ADVANCED PLACEMENT US HISTORY Course Description The Advanced Placement US History course is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems of US History. The demands upon the students should equip them to deal with intermediate and advanced college courses. Students will learn to assess historical materials - their relevance to a given interpretive problem, their reliability and their importance. In addition, students will be asked to analyze and interpret primary sources, including documentary material, maps, statistical tables, and pictorial and graphic evidence of historical events. Students will learn to take notes from printed material, lecture and discussion, and to write historical essays. They should be able to express themselves with clarity and precision and know how to cite sources and credit the writing and ideas of others. They must be able to make connections between facts and key themes of history. The themes will include discussions of American diversity, the development of a unique American identity, the evolution of American culture, demographic changes over the course of America’s history, economic trends and transformations, environmental issues, the development of political institutions and the components of citizenship, social reform movements, the role of religion in the making of the United States and its impact in a multicultural society, the history of slavery and its legacies in this hemisphere, war and diplomacy, and the place of the United States in an increasingly global arena. The course will trace these themes throughout the year, emphasizing the ways in which they are interconnected and examining the ways in which each helps to shape the changes over time that are so important to understanding United States history. Students who undertake APUSH must be motivated to do their work and master the facts of history, so that we may discuss the relationships between background and subsequent events. This is not a course for those who do not enjoy the reading and study of history. The facts are the tools, and it is the responsibility of each student to do what is necessary to master those facts. The teacher is a facilitator and a guide. Text Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas Bailey. The American Pageant. 13th ed. Boston, Mass.: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2006 Study Guide Mel Piehl, The American Pageant Guidebook: A Manual for Students. 10th ed. Heath Documentary Reader Charles M.Dollar and Gary W. Reichard, American Issues: A Documentary Reader, New York, New York: Glencoe McGraw -Hill , 1988 Review There are several good review books available, and any one of them would work. One of the most popular is the Barron’s Review Guide. Barron’s Review, AP United States History Evaluation Several major tests will be given each quarter on the historical periods covered. These will include a combination of objective, documents based, and free response essay questions. In addition, frequent quizzes will be given on assigned readings, lecture, and class discussion. Each student is assigned reading in primary and secondary sources generally found in American Issue. They must write a synopsis (precis) of each article. Historical essays will be assigned and graded on acceptable style as well as content. Some will be assigned out of class, and some will be in-class, timed essays, and DBQ's, documents based questions, all will be treated and graded in the same manner. AP Syllabus 2007-2008 Week of 8-13-17 All assigned reading should be completed prior to the week listed on the syllabus. Precis from Documentary Reader, American Issues are due on the first day of the week. If you miss a class, you should continue work from the syllabus. Study Guide work is not listed in syllabus, it is outside work that follows the chapters in the text. Prior to school opening, the assignment is e-mailed to read Chapter 1 in The American Pageant New World Beginnings Pre-Columbian cultures, early explorations, introduction of slaver, Spanish & French claims, the rise of mercantilism Documentary Reader, American Issues “The First Americans, L.S. Stavrianos (secondary source) p. 5 Indian Language Groups in 1500 (map) p. 7 Papal Bull, Inter Caetra, May 4, 1493 (primary source) p. 12 “First Americans at Work” John White ( visual) p. 15 “Europe’s First Frontier” R.A. Billington (secondary) p. 