Vignette Writing Project: Mango Street Inspired

Vignette Writing Project
Student Writing in Response to The House on Mango Street
Learning Goal: While completing this project students will analyze and emulate
Sandra Cisneros’ writing style, become more aware of the importance of voice in writing,
and apply their understanding of literary devices such as simile, metaphor,
personification, and imagery.
1. Write and “publish” your own collection of vignettes.
2. Your collection must have at least 6 vignettes. Use at least two original literary
devices we have studied in class (simile, metaphor, personification, imagery) in each
3. Plan, write, revise and polish your vignettes so that they are as “perfect” as you are
capable of making them. These should be an example of your best writing.
4. Create an appropriate title for each vignette.
5. Write a title for the collection and design a cover for the “published” book. (Ideas and
examples for “publishing” will be shown in class.)
6. At the beginning or end of your collection, include a paragraph about the author
(that’s you!). You may also have a dedication page if you wish.
7. Type your vignettes or use your very best handwriting. Your final product should
show that you spent some quality time on your work.
8. Include illustrations. Some students like to use photographs. Some like to draw.
Your goal is to have an attractive and meaningful product.
9. Read aloud your best vignette to the class on the day we turn in the project.
1. Have 3 vignettes written and ready
for in-class peer editing
Tues. 9/16/03
Wed. 9/17/03
2. Have 6 (total – that includes the 3
you revised from last time) vignettes
ready for in-class peer editing
Tues. 9/23/03
Wed. 9/24/03
3. Turn in final, complete project
beautifully “bound” and edited
(no rough drafts today)
Read one vignette aloud
to the class
Thurs. 10/2/03
Fri. 10/3/03