What`s in a name - Leon County Schools

“What’s in a name?” Project
Due: Tuesday, October 27th
In class, read the vignette from Sandra Cisnero’s The House on Mango Street titled, “My Name.”
***Book also available on my website from home: Check out Week 1’s agenda for the link!!!
1. Find Out:
*Why your family chose your name
*What your name means in a name dictionary
*What famous people share your name
*Different variations of your name (for example, Robert has Robbie, Rob, Bob, Bobby etc.)
*What your name means to you
*Think about personal experiences tied to your name and how you feel about it.
2. Mind Map (50 pts):
Make a mind map of your research. Place your name and your photo in the center of the page
and add clusters of information as you find it. You may add any other pictures, symbols or drawings
that will help add to your mind map to make it appealing. When you are finished your mind map
should include all of the information from Category #1 above.
*Think: Mind Maps your groups created last quarter together!
3. Written Name Vignette (50 pts):
In a narrative vignette, describe your name. Use the vignette, “My Name” by Sandra Cisneros
as a model for your own writing. Remember that your name is not just a title. A name has feelings,
emotions, history and meanings. Be sure to include the most important aspects of your name
research into your response. You may use purposeful fragments, run-ons, and figurative language.
4. Mind Map and Written Vignette DUE TUESDAY:
You will be handing in your mind map and your name vignette. You will be evaluated on both.
The mind map will be graded on appeal and completeness. The written response should be in
narrative form and hook the reader in the introductory sentence. DO NOT merely describe your
research, use Cisneros’ writing style to describe your name the same way that Esperanza described
her own name.