16 Jamestown in 1607 and 1614 (visual) p. 17 8-20 Additionally, on the first day of class, the tools of AP are introduced, DBQ’s, essay techniques, Use of the Study Guide, Precis writing, and on-line practice quizzes, & AP practice tests. American Pageant, Chapter 2, The Planting of English America The Chesapeake and southern English colonies, ties with Caribbean economies, British mercantilism Chapter 3, Settling the Northern Colonies New England and the Puritans, religious dissent, colonial politics and conflict with British authority, the middle colonies American Issues “A Vision of Utopia”, Sir Thomas Moore (primary) p. 19 “Reasons for Colonization”, Richard Hakluyt (primary) p. 21 “Plymouth Plantation”, William Bradford (primary) p. 22 “An Indentured Servant Writes Home”, Richard Frethorne (primary) p. 28 8-27 Assignment: DBQ(1993) English Colonies North and South due 8/31 American Pageant, Chapters 4 & 5 American Life in the 17th Century & Colonial Society on the Eve of the Revolution American Issues documents: “Virginia Laws for Blacks” (primary) p. 33 “Indentured Servitude” Hofstadter (secondary) p.28 Cartoon “Join or Die” (visual) p. 51 9-3 Unit Test Chapters 1-5 Wednesday, September 5 Essay: Generally losers founded the colonies - due 9/7 Review for Unit Test Chapters 1-5 American Pageant Chapter 6, The Duel for North America Colonial involvement in British imperial wars, consequences of the French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763 Chapter 7, The Road to Revolution Roots of the Revolution and the role of mercantilism, end of benign neglect, failure of diplomacy 9-10 American Issues “Objections to Parliamentary Taxation” John Dickinson “Common Sense” T Paine (Handout) “Declaration of Independence” (Text A31) American Pageant Chapter 8, America Secedes from the Empire The American Revolution, wartime diplomacy, life on the home front, women and the war, the impact of the war on slavery Chapter 9, The Confederation and the Constitution The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution, the role of the Enlightenment, slavery and religion in the political process, wartime diplomacy American Issues “Minority Rights in the Republic”, Timothy Ford (primary) p. 97 “Justifying Slavery in the Republic”, David Brion Davis (secondary) p. 99 The Constitution Text A34 9-17 Unit Test Chapters 6-9 Thursday, September 20 Review for Unit Test – Chps. 6-9 American Pageant Chapter 10, Launching the New Ship of State Early national politics and economics, diplomacy during the French revolution, the making of the office of the presidency American Issues “Origins of Party: Hamilton’s Economic Program” (primary) p.107 “A Warning Against Party Sentiment”, G Washington (primary) p.111 9-24 DBQ 1985 The 1780’s A Critical Period due 10/2 American Pageant Chapter 11 Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Democracy “The Revolution of 1800”, the Marshall Court, diplomacy of Jefferson and Madison, The Embargo Act, acceleration of expansion west. Chapter 12, The Second War for Independence/Nationalism The War of 1812, The Era of Good Feelings, The American System, the diplomacy of expansion, forging anew national identity Primary sources: Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions – Jefferson & Madison Excerpts in Text Majority Opinion Marbury V. Madison – Chief Justice John Marshall (handout) 10-1 Essay: The War of 1812 – Comment on the effect the war had on opinions about the United Sates both at home and abroad? Due 10/4 American Pageant Chapter 13 The Rise of a Mass democracy Jacksonian Democracy and the Whigs, national policy toward American Indians, the era of the “common man”, expansion with the Texas Revolution, slavery and sectionalism American Issues “Jacksonian Nationalism and Its Limit –The Bank Veto” Jackson p.143 “King Andrew” (visual) p. 146 Study for Test on Chps. 10-12 10-8 Unit Test on Chapters 10-13 Tuesday, October 18 10-15 Quarter ends October 19 DBQ 1980 Jackson and Indian Removal due 10/16 American Pageant Chapter 14 Forging the National Economy The rise of the market economy, immigration and the increase in nativism, women in the workplace, the factory system, the transportation revolution, expansion west American Issues “Two Frontiers: Urban and Rural”, R Wade (secondary) p. 136 American Pageant Chapter 15 The Ferment of Reform and Culture The Second Great Awakening