

Teacher: Smith

Week 1

What composer & period in Music History would you like to choose a composer from to research for a power point presentation?

-What are key composers & music samples from the

Medieval & Renaissance Period?

-What are the some of the music forms of composition from Medieval & Renaissance period?

-Define the words: A cappella, Neumes, Gregorian

Chant, monophonic, polyphonic, sacred, secular,

Renaissance, Madrigal, Chorales, Leonardo da Vinci

-Pass out criteria sheet for composer power point.

-Sign up sheet for composer P.P.

-Pass out Music History Packets

(reading material & questionnaire)

-Take notes: Music History timeline & definitions

-Begin Music History power point/listen to music samples from each period

Go over information from Medieval

Period & Renaissance period.

-Listen to music samples from the period & copy definitions from these periods

-Vocabulary quiz over definitions from

Medieval & Renaissance.

_Read aloud power point presentation over Music History: Medieval &

Renaissance period

Grade: 8th Subject: Gen. Music June 2009 Page 1

Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Who is your chosen composer & what period does he/she represent?

-What are search engines you can use?

-How do you open power point application?

-How do you perform a search using the internet?

-How should you go about finding a music sample for your chosen composer?

What are your options to fine tune your project after your lab time has expired?

Using the criteria sheet for the composer power point project, use the AMS computer lab resources & complete your project given 5 days to research in the lab.

-Using the AMS computer lab, perform a search online for composer power point presentation.

-Given a basic review of common commands for Office power point program, demonstrate a working knowledge of computer applications in preparing your project.

What are key composers & music examples from the Baroque & Classical & Romantic Periods?

-What are the some of the music forms of composition from Baroque & Classical & Romantic period?

-Define the words: harpsichord, improvising, terraced dynamics, Oratorio, opera, Symphony, orchestra, metronome, chamber music, quartet, art song/lieder, Impressionism, rubato & nocturne

Pass out criteria sheet for favorite artist assignment & go over the content.

-Sign up sheet for favorite artist project.

-Read the portion in the music history packet that cover Baroque & Classical &

Romantic Periods/listen to music samples.

-Take notes: Definitions for Baroque &

Classical & Romantic Periods

-Read Music History power point over

Baroque, & Classical& Romantic periods/listen to music samples from each period


Students experience, analyze and describe a varied repertoire of music using correct terminology. Students evaluate the creation and or performance of music using appropriate criteria.

- Use appropriate criteria to support personal preferences for specific music works.

What are key composers & music examples from the Nationalistic, 20

-What are the some of the music forms of composition from Nationalistic, 20

Eras? th & 21 st Century Periods? th & 21 st Century

-Define the words: Nationalistic Era, The

Mighty Five, 12 Tone Music, Avante Garde,

Prepared Piano, Chance Music, Ragtime

Pass out the sign-up sheet for favorite artist assignment go over questions for the project.

-Read the portion in the music history th & 21 st packet that cover Nationalistic, 20

Century Periods/listen to music samples.

-Take notes: Definitions for Nationalistic,

20 th & 21 st Century Periods.

-Read Music History power point over

Nationalistic, 20 th & 21 st Century periods/listen to music samples from each period


Students experience, analyze and describe a varied repertoire of music using correct terminology. Students evaluate the creation and or performance of music using appropriate criteria.

- Use appropriate criteria to support personal preferences for specific music works.

Students will save their finished power point project onto

Assignments on AMS01 under Mrs.

Smith’s folder~to be presented in

3 weeks.

-Students will show their progress on a day by day basis while working on the lab.

-This project is worth 30% of students final grade.

-Vocabulary quiz over definitions from Baroque & Classical Eras.

-Read aloud power point presentation over Music History:

Baroque & Classical period. Listen to music samples & discuss analyze the form of composition using the appropriate music terminology.

-Vocabulary quiz over definitions from Nationalistic, 20 th & 21 st Century


-Read aloud Music History power point presentation over :

Nationalistic, 20 th & 21 st Century periods.

-Listen to music samples & discuss analyze the form of composition using the appropriate music terminology.

Week 5

What is the chronological order of the music history eras?

-During class presentations, where do each of the composers belong in the timeline?

-What was the music sample for each of the composers presented?

(or fact)

-Utilize the proper presentation methods when presenting your project (articulate, project, maintain a good pace)

-Listen carefully during the projects & complete assignment

-Be prepared with materials for your project presentation

-Listening skills

-Presentation skills

-computer literacy

Assignment: Prepare a timeline of each music era in chronological order.

During the presentation, list each composer under the correct era & give the music sample /or fact for each.

Teacher: Grade: Subject: 2006-2007 Page 2

Week 6

Does music need to connect to other subjects and how?

Is it valuable without connecting to anything else?

How does music help you in life?

How does music reflect culture, society, religion or personal beliefs?

Depending on the issue and article read that quarter, Intune is dedicated to addressing Ohio music standards of education

~Using the InTune Monthly magazines for the class, students will read articles during class;

~Students will listen & discuss music samples of selected artists mentioned in the articles.

Week 7

~What favorite artists were used for the Favorite artist class presentations?

~What were the trivia questions that were selected for each of the favorite artists during the presentations?

~Using proper music terminology, discuss & describe some of the music you heard during the presentations

Music terminology during listening:

Music style, instruments used/heard, tempo (choose from 5), tonality, form of composition (ABA, etc), meaning, one trivia point for each artist.

~Presentation skills (articulate, vocal inflection, projection)

~Listening skills (prepare evaluation of 5 artists using music terminology)

Students will research information of a chosen music artist given a criteria sheet ~students will demonstrate use of internet in researching their project at home and be prepared to present when the assignment is due.

Students will observe each presentation during class & take notes for an individual assignment given over the project.

Week 8

What are the definitions to the following vocabulary words from the

Jazz History Unit: Vaudeville, Jazz, mazurka, aria, segregation, WWII, intervals, Passing Tones, Funk, improvisation, scat singing, jazz standard, pantheon, creole

~Students will read aloud bullets from the power point presentation of jazz history and discuss the importance of jazz in music history.

~Students will use vocabulary terms in discussing music of each of the catgories of jazz.

~Students will observe a power point presentation over the History of Jazz

~Students will listen to music samples of selected artists mentioned from each of the categories of jazz.

~Students will be invited to demonstrate music samples of jazz artists of choice.

Week 9

Who are the artists that Herbie

Hancock colaborated with in the DVD

, "Possibilities?"

~Karaoke fun sing-a-long

Students will write an evaluation of music and artists in the DVD,

"Possibilities" with Herbie Hancock (2 days)

~Students will discuss the creative process of music composition

~Karaoke fun sing-a-long

Students will watch the process of music composition and how collaboration is important in the creative process.

Extra Week

Reward video:

Students will get to watch a musical that is school and age appropriate of time permits~ and if there is extra days incorporated in the quarter.

Students will take a wrap up matching test over the articles read in the magazine. (in the back of the teachers' edition)

~Students will present their 'Favorite

Artist Project' during class & play a music sample from their artist.

~Students can perform a music sample of their artist for extra credit

~Students must choose 5 artists from the class presentations & write an evaluation of each artist.

~Students will take a test over the vocabulary words

~Students will turn in a listening/evaluation of the music samples used in class during the presentation.

~Students will turn in a written evaluation of the DVD, citing artists who collaborated with H.H., and an evaluation of the music using music terms given this quarter.

~Karaoke: fun sing-a-long
