Book Title: New Yorkers Short Stories


Book Title

New Yorkers Short Stories

Class: 一年忠班

Name: 吳翊寧

Summary of the reading :

The story talks about a beggar who is a poor man with no job, no wife, and no family. He fooled around every day. However, when winter came, he had to find a place to live; otherwise, he couldn’t get through the chill of the long winter. Therefore, he decided to go to the prison. In order to get into the prison, he tried many ways to get arrested by the police. However, all of the plans failed. One day, he wandered in the streets and saw a church in front of him. He prayed to god, and his whole life began to flashback in his mind. He thought of the empty days, the meaningless and dreary life. He didn’t want to waste his time and his life anymore in this way. So, he decided to give up his plan of getting into the prison. And he made a decision to work hard and become a brand-new man.

Reflection of the reading :

New York, the biggest city in the world, usually makes people feel a sense of alienation and coldness. But in the book, it is full of love, and it is very touching and romantic. After reading this book, I think that New York must be a colorful city with lots of friendly people. Besides, there must be many funny things happen every day.

Book Title: The Secret Garden

Publisher: Frances Hodgson Burnett

Class: 一年禮班

Name: 龍伊彣

Summary of the reading :

Mary Lennox was ugly and always looked cross. Nobody liked her, and she was often ill. When she was nine years old, her parents died. So she went to live with her uncle in England. His uncle lived in a big and old house in the middle of the country.

People said that he is a hunchback. Around his house, there are many gardens. One day, as Mary went out to “visit” those gardens as usual, she found a secret garden! It had walls round it, and she couldn’t find the entrance. She was so interested in the secret garden that she decided to find a way to get in. Summary of the reading :

Reflection of the reading :

After reading this book, I understand that we must always be happy and also be nice and kind to our friends, family, and even people we meet for the first time. In the story, Mary was not friendly at first, so nobody liked her, and she liked nobody as well. But after going to England and found that magical garden, she started making friends with others. Because of the happiness in her heart, she looked more beautiful than she was before. So, I think no matter how things turn out, we must have a healthy mind to face them. And remember: With a smile on the face, we can make thousands of friends.

Book Title: 101 Dalmatians

Class: 一年義班

Name: 陳寧

Summary of the reading :

Cruella wanted the Dalmatians to make a fur coat for herself, so she hired two crooks to help her steal the dogs. But other dogs knew the horrible plan, so they decided to rescue the poor Dalmatians. As a result, a sequence of fight and struggle between the two groups began. Finally, Cruella was arrested by the police and went to the prison. As to the 101 Dalmatians, they came back home and lived a peaceful and happy life.

Reflection of the reading:

I think this book is very interesting, because when I was little, I have seen this cartoon. Cruella is a very bad woman, and the Dalmatians are so cute. If I were a dog,

I would bite Cruella, because she is a selfish and evil woman. She wanted to kill so many dogs just to have a fur coat for herself. That is so terrible. Fortunately, she went to the prison, and the Dalmatians came back to their home. It is a very good and happy ending. If I had 101 dogs, I think I would be crazy because I could hear them bark every day. Finally, I hope the 101 dogs’ story will come true one day.

Book Title: Little Witch Goes to School

Class: 一年仁班

Name: 陳希

Summary of the reading :

Little Witch wanted to go to school, but her mother didn’t want her to go. Her mother thought that she should stay at home and learn from Aunt Grouchy, Aunt

Nasty, and Cousin Dippy. When Little Witch got to school, she made many new friends and leaned many things there. She was so happy about her wonderful days at school.

Reflection of the reading :

I think Little Witch is good, friendly, and cool. She can do many fun things and say many magical words. I like this book very much, it is so interesting. There are lots of magical words in the book, and wormy apples and mouseballs are so cool. Finally,

I hope Little Witch will be happy at school every day.

Book Title: The Night of the Circus Monster

Class: 一年仁班

Name: 梅椀淳

Summary of the reading :

Ducky Doddle likes sea monsters. One day, a circus came to town, and it showed the sea monsters. Ducky Doddle went to the circus, and saw them. He liked the sea monsters very much, so he helped the circus owner, Dr. Ocular, handed out the fliers.

Dr. Ocular promised to let him feed the sea monsters for his work, but Ducky Doddle didn’t have the food for them. So he went to pick some oranges as their food. Then the story began.