and the growth of reform, women’s roles in reform, creation of a national culture, advances in education and sciences. Chapter 16, The South and the Slavery Controversy Cotton culture, southern society and the impact of the plantation system, the rise of abolitionist movements American Issues “Why Immediate Emancipation?” James Brewer Stewart 10-22 (secondary) p. 170 “The Seneca Falls Declaration of 1848” (primary) p. 172 Images of Slavery (visual) p.195 American Pageant Chapter 17, Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy Expansion under Polk, Manifest Destiny, War with Mexico American Issues “Manifest Destiny,” John Gast (visual) p154 Vote on Joint Resolution on Annexation of Texas (Map) p.165 “Polk’s Reassertion of the Monroe Doctrine”, James K Polk (primary) p.168 10-29 Unit Test on Chapters 14-16 Tuesday, October 30 Study for Test on Chps. 14-16 American Pageant Chapter 18, Renewing the Sectional Struggle Popular Sovereignty, the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Law, the economics of expansion American Issues “The Supreme Court Takes the Southern Side” D Potter(secondary) p. 198 “Defense of Slavery As a Benefit to Society”, John C. Calhoun (primary) p. 189 “The Republican Party and the Race Question”, Eric Foner (secondary) p. 202 Majority Opinion in Dred Scott v. Sanford (handout) 11-5 DBQ (1987) The 1850’s: prelude to the Civil war due 11/8 American Pageant Chapter 19 Chp. 19, Drifting Toward Disunion Abolition in the 1850’s, the impact of the Dred Scott Decision, the financial panic of 1857, political crisis in the election of 1860, the coming of the Civil War. American Issues “Failure to Compromise: Lincoln and the Crittenden Compromise”, Albert D. Kirwan (secondary); Allan Nevins (secondary) p. 215 “President Lincoln’s Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 (primary) p. 220 In-class Timed Essay: The Civil War was doubly tragic because it was totally unnecessary. Slavery had ended in other nations by the stroke of a pen, and so it could have been in the United States. Assess the validity of this statement. 11-12 Unit Test Chapters 17-19 Wednesday, November 14 11-19 11-26 Study for Unit Test Chps. 17-19 American Pageant Chapter 20, Girding for War Wartime diplomacy, economic changes in both North and South, women and the war, issues of civil liberties in wartime Chapter 21, The Furnace of the War The Penninsula campaign, the “Anaconda”, the war in the West, Sherman’s March, Appomattox, The Emancipation Proclamation, the legacy of the war in both North and South Emancipation Proclamation – Excerpt from Text American Issues “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” Julia Ward Howe (primary) p. 231 “The New York City Riots”, Adrian Cook (secondary) p. 233 “Sherman and Total War”, Wm T. Sherman (primary) p.236 Images of Death and Destruction (visual) p. 238 American Pageant Chapter 21 Con’t. Video clips from “The Divided Union” Essay: During the Civil War, the federal government increased its power. Give at least five examples of the central government expanding its power in the North during the Civil War. Due 11/20 American Pageant Chapter 22, The Ordeal of Reconstruction The defeated South, the freed slaves, Johnson’s Plan, The Radicals, Military Reconstruction, Black reconstruction and the Klan, Impeachment of Johnson. American Issues “The Ku Klux Klan” (primary) p. 249 “The Freedman’s Bureau” (visual) p. 252 Constitution: Amendments 13, 14, 15 appendix of text Study for Unit Test Chps. 20-22 12-3 Unit Test Chapters 20-22 Wednesday, December 5 American Pageant Chapter 23, The Gilded Age US Grant, corruption and reform, Depression of the 1870’s, Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction, class conflict and ethnic clashes, CivilService Reform, Cleveland and the tariff, Harrison and the Billion Dollar Congress, populists, Cleveland regains the White House American Issues “The Best Fields for Philanthropy”, Andrew Carnegie (primary) p. 289 12-10 12-17 American Pageant Chapter 24, Industry Comes of Age Railroad boom, speculators and financiers, early efforts at government regulations, Lords of Industry, industry in the south, the laboring class, rise of trade unions American Issues “Chinese Railroad Workers”, Sandy Lydon (secondary) p.260 “Industrialism and the Rise of Early America”, (secondary) Zane L. Miller p. 280 American Pageant Chapter 25, America