The Crucible: Research Task

The Crucible: Research Task
Your task is to choose a topic that piques your interest and that is somehow related to The
Crucible, the Witch Trials, or the McCarthy hearings of the 1950s. Once you have selected
your topic, you are to create a visual outlining all that you learned about that topic.
Possible Topics:
the life of a real victim (of the witch trials or the McCarthy hearings)
the life of an accuser (from the witch trials)
an incident of mass hysteria
Life in New England, late 1600s (compare/contrast)
Law in Puritan New England
the life of Joseph McCarthy
The Requirements:
- Process – Once you have selected a topic, you must identify a minimum of five
questions you have related to that topic and submit a copy for approval before
- Visual – The visual must include an original image related to the topic, as well as, a
minimum of ten facts about the topic.
- Sources – You must use a minimum of two sources and if they are websites, you must
complete and submit a website validity form for each. Failure to assess the validity of
your sources will result in a zero on this aspect of your grade.
- Participation – We will have a “sit and share” during which you will introduce your
topic, show your visual, and share a few facts you found to be most interesting.
Some ideas:
Powerpoint or slide show
Comic strip
Do you have your own idea? See me for approval.
This task will fall under the project category of your grade and will be equal to a quiz grade.
Seven points will be deducted for each day that it is late.