Reflection of the reading :

Being honest or not, it’s a question! Some people love money more than anything else. They even want to have all the money in the world. But some people love friends more than money. They like to play with everyone in the world. What kind of person do you want to be? Do you want to be a thief to steal money or an honest person with many friends? I would choose the latter, because I really love friends.

Book Title: Marmee’s Surprise

Author : Louisa May Alcott

Class: 一年忠班

Name: 徐婕

Summary of the reading :

The story is about the March family. Every Christmas, they always get together.

But this year, their father was far away from home, fighting in a war. And the family was too poor to buy Christmas gifts. In spite of that, the children still wanted to buy some presents for their dearest mom with very limited budget. They saw their mom’s old slippers by the door, and they thought maybe she would like to have a new pair. In addition to the slippers, they also prepared a pair of gloves, a handkerchief and a bottle of perfume. They wanted to give their mom a big surprise. When the clock in the hall struck six, their mom entered the house. She was all smiles when she saw the gifts from her beloved children. Her smile on the face was the only thing their children wanted.

Reflection of the reading :

It is a very interesting and impressive story. The four girls are very considerate and sweet. Although their father was not with them, they could still create happiness by themselves. Their love for their mom is very touching and worth learning. I think love is the strongest thing in the world. We can accomplish everything if we have love in our hearts.

Book Title: Cathy’s on the Case

Publisher: Hess Publishing Company

Author: Charles More

Class: 一年義班

Name: 蘇家翎

Summary of the reading :

Douglas was enjoying a quiet summer day by the ocean. However, it happened that his neighbor, Miss Nose, lost her favorite ring. She suspected that Douglas was the one who stole it. The police were on their way to investigate the case. In order to prove Douglas’ innocence, Cathy, his intelligent little sister, would play a detective and find out the real thief!

Reflection of the reading:

I think Cathy is a very smart girl. She helped her brother, Douglas, to find out

Miss Nose’s favorite ring. She successfully proved that he was innocent. It turned out that the thief was his cat, Shadow. So, from the story, I think we should think twice if our things are stolen or missing. We are not supposed to misunderstand anyone.

Book Title: Just like a movie

Publisher: Cambridge

Author: Sue Leather

Class: 一年忠班

Name: 羅文苓

Summary of the reading :

The story describes a man who likes to see the movies very much. He enjoys the plots of every movie he saw. But it never came to his mind that his life would become a movie, which even won a big prize. Brad Black, the man in the story, and his girlfriend, Gina, planned to get married. However, they were too poor to do that. One day, Brad met a rich girl named Carrie. She loved Brad very much and wanted to marry him. Yet, Brad tried to kill her in order to get her money. He thought that Carrie was dead, but in fact, she was still alive. One day, she met Gina, and they found out that their lover was the very same man! They decided to write a story of him and send it to some movie producers. One of the producers adopted their story and made a movie based on it. Because of the big success of the movie, they became very rich.

And Brad? He was caught by the police and would live the rest of his life in prison with regret.

Reflection of the reading :

I think that getting married or not is not important. Love is the most important thing for all lovers. Besides, we should not cheat someone if we don’t love them. Not to mention that we make use of their love to make money. In addition, it is very cruel and unwise to kill anyone for money.

Book Title: The Jungle Book

Publisher: Pearson Ed Ltd

Author: Rudyard

Class: 一年禮班

Name: 柯懿珍

Summary of the reading :

The story talks about a boy who was raised by wolves. He made friends with every jungle animal except Shere Khan, the tiger.

Reflection of the reading :

After reading the book, I think the little boy is very cute, and he is very strong, too. He is not scared of anything. One time, when he was at home by himself, he saw a tiger coming and approaching him. He fought against the tiger and finally killed it.

So I think the little boy is very brave, and we should all learn from him.

This story reminds me of an experience I have. I remember that there’s one time,

I went to Taipei with my parents. However, I got lost and couldn’t find them. I didn’t cry at that moment, and I just kept looking for them. When I finally found my parents, they were overjoyed. So I think that we should be strong and tough especially when facing difficulties, just like the little boy in the story.

Book Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Publisher: Bloomsbury

Author: J.K.Rowling

Class: 一年仁班

Name: 翟公鼎

Summary of the reading :

There is an ordinary boy, and his name is Harry Potter. One day, a giant came to his house and told him “You are a shaman.” Then, the giant brought him to a magic school, Hogwarts. From then on, Harry Potter began his magic life in Hogwarts with his friends, Ron, Neville and Hermione. Their lives are very interesting and full of adventures.