Moves to The City Skyscrapers, tenements, and suburbs, “New Immigrants” settlement houses and social workers, new jobs for women, Nativists and Immigration restriction, Booker T. Washington and W.E. B. DuBois, art, music, and entertainment American Issues “Tenement Living” (visual) p. 300 “Practical Politics for Urban Immigrants”, William Riordan (primary) p. 301 “Below the Immigrant: the Black Urban Experience”, Olivier Zunz (secondary) p. 306 Holidays 1-7 1-14 Exam on Wednesday, January 16 @11:00am DBQ ( 1989) Booker T. Washington and W.E. B. DuBois Time to catch up on reading Review for Exams In-class DBQ (1992) The Settlement of the West AP Exam – excerpts from practice exams that cover material up to this point in the class. It will serve as a grade and also practice in the test format of the AP 1-22 Exam American Pageant Chapter 26, The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution The close of the frontier and it’s impact, industrialism of agriculture, dissent of farmers American Issues “The Ghost Dance and the Battle at Wounded Knee”, James Mooney (primary) p. 264 “Bound for the West: Image and Reality”, (visual) p 262-263 1-28 In class essay: Consider why artists tend to glorify the westward movement and why many Americans, in turn, have accepted this “glorification” as reality. American Pageant Chapter 27, Empire and Expansion Cleveland and the Venezuelan boundary dispute, Hawaii, the Maine, Spanish-American War, 1898, Acquiring Puerto Rico and the Philippines American Pageant Chapter 28, America on the World Stage Philipino insurrection, open door, Panama Canal, Roosevelt corollary American Issues “Strategic Reasons for American Expansion”, Alfred Thayer Mahan (primary) p. 326 “The White Man’s Burden”, David Healy (secondary) p.329 “Arguments Against American Imperialism”, American Anti-Imperialist League (primary) p. 331 2-4 Unit Test Chapters 25-28 Tuesday, February 5 Study for test for Chapters 25-28 American Pageant Chapter 29, Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt Progressive reform and the trust, demographics of urbanism and political impact, “Dollar Diplomacy”, environmental issues Chapter 30, Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad The new freedom versus the new nationalism, progressive economic reform, diplomacy of neutrality Recent scholarship: Wilsonianism, Idealism, Pragmatism American Issues 2-11 “Varieties of Progressiveism: TR and Wilson”, John Milton Cooper (secondary) p. 317 American Pageant Chapter 31, The War to End War American entry into the war, Fourteen Points, workers on the home front, the AEF in France, Wilson in Paris, senate rejects Versailles Treaty View “The Arming of the Earth”, Bill Moyers 2-18 American Issues “American Intervention in WWI”, Ross Gregory (secondary) p. 336 American Pageant Chapter 32, American Life in the Roaring Twenties The red scare, immigration restriction, prohibition and gangsterism, Scopes Trial, consumerism, the automobile age, radio and the movies Chapter 33, The Politics of Boom and Bust Harding scandals, Coolidge’s foreign policies, Herbert Hoover and the great crash, Hoover and the Depression American Issues “The Controversy Over Evolution”, Ronald L. Numbers (secondary) p. 350 “The Revived KKK”, Hiram W. Evans (primary) p. 345 “Marcus Garvey and Black Nationalism”, (visual) p. 348 “Religion and Politics: A Catholic Runs for President”, Alfred E. Smith, (primary) p. 352 2-25 Unit Test Chapters 29-30 Tuesday, February 26 DBQ (1978) Prohibition, 1900-1919 Due 2/20 American Pageant Chapter 34, The Great Depression and the New Deal FDR and “Recovery Relief Reform”. Demographic changes associated with the Depression, cultural changes in the 1930’s, the supreme court and the balance of political power in government American Issues “Radicalism on the Left”, Huey P. Long (primary) p. 362 “The Depression and the New Deal: Measures of Recovery”, (graphs) p. 365 “Documenting Poverty and the Depression”, Dorothea Lange (visual) p. 366 3-3 Unit Test Chapters 31 & 32 Tuesday, March 4 3-10 Unit Test on Chapters 33-35 Thursday, March 13 Essay: Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal represented a radical departure from previous American traditions in government and political economy. Evaluate this statement. Due 2/28 Chapter 35, FDR and the Shadow of War German and Japanese aggression, attempts at neutrality and