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WEEK 2: Writing Vignette (Summative Assessment)
Let’s practice!!!
Use the scene below as your draft in practicing the vignette.
The man watched helplessly as the wildfire damage everything around him. 80 words
As he stands and seeing how the fire ravages everything his dreams are starting to fade.Just like the
strike of thunder the silent place turned into an inferno. The oxygen is starting to leave the place. He
grabbed his chest panting to have a little air. panting, panting, and panting but it seems that all his
efforts are failed. His vision is starting to blur. Crying himself and hugged himself as he closed his
eyes and breathe his last.
Write here your final output.
(own scene) maximum of 100 words <3
Maiden’s Memory
She is a woman any man would want. She is as famous as the stars in the entire galaxy. This woman
is well-known for her generosity and happy-go-lucky personality. Despite the beauty and intelligence,
there lies a memory that every woman won’t like to experience. Being manipulated. Hugging her
knees, crying for hours till the tears dried, her throat hurts, her nose is clogged yet still crying and
dozing herself off to sleep. Been in the plummet of despair and depression. She’s a phoenix that
emerged from the ashes but those are just memories of being a raped victim.
The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher
Whenever a character is momentarily stunned or surprised, a vignette will help the reader embrace
the feeling of shock. Here’s a scene from the novel The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher. The
character is surprised by the room he walks into and we feel his awe.
He put down his grip and gazed about him. Saw the long, scrubbed table, the motley variety of chairs,
the pine dresser laden with painted pottery plates and jugs and bowls. Copper saucepans, beautifully
arranged by size, hung from a beam over the stove, along with bunches of herbs and dried garden
flowers. There were a basket chair, a shining white refrigerator, and a deep white china sink beneath
the window so that any person impelled to do the washing-up could amuse himself at the same time
by watching people's feet go by on the pavement. The floor was flagged and scattered with
rush-mate, and the smell was of garlic and herbs, like a French country “epicerie”. He could hardly
believe his eyes. “Is this your kitchen?”
Are you good to go in writing? Are you confident now in applying the literary devices that you've
learned? 50 words =15 pesos
Indeed. I am a writing wizard who aims of making creative stories, poems, and even an open letter to
myself. One of the best things this life has taught me is that when you can’t say a thousand words
write and express it on a single piece of paper and make a difference. I’m very much confident in
applying these literary devices that I’ve learned and conquer them in every opus magnums that I
create. Invest in yourself. Invest your time in reading that would help you grow. Sometimes what your
mouth can’t speak, your pen and paper can create.