Imitating Great Writing Style

Imitating Great Writing Style
Focus: Using Similes to Describe and Create Imagery
In the excerpt “My Name”, Sandra Cisneros uses similes to describe how she feels about her
A simile is a comparison of two unlike things using “like” or “as”. The qualities of the
things we are comparing create images that give deeper meaning and understanding.
In this exercise, you will use similes to create images that help describe who you are.
1st- Compare your name to other things (nouns). For example: If my name was a time of
day it would be sunrise.
2nd- Ask yourself: What are the qualities of that thing that are like me? For example: What
are the qualities of a sunrise that are like me:
Like a sunrise, I am colorful, full of hope and fresh.
If my name was…
a time of day, it would be
an instrument, it would be
a season, it would be
a color, it would be
A plant or flower, it would
A game or sport, it would be
Lheller 2011
Qualities of the thing that are like me
Like a sunrise, I am colorful, full of
hope and fresh.
Imitating Sandra Cisneros’ Writing Style
Use this framework as a guide to help you imitate Sandra Cisneros’ writing
Directions: After completing the simile writing activity, research the
meaning of your name. Once you have found the meaning of your name,
use this framework to imitate the first paragraph of the “My Name” excerpt
that we read in class.
In English my name means
. It means
it means
. It is like
(metaphor about yourself)
(fragment that describes you)
Lheller 2011
(metaphor about yourself)
It is