isolation, diplomacy and economics of the pre-war years, Pearl Harbor American Issues “”To Fight For Freedom”, Norman Rockwell (visual) p. 386 “Labor Debates the “No Strike Pledge”, Michigan CIO Counsel (primary) p. 397 “Women and Wartime Mobilization”, Susan M. Hartmann (secondary) p. 407 American Pageant Chapter 36, America in World War II The war in Europe and in the Far East, the home front, changes for women and minorities, the decision to use the atomic bomb and its consequences American Issues “Japanese-American Relocation”, US House Select Committee Hearings (primary) p. 402 “ America and the Holocaust”, David S. Wyman (secondary) p. 388 3-17 Quarter Ends March 19 DBQ (1988) The decision to drop the atomic bomb Due 3/13 American Pageant Chapter 37, The Cold War Begins Post war prosperity and the baby boom, Communism and containment, diplomacy and the Marshall Plan, the Korean War, the Red Scare, U.S. as a world power American Issues “American Commitment to Cold War”, Department of State (primary) p. 415 3-24 Chapter Test Chp 36 & 37 Thursday, March 27 Watch portions of The Century – Peter Jennings Study Guides for all sections & Daily Quizzes American Pageant Chapter 38 The Eisenhower Era Consumer culture in the 1950’s, the Civil Rights revolution, McCarthyism, Cold War expansion, space race, post-war literature and culture American Issues “American Public Opinion and the Korean War’”(secondary) p. 415 “The Origins of McCarthyism,” Robert Griffith (secondary) p. 420 “Eisenhower and the U-2” Stephen Ambrose (secondary) p. 424 “The Military-Industrial Complex’” DDE (primary) p. 425 Watch clips from The McCarthy Years-Edward R. Murrow Documentary with Study Guide and Quizzes Study for Test Chp. 36-37 Essay: Describe the events leading up to the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and explain its significance to the relationship between the U.S. and Russia, as well as its impact on John Kennedy’s presidency and Nikita Khrushchev’s leadership in the Soviet Union. Due 4-9 3-31 Spring Break Begin reviewing on your own 4-7 American Pageant Chapter 39, The Stormy Sixties Daily Quizzes on The Century The Cold War continues, expansion of the war in Vietnam, the civil rights revolution and evolution, Johnson and the Great Society, immigration and demographic changes Watch portions of The Century – Peter Jennings 4-14 American Issues “Desegregation and the Southern Reaction”, Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka; “Southern Manifesto” (primary) p. 435 “A Strategy for the Civil Rights Revolution”, MLK (primary) p. 444 American Pageant Chapter 40, The Stalemated Seventies Rise of conservatism, economic stagnation, crisis over presidential power, environmental issues, feminism, women’s movement, civil rights and affirmative action, foreign policy and the issue of oil Watch portions of The Century – Peter Jennings Listen to tapes of: Inaugural Address - JFK “I Have a Dream” Speech – MLK April 20, Extra Review Session - Sunday 2:00-4:30pm 4-21 Test over The Century Tuesday, April 22 American Issues Implementing Equality: Affirmative Action, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (primary) p. 472 Go over review materials Handouts for people & terms, elections, key court cases, wars. Organize study groups. American Pageant Chapter 41, The Resurgence of Conservatism Reagan and the New Right, end of the Cold War, Reaganomics, politics and the Supreme Court, globalization, war and diplomacy in the middle east. American Issues: Reaganonmics: Economic Policies and Results in the Eighties (visual) 4-28 Unit Test Chps. 38-40 on Tuesday, April 29 May 4, Extra Review Session Sunday, 2:00-4:30pm 5-5 Study for Unit Test Chps. 38-40. American Pageant Chapter 42, America Confronts the Post-Cold War Era The Clinton Era, post Cold War politics and foreign policy, the contested election of 2000, the attack on the World Trade Center and America post 911. Chapter 43, The American people face a New Century Demographic changes, changes in the family, immigration and related issues,a multi-cultural society, the high tech economy, America in a global context. American Issues “AIDS: A Crisis in Health Care”, Peter S. Arno and Karyn L. Feiden (secondary) p. 483 Practice AP Exam Review – Go over exam 5/5 AP Practice Exam 5/7 5-9 AP US History Exam Friday, May 9 5-12 5-19 5-26 Recap the course & evaluate Exams Graduation