Metuchen High School


Metuchen High School

A. Levy

Date(s): 11/10-11/14/08

Subject: AP English

# of days: 5 Period: 0

Materials: Text Catch-22, handouts on satire

Objective/Progress Indicators:

1) Students will be able to make meaning of the text with a focus on satire and how it is developed in a shorter work and extended to a longer work.

2) Students will be able to determine why satire fails in a visual medium.

3) Students will be able to develop their ideas for communicating through their writing.

4) Students will be able to make meaning of poetry and relate it to the novel.

Relevant Content Standards and CPI’s:

Standard 1.1 (Aesthetics) Strands A & B

Standard 1.4 (Critique) Strands A & B

Standard 1.5 (World Cultures, History, and Society) Strands A & B

Standard 3.1 (Reading) Strands A-G

Standard 3.2 (Writing) Strands A-D

Standard 3.3 (Speaking) Strands A-D

Standard 3.4 (Listening) Strands A & B

Standard 8.1 (Computer & Information Literacy) Strands A & B


1) “Do now” exercises relating to key themes in the novel.

2) In-class discussion of novel, short articles, and satire.

3) AP essay on Beloved.

4) In-class analysis of war poetry and song.


1) Class Participation -Group discussions of novel and secondary texts.

2) Journals - Students react and relate to key themes from the novel.

3) Test/Quizzes - AP essay, literary criticism essay.

4) Homework - Journal entries, reading of novel and satire project.


“Do now” exercise will be the journal question. If they do not finish it, they will do it for homework.

Students will write an AP essay about Beloved .

The journal entry (#17) for in-class and at home will be: Would you ever join the military? Why or why not?

For homework: Students will read through Chap. 6 for Wednesday with a focus on multiple perspectives and the manipulation of chronology. Students will attempt to determine exactly what is being satirized.


“Do now” exercise will be the journal question. If they do not finish it, they will do it for homework.

Students will read and analyze the satirical devices employed in George Saunder’s “My Amendment”.

Students will work towards a definition of satire and discuss what makes it effective, how it could fail and be misunderstood, and view and discuss the New Yorker’s Obama cover.

The journal entry (#18) for in-class and at home will be: Describe your most surreal experience. What made it so surreal? Were you comfortable in it or uncomfortable? Why?

For homework: Students will read through Chap. 6 for Wednesday.


“Do now” exercise will be the journal question. If they do not finish it, they will do it for homework.

Students will discuss the first 6 chapters focusing on why Heller uses multiple perspectives and manipulates chronology.

The journal entry (#19) for in-class and at home will be: What institution in our society needs to be spoofed? Why? What would you hope to expose by doing this? How could it be done?


For homework: Students will read Swift’s “Modest Proposal” for tomorrow and read through Chap. 10 for

Friday focusing on the multiple targets of satire on American society.


“Do now” exercise will be the journal question. If they do not finish it, they will do it for homework.

I will introduce the IDE project on satire. Students will discuss the Swift essay. Students will analyze war poetry and song in groups to present to the class.

The journal entry (#20) for in-class and at home will be: Describe your worst experience dealing with a bureaucracy. What were you trying to do? How did the bureaucracy hinder you? Why does the bureaucracy exist? Could it be streamlined? How?

For homework: Students will read through Chap. 10 for tomorrow.


“Do now” exercise will be the journal question. If they do not finish it, they will do it for homework.

Students will continue discussing the novel focusing on how Heller carries the satire through a longer form written text.

The journal entry (#21) for in-class and at home will be: Who would you consider the funniest writer?

What makes him/her so funny? What have you read from him/her? Do you like this kind of writing?

Why or why not?

For homework: Students will read through Chap. 21 focusing on conformity versus questioning.
