
1. Don Byrd: Recommends that due to recent problems with contractors, have all work inspected by two
directors & withhold 20% of their fees until work is acceptable & approved, Bobby Wolgan will be one of these
directors. Darlene Sholtz made a motion to have two directors inspect all work before final payment, 2nd by Cathie
York. Vote- all ayes.
2. Dave Lashua: Working on a Casino trip for April 23rd. Will be in the Tidbits.
3. April meeting to be rescheduled.
Adjournment: Cathie York made a motion to adjourn at 11:24, 2nd by Mike Williams, Vote- all ayes.
Meeting adjourned.
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