Reflection of the reading :

In this book, I learn about courage and wisdom. Harry Potter used his courage and wisdom to break through all sorts of barriers and difficulties. I think the book wants to teach us that no matter what the difficulty is, we can surmount it as long as we have Harry Potter’s spirit.

Book Title: The Thin Soldier and a Big Han


Author: Asen Nill

Class: 一年禮班

Name: 鄧禮恩

Summary of the reading :

The thin soldier is made of wood, but it has the ability to think. One day, it met the han, but the han laughed at the solider because it’s too thin. However, the soldier was not angry with the han. One day, han’s baby was in danger, and the soldier saved its life. So, the han was very grateful to it, and they became good friends.

Reflection of the reading :

I like the book very much. In the beginning, I thought the soldier couldn’t save the baby, but I was wrong. The soldier is so smart that it can surf in the river. Before reading it, I thought it might be a boring book. But when I read it, I like it very much because it is very interesting.

Book Title: Good Night Stories (Little Red Riding Hood)


Author: Lisa Harkrader

Class: 一年禮班

Name: 徐縵妮

Summary of the reading :

There was a little rabbit. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. She had to send a basket full of delicious food to her grandma’s home. One the way, she met a wolf. It was a very ugly and bad guy. He wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood. He knew where she wanted to go and went there before she arrived. Grandma saw the wolf and ran away. So the wolf pretended to be the grandma. After Little Red Riding Hood arrived, the wolf talked to her and tired to get close to her. The ugly wolf thought he could eat the delicious meal soon, but she was very clever so the wolf’s trick was uncovered. In the end, Grandma and Uncle Bear returned home and helped her to get the bad wolf drawn in the river. They were all safe because the bad wolf was dead.

Reflection of the reading :

After reading the story, I think Little Red Riding Hood is very smart and full of courage. We are not supposed to talk with strangers or tell them where we are going or where we live. If we are in danger, we should calm down like Little Red Riding

Hood or we can try to ask for help. I admire Little Red Riding Hood very much because that her wise decision rescued herself as well as her grandma. If I were her, I might not be able to jump out of the danger. We should learn from Little Red Riding

Hood and muster up the courage to fight against the evil guys.

Book Title: Journey to the Center of the Earth


Author: Jules Verne

Class: 一年禮班

Name: 蔡雯琪

Summary of the reading :

The story describes an amazing journey to the center of the earth. Harry and his uncle, Professor Von Hardwigg, cracked the code of a book and found a way to get into the center of the earth. After a lot of dangerous and amazing adventures, they finally went back home safely.

Reflection of the reading :

I like adventure stories very much. The kind of stories can extend our imagination about science. Also, we can enjoy lots of amazing journeys through reading them. I always wish that I could have the same wonderful experiences. So I like the book very much.

Book Title: The Ugly Duckling



Class: 一年義班

Name: 林佳盈

Summary of the reading :

One day, a ducking was born. The little duckling didn’t look like the other ducklings. He is very ugly on the outside. All the other ducklings didn’t want to accept him. So he left and went to many places alone. In the end, the little duckling turned into a very beautiful swan.

Reflection of the reading :

I like the ugly duckling very much. He is very lovely and adorable. I feel pity for him because the other ducklings rejected him. He felt very sad about it. He left them and experienced many things. Some are happy and some are not. When he experienced unhappy things, he was not discouraged. Though he looked ugly, he is forever lovely and pure in my heart.

Book Title: Dung-Shi Copies Eyebrow

Author: 呂佳慈

Translato r:宋芯佩

Class: 一年仁班

Name: 羅唯瑄

Summary of the reading :

Shi-Shi is a beautiful woman in the country. When she gets sick, she would put her hands over her heart and bend her eyebrows. There is another woman in the country. She is very ugly. Her name is Dung-shi. She thought to herself that

“Everyone in the country loves Shi-Shi because she is very beautiful. If I copy her, I could be as beautiful as she.” So she put her hands over her heart and bent her eyebrows. When people saw Dung-Shi, they said,” What a foolish girl!” She only copied her appearance, but she didn’t know what makes Shi-Shi beautiful is actually her kind heart.

Reflection of the reading :

Dung-Shi tried to imitate Shi-Shi and gained compliments from the people in the country. However, she didn’t realize the fact that Shi-Shi’s beauty is actually from her kind heart. Dung-Shi only copied Shi-Shi’s eyebrows and wrinkles, but her heart was not really kind. So we shouldn’t only pay attention to the appearance but ignore the beauty inside.

Book Title: Whales: The Gentle Giants

Class: 一年仁班

Name: 王冠傑

Summary of the reading :

Hundreds of years ago, people believed that there were sea monsters. Brendan and his friends went to sea in a small boat. But soon they got lost. After drifting in the sea for days, they found an island. Brendan cried,” We are saved.” But suddenly, the island began to move. It turned out that the island was in fact a whale’s back. Brendan and his friends were actually standing on the back of a whale! They jumped back into their boat as fast as they could.

Reflection of the reading :

Wow! I don’t know that whales’ blubber cab be turned into oil. And I don’t know they have teeth. They can eat seals and big fish, but they don’t eat human. They can become very tame, and sometimes they are the stars of many aquarium shows. They love to do tricks, and they can even make up tricks and teach them to their trainers.

Book Title: Emma’s Yucky Brother

Publisher: Harper Trophy

Author: Jean Little

Class: 一年仁班

Name: 謝宜庭

Summary of the Reading :

The story tells about Emma’s “new” brother, Max. Emma’s parents adopted Max, but he didn’t like Emma, so they didn’t get along well with each other. However, Max liked Emma’s friend, Sally, more than Emma. One day, Emma and Sally were playing in a room, and then suddenly Max’s toy car bumped in. Emma was very angry, and she shouted, “Max, get lost.” So, Max was gone because of Emma’s words. This made everybody very worried. Emma started crying and searched everywhere for

Max. She cried, “Max, please say something!” “Something,” Max said and came out.

Mom and Dad hugged them. Max said, “Emma is a good sister.”

Reflection of the Reading :

If I were Emma, I would rather have no brothers. It is too troublesome and tiring to take care of a little brother like him. But, some brothers are sweet and considerate. I would be happy to take care of them because they are worthy of my care. In my real life, I don’t have a younger brother, but I have an older brother. He’s a really good brother, and I love him very much. I have an older sister, and I love her, too.

Book Title: Apollo 13

Publisher: Penguin Readers

Author: Dina Anastasio

Class: 一年義班

Name: 徐承維

Summary of the reading :

It was Monday, April 13, 1970. Apollo 13 was flying through outer space, but something went wrong. There was a loud noise, and the command module lost its power. The astronauts were very brave, however. So, they came back to earth safely in the end.

Reflection of the reading :

I like the astronauts in the book because they are very brave and clever. One of the astronauts, Jim, is a very good man, and he taught the other astronauts how to use the computer. When they were wet and hungry, they were not afraid. That’s why they could return to earth safely. I like the story very much.

Book Title: The Little Match Girl

Publisher: Funtastic

Author: Hans Christian Andersen

Class: 一年禮班

Name: 黃筱雯

Summary of the reading :

It was a dreadful cold night. It was snowing. A little girl’s head and feet were bare. She went to a corner between two houses, one of which stuck out a bit more than the other. She sat down and huddled to keep warm. She saw a shooting star and prayed to god. She used the matches to make wishes. By using the matches, she could see the wishes come true in front of her. But, those visions were unreal. After using up all the matches she had, the little girl died alone at that corner.

Reflection of the reading :

The little girl was very poor. She didn’t have a warm house to live in or a family to accompany her. I feel very sorry for her. I hope that this kind of misery won’t happen in the real life. We should try to provide help and care to those who are in need.

Book Title: The Sheep-Pig

Author: Dick King Smith

Class: 一年義班

Name: 胡哲鈞

Summary of the reading :

There was a pig. Its name was Babe. He wanted to be a sheep-pig. No one believed him, but he tired very hard to achieve his goal of becoming a sheep-pig.

Finally, he did it. He became a very good sheep- pig.

Reflection of the reading :

I like Babe very much. He is a wonderful pig. He wanted to become a sheep-pig, and he didn’t care about the tease and laughter from other people. He is a sheep-pig now, and I am glad for him. I think we should learn from Babe and stick to our dreams and try our best to make the dreams come true.

Book Title: The Telltale Heart

Publisher: Hess Publishing Company

Author: Charles More

Class: 一年仁班

Name: 宋軒儀

Summary of the reading :

A case of murder seemed flawless. But ultimately, no one could evade their conscience.

Reflection of the reading :

Humans are often selfish. They only care about their own benefits and rights.

Maybe there are some double-faced people among your friends. Do not trust them because they will betray you someday. This is very sad. Those people do not worth our trust. Therefore, we need to be careful and cautious when we choose our